Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 209 Can’t be stabbed to death

The footsteps became clearer and clearer, and soon, three figures appeared at the entrance of the cave.

Without knowing what kind of light source it was, three long shadows were projected outside the cave.

Redal quietly poked his head out from behind the boulder, and as the shadows swayed, the three people appeared in his field of vision.

They are all burly, about 1.8 meters tall, almost the same.

Their clothes made of animal skins look like savages.

Redal muttered secretly, "Could he be from the savage tribe?"

Among the four savage tribes, Joffrey, the strongest leader of the black-collar tribe, is only a high-ranking knight.

If these people living in the cave were the same group of escapees as Joffrey and others, they wouldn't be much stronger.

He felt relieved.

I saw these three people walking outside the cave entrance, stretching, and breathing in the air outside.

They were still talking and laughing at first, but suddenly they were stunned and quieted down.

One of them shrugged his nose, "What is this smell?"

"Oh my God, I smell something new?"

"There is no doubt that this is the smell of a living person!"

"Haha, let me smell where they are!"

The three of them sniffed the air desperately, their faces becoming more and more excited.

Ruidal's heart was slightly shaken. The other party's sense of smell was so sharp?

He quickly retracted his head and made a silencing gesture to the others behind the boulder.

Tom and others heard what the other party said, and their hearts were beating loudly, their heartstrings were tense, and they didn't dare to move at all!

Step, step, step...

There was no dialogue, just footsteps, getting closer and closer to the boulder where the five were hiding.

Redal's face darkened, he knew he had been exposed.

In this case, instead of sitting back and waiting for death, it is better to take the initiative and catch the opponent by surprise.


With the long sword in hand, Redal ducked out from behind the boulder.

Under the moonlight, he was as fast as a ghost, and as powerful as a roaring tiger.

"Hahaha, there really is someone!"

"There is meat to eat~"

"Get him!"

Instead of being frightened, the three people came forward happily.

Bang, bang!

The battle broke out, but it was one-sided.

Redal used his agile body skills to directly avoid the combined efforts of the three opponents, and then used his powerful leg skills to kick two of them away. The long sword in his hand successfully penetrated the heart of the third person.

"Commander, you are so strong!"

Tom and the others saw such a scene as soon as they walked out from behind the boulder, and their mouths opened in an O shape in shock.

Rilda finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This valley is indeed weird, but the people here are not strong.

But just when he was about to draw the sword, the corner of the enemy's mouth turned up in a puzzling smile.

"I caught you!"

He raised his left hand and grabbed Redal's arm, then raised his right hand and stabbed Redal's chest with the sword in his hand.

The sudden scene made Redal feel alarmed and sent chills down his spine.

He didn't have time to think too much, kicked his legs on the ground, and immediately left.


The sword edge still cut through Reda's leather jacket, leaving a bloody mark on his chest.

Redal distanced himself and tried to seal the wound with fighting spirit, but it seemed to have no effect.

On the other hand, his opponent, who had been stabbed through the heart, rushed towards him as if nothing was wrong.

"what happened?"

Ruidal didn't know why, so he dodged the opponent's attack with his injury, and at the same time pierced the opponent's body with a sword again.

This time he simply pulled back to prevent an accident.

After being pierced for the second time, the opponent still seemed to be unharmed. At the same time, the two people who were knocked away by Redal also surrounded him!

"What the hell is this?"

Redal has never encountered this phenomenon before. He can kill them easily, but he can't kill them!

Bang, bang!

Kicking the person away again, Rydal's sword burst into brilliant light.

"Explosive Flame Slash!"

This is the fighting skill that Ruidal remembers after being promoted to Silver level. Although it is very difficult to master, its power is directly proportional to the difficulty of learning.

The extremely compressed fire attribute fighting energy emits a dazzling light, illuminating the entire valley.

With a roar, the Explosive Flame Slash fell directly on the monster that rushed towards him, and actually chopped the opponent into powder!

Ruidal had a question mark on his face, and his whole thinking slowed down for a moment.

The power of Explosive Flame Slash is indeed strong, but it is not enough to beat people into powder. So what is going on?

What happened tonight was beyond his knowledge.


"You killed Obi!"

Two heartbreaking cries of pain shook the valley, and the huge sound made by the Explosive Flame Slash just now shocked the people in the cave.


Redal shouted in a deep voice, and at the same time opened up two flame slashes to prevent the opponent from attacking.

This scene was so weird that he had to take his people to evacuate first.

Just as they were walking away, seven or eight figures emerged from the cave. After hearing the report from the two survivors, they roared angrily, and then chased after Redal and the others.

In Purple Fruit Village, Tom recounted the experience of that night with lingering fear.

"One of the people in that group was very strong. The four people including George and I were too slow and were overtaken. In order to protect us, the commander had no choice but to cut off the rear."

Tom's face was filled with gratitude and respect for Redal.

"Although the commander's strength is comparable to that of the other party, after being entangled in the struggle, another bronze-level person from the other party followed him."

"With one against two, the commander used the Explosive Flame Slash to force the two back, fighting and retreating. They fought like this for three miles before the other side stopped pursuing and withdrew."

Luo Ning's expression was solemn, "Was Ruidal seriously injured in the fight?"

"Yes, in addition to being scratched on the chest at the beginning, he was stabbed in the left arm during the subsequent battle."

Tom looked disappointed, "There is a healing spell scroll issued by you, sir. We thought we could cure it quickly, but weird things happened one after another. The wound on the commander's arm could not be healed. Not only did it keep bleeding, but it also appeared Rotten trend!”

You must know that the Silver Knight's skin and flesh have been strengthened as early as the Bronze level, and minor injuries can heal slowly even without treatment.

Although the healing time is uncertain, there is absolutely no chance of decay.

"What's Ruidal's situation like now?"

Luo Ning rolled over on the Cloud Horse. He was originally going to go back to Shanlin Town, but now he had to go to Black Earth Town to find out what was going on.

"The situation is not good!"

Tom said bitterly: "It took us ten days to get back. The commander was so weak that we had to carry him for the next two days."

It's unbelievable that two wounds could harm a silver-level knight to this extent.

And even the guys in the valley couldn't be stabbed to death, which was even more unbelievable.

What the hell are those guys?

Still human?

How could such a thing exist in Wubei Territory?

Will they follow the route to several towns?

Luo Ning felt heavy, but had to face it.

"Horn, go to Shanlin Town to find McCann and ask him to take Bablin to Black Earth Town."

"It's my lord!"

Whether it was defense or exploring the strange valley, Luo Ning needed to gather his manpower.

"Tom, come with me."

Luo Ning said hello, drove the Cloud Stepping Horse, and rushed towards Black Earth Town as fast as possible. (End of chapter)

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