Although Elrond's ability can effectively restrain this weird energy, for the sake of safety, Ronin is waiting for Redal's injury to improve while waiting for the 21st of this month.

Defense forces have been deployed in the area north of Heitu Town and Huitu Village, but the group of people in the valley seem to have no intention of coming over, and everything in the territory is safe.

While waiting, Luo Ning inspected the housing construction, land reclamation and other conditions in Black Earth Town, while also investing more time in practicing swordsmanship and sparring.

Now he is already a bronze-level peak knight. Although McCann has reached the silver level, the opponent's strength is improving very slowly, and his training progress is only 18/1500.

Having said that, although McCann is not much ahead of Luo Ning in terms of strength and physique, his defensive swordsmanship is quite rigorous in close combat.

Even with Ruidal's guidance, Luo Ning could barely fight the opponent for twenty or thirty rounds without losing. If he was eager to find the opponent's flaws, he would mess up his position first.

However, this kind of record is achieved without using fighting skills. Once McCann uses fighting skills, Luo Ning will appear a little passive.

The opponent was an earth attribute knight, and the two fighting skills he mastered, the Earth Shaking Technique and the Rock Snake, had a considerable impact on Luo Ning.

Especially rock snakes. This huge python formed by manipulating the earth has super strong impact and is very fast. Once hit, it will be bruised and knocked away, or it will be smashed to pieces by the snake's head.

Ronin barely managed to escape by applying speed magic to himself, but his pyrotechnics could not destroy the rock snake in one go.

If Luoning was barely able to compete with McCann, then he seemed to be powerless when facing the injured Rydal.

First of all, the opponent is stronger than McCann, and his fighting style and fighting skills are also much better. Once Luo Ning falls into the opponent's fast attack rhythm, he will soon be defeated.

Although Luoning has never won against McCann or Rydal, his performance has been remarkable.

After all, considering his age, he has only practiced for more than half a year. It is already very good to have such a level.

Time passed slowly, and it was April 21st before I knew it.

As the familiar text appeared, Luo Ning's attribute points and energy essence points suddenly increased to 184 and 753 points.

Luo Ning consumed all these attribute points without hesitation.

In an instant, silver lines lit up on his body, which was the sign of promotion to the Silver Knight. He successfully became a level five transcendent!

[Level]: 5-Silver Knight (12/1500); 5-Chief Magician (0/2000)

The Silver Knight is already a mid-to-high-end force.

People with this kind of strength, even if they are of ordinary origin, can have a place as long as they are loyal. It is very possible to become a knight in a few or more years.

As for the fifth-level chief magician, it is even rarer. No matter where such people go, even if they are not nobles, they will receive preferential treatment from the nobles.

After all, compared to knights, magicians have many special abilities, such as making spell scrolls, making magic potions, and so on.

Behind these abilities are interests, money, and even deterrence.

After becoming the Silver Knight, Luo Ning had new fighting skills and magic to learn. Among them, the most powerful ones were the fire attribute explosive slashing fighting skills and the red flame snake magic.

Explosive Flame Slash, this is Redal's specialty skill. It is difficult to master, but it is powerful;

Red Flame Fire Snake is a level 5 fire attribute magic. Although its power is much weaker than that of Level 6 Fire Dragon Swallowing Heaven, it cannot be underestimated.

Unfortunately, I don't have enough time.

According to the plan, Luo Ning would lead the team to the strange valley as soon as daybreak.

With limited time, he could only learn as he went, first mastering the less difficult fighting skills and magic given to him by Rulans.

For example, Instant Burn, Whirlwind Cross Slash, Wind Roar, etc.

Early the next morning, in front of the simple fortress in Black Earth Town.

In addition to the professional knights and magicians dispatched this time, Wilson and his assistants, Chahar, Gallen and others stood on one side, and there were guards lined up behind them, as well as the citizens who couldn't help but stop and take a peek.

Luo Ning stood on the steps and looked at the subordinates wearing armor or leather armor below, feeling a little excited for a moment.

Unknowingly, his men already had a powerful force!

The first echelon is naturally the three summoned followers, Rydal, McCann, and Elrond;

The second echelon is the five mid-to-high-level transcendent beings, Joffrey, Kurami, Horn, Jenny, and Bablin. If Rogner hadn't gone out, there would have been six;

The third echelon is David, Tom, Tomas, and Grado, four seed players with great potential.

"There is a group of weird and dangerous monsters living in the north of our territory. They may go south at any time, threatening the safety of everyone in Wubei Territory at all times!"

Luo Ning said loudly, mobilizing before the war.

"In order to restore tranquility to the land we live in, in order to allow us to live safely on this land, in order to prevent our family, friends and even future generations from being threatened by this group of monsters, I, as a member of the Wubei Territory, The lord is destined to fight them!"

He glanced at the group of people below, "You are the top combat force in the Wubei Territory. In this operation, although the enemies we face are mysterious and dangerous, even if they are savage beasts, we must bravely pick up the weapons in our hands." Sword, crush them!"

"For our home!"

Elrond clenched his fist and waved his hand at the right time, shouting: "For the Ubei Territory!"

As he shouted, others couldn't help but start shouting too.

"For Wubei Territory!"

"For Wubei Territory!"

Suddenly, there was a chorus of shouts, and the atmosphere before the expedition was suddenly aroused.

People like David and Tom who had little experience immediately became excited, their faces flushed and they shouted loudly.

Luo Ning's words were not only meant for Redal and others, but also for the guards, officials, housekeepers, servants and even the people who stayed here.

Let them know that the lord is not fighting for himself, but for them and for this homeland.

This helps increase the cohesion and centripetal force of the territory.

Although there are few people now and the quality is uneven, the sooner the foundation is laid for some things, the better.

After a period of excitement, Luo Ning began to order troops. Every time someone's name was called, he would take the lead in applauding. The atmosphere was so high that they were proud to follow the lord into battle.

After the troops were selected, Luo Ning encouraged them.

Then he told Wilson and others to pay full attention to the territory during this period.

This trip, even if we rush back and forth, is estimated to take ten days. Plus the rest, exploration, processing, etc. before the war, the time spent before and after will definitely not be short.

The reclamation of cultivated land in the territory, the maintenance of order, and the resettlement of the group of people brought back by Rogner all need to be handled by the professional knights who stayed behind and Wilson, Chahar and others.

When the sun shone over the mountains towards the fortress, Luo Ning looked up and suddenly felt full of vitality.

"Let's go!" (End of this chapter)

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