
The huge thing fell from the sky and hit the beach without any buffer.

The soft gauze obviously couldn't provide much cushioning, and Carlos let out a painful wail.

The violent vibrations caused the wounds on its back, intensifying the spurt of blood.

It wanted to struggle to escape, but its limbs could not support it to stand up.


A figure landed not far away, it was Luo Ning.

When Carlos fell to the ground, he kicked hard on the dragon's back to separate the two sides, and at the same time bound himself in the air with the help of wind tentacles.

When there were only a dozen meters left, he adjusted his posture and landed firmly on the beach.


Luo Ning let out a long breath and stood on the ground again. He felt surprisingly at ease.

He slowly walked towards the giant dragon, who also noticed his approach and let out a low roar, as if to warn Luo Ning not to get close.

But the dragon was just bluffing, and had no energy to breathe out its dragon breath again.

Looking at this behemoth at close range, with a six-meter-long body and a three-meter-long tail, Luo Ning still felt great pressure even though the opponent could not move.

But now he has the advantage.

"You failed and were defeated by me."

Luo Ning came to the opponent, held his head high and said loudly: "In World of Warcraft, the strong are respected. Since you lost to me, you should surrender to me!"

Carlos might be angry, or maybe he didn't have the strength to respond. A huge stream of air came out of his nostrils, and Ronin smelled a fishy smell.

The dragon was proud. It closed its eyes as if it didn't hear.

"It seems you don't feel any pain yet!"

Luo Ning was not lenient. He held the Flowing Flame Sword in his hand and brought out an arc of flames that swept towards the opponent.


The fifth level fighting skill makes it a little painful.

Carlos roared, struggling to stand.

"Still want to fly?"

Luo Ning snorted coldly, jumped up and landed on the opponent's back again.

"Get down here!"

He clenched a fist with his right hand, and with fighting spirit condensed in his fist, he smashed it onto the opponent's back.

The Silver Knight struck with all his strength, the power was huge.

With a roar, the giant dragon that struggled to stand fell to the ground again.

"Since you don't accept it, I'll beat you until you accept it!"

One punch, two punches, three punches...

Ronin struck with punch after punch, and Carlos let out a low roar, but in the end, there was only a feeble whine.

It only felt that its eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and there was obvious fatigue in the cold blue pupils, without the cold look before.

Luo Ning jumped on the opponent's head, then jumped down and stood in front of the opponent again: "Do you accept it?"

A sad look flashed in Carlos's eyes, but he didn't expect that he had just escaped Natalia's control and fell into the hands of another person.

Why is its dragon life so miserable?

The huge eyes were filled with mist, and two huge tears flowed down.

It nodded slowly, then lay its head weakly on the ground, expressing submission.

Can dragons cry too?

Seeing this scene, Luo Ning couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Was he being too cruel?

However, if you want the Warcraft to surrender, you must show your strength.

Looking back on the past ten or twenty minutes, Luo Ning's life would be in danger if he was careless, especially when he rushed into the sea. If he hadn't adjusted his condition in time, he might have choked to death.

It's okay to be cruel, and it won't work if you don't win.

"In that case, let's sign a master-servant contract."

Luo Ning took out the contract scroll from the space ring.

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little sad. He had thought about using this scroll to contract a flying monster, be it a giant eagle, a large eagle or even a griffon.

But he didn't expect that in the end, the object of his contract would be a giant dragon.

Although it is a dragon that has not yet grown up, it has great potential.

When Carlos saw this scroll, he couldn't help but show resistance in his eyes, it was about to be controlled again.

Luo Ning was aware of the other party's resistance. If the monster resisted during the contract process, it might cause the contract to fail.

He only has this scroll, and if it fails, it will be a huge loss for him.

"Dragon is proud and will not regret his choice easily."

Luo Ning said: "If you fail because of your regret, then I will not give you a second chance."

"Don't worry, if you become my monster, you will have a certain degree of freedom. At least you won't be locked up in a cave and never see the light of day."

While threatening, he forced the other party not to disobey; at the same time, he gave sweet dates to shake the other party's will.

Carlos didn't respond much to the threat, but towards this sweet date, there was a hint of brilliance in his eyes.

It's a bit ridiculous to say that this is the first time in its life that it has gone to the sky and to the sea like this.

"Think about it, the world outside is so vast. If you don't go out and take a look, how can you live up to your dragon life?"

Carlos exhaled. For the first time, it no longer looked down on Ronin with arrogance and hostility, and there was a look of surrender in its eyes.

"Come on man, follow me and you won't be disappointed!"

The contract scroll was spread out, and the complicated lines on it would still make Luo Ning feel dizzy even if he looked at it carefully for a few seconds.

It feels like this is not an ordinary spell scroll, because Luo Ning has seen the spell scrolls of Fire Dragon Devouring Heaven and Powerful Healing. Although it is a bit difficult, it is not to this level.

Putting away his thoughts, Luo Ning injected magic power into the scroll, and a strong light suddenly bloomed on it.

A huge magic array appeared on the ground, and light enveloped him and Carlos in it.


The light of the magic array suddenly surged, and a ball of light flew out from Carlos's head and landed on Ronin's heart.

If he takes off his clothes, he can find that there is already a small and exquisite dragon pattern on his chest.

At this moment, Luo Ning felt that he had established a connection with the other party.

This connection is somewhat similar to that of Rydal, McCann, and Elrond. For example, he can see the opponent's level progress clearly:

[Frostfire Wings Carlos]: Level 5 (7349/7500) +

However, there are differences.

Perhaps because of the master-servant contract, Ronin and Carlos have a closer spiritual connection, and even spiritual communication can be completed within a certain distance.

On the other side, Carlos already knew that the human in front of him was its master, and it obeyed him from the soul.

The moment the contract was successful, a dark aura was forced out of its body, making it look like it was exuding black energy.

When Luo Ning saw this strange scene, he immediately frowned, "What's going on?"

"It was the strange energy Natalia left in my body that was dispelled...Master."

Carlos's voice sounded.

At this moment, Luo Ning understood the dragon language. The other party should be a male dragon with a relatively deep voice.

"Over the years, she has used this weird energy to torture my body and mind. And whenever I blow that damn horn, the weird energy in my body starts to surge, forcing me to obey her orders."

Carlos looked at Ronin with a hint of joy in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, signing a contract with the other party can expel the strange energy from its body, so that it will no longer be tortured.

It seems to be pretty good?

"Natalia...and who are her subordinates?"

Now that Ronin could communicate with Carlos, he asked the question he had been trying to figure out.

As the dragon in question, Carlos should know the answer, right? (End of chapter)

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