When Luo Ning went to Wushan Castle this time, in addition to bringing the purification scroll, he also brought a small gadget - a white porcelain bowl.

The ceramics workshop has been moved to Huitu Village, and a new kiln was built after a few months.

Under the leadership of potter Jim, the potters finally made some improvements in temperature control after many attempts and summaries.

No, after the recent opening of the kiln, two white porcelain bowls of good quality were harvested.

Although this porcelain bowl is far from reaching the modern level in Luo Ning's perception, it is still far from being flawless and crystal clear.

But its appearance already has the characteristics of simplicity, elegance and smooth lines, which can make people's eyes shine.

Luo Ning took one of the white porcelain bowls with him and wandered around several towns. He waited until the afternoon of the 23rd before setting off for Wushanbao.

Carlos flapped his wings in the air.

According to it, there are several powerful magical beasts in the Wushan Mountains, and even it is very afraid of them. Among them is a large eagle not much smaller than it.

Although the big eagle was a little weaker, only at level 4 or 5, it flew very fast, and with just a few flutters of its wings, it left Carlos behind.

Luo Ning guessed that in addition to being good at flying, this giant eagle should also possess wind-attribute magic, which could increase its flying speed.

Sitting on the dragon's spacious back, Luo Ning tilted his head and looked down.

A small swamp town, a prosperous horse herding town, and a lake town rich in aquatic products passed quickly under my nose.

He couldn't help but think of the time when he had just crossed over. He had walked for nearly ten days from Wushanbao to Shanlin Town.

Later, even with the Cloud Riding Horse, it still took them four or five days to arrive at Wushanpu with only McCann and Tom accompanying them.

But it's different now.

Having Carlos is equivalent to having a plane. At full speed, it is estimated that it will only take more than an hour to fly this distance.

"Carlos, fly slower, we are not in a hurry."

"Good master."

The dragon slowed down.

It will also pay attention to whether there are enemies in the Warcraft Mountains, but the danger in this area of ​​​​human activities is much smaller, so its mood becomes more relaxed.

In order to avoid the panic and unnecessary trouble caused by the dragon, Luo Ning specially set the departure time in the afternoon. When Carlos arrived at Wushan City, night fell and the sky was dark.

"Let's land in the forest ahead."

Ronin pointed in a direction, and Carlos folded his wings and quickly landed.

At this time, on the mountain road, a patrol team from Wushan City was retracting back to the city in the dusk. Someone looked up and saw a black shadow falling from the sky.

"Captain, a giant bird seems to have fallen from the sky over there!"

Galil looked up and saw that there was nothing in the night sky. "Giant bird, where is the giant bird?"

This immediately aroused the laughter of the people nearby.

"I think it's getting dark. Is he trying to find a job for the giant bird in his crotch?"

"Don't talk nonsense. There's no such thing as a giant bird in Zalon. It's obviously just a little chicken."


This kind of joke is made almost every day, after all, patrolling back and forth on this road is a boring thing.

Sometimes they would rather there are some robbers, bandits, or a wild boar on this road, so as to relieve their boredom.

Galil couldn't help but smile and shook his head. He had made such jokes when he was young, but as his strength and status improved, he no longer made such jokes.

However, he does not stop his subordinates from joking. Joking with each other can not only adjust the atmosphere of the team, but also make the relationship between the team members more harmonious to a certain extent.

After some banter, they walked forward again.

But before walking a few hundred meters, a figure on the mountain path attracted their attention.

In the dusk, that silver hair is particularly bright.

The place where Luo Ning landed was not far from the east gate of Wushan City, and it could be reached in just ten minutes' walk.

He planned to find a hotel nearby to stay after entering the city.

But he didn't expect to meet a patrolling knight team on the road, and he knew the leader.

"Galil?" Ronin turned to look at the knight riding over.

Galil was also stunned for a moment. After getting closer and seeing his face clearly, he asked, "Viscount Luo Ning?"

He turned over and dismounted: "Why are you here?"

Even if the other cavalrymen did not know Luo Ning, they had heard his name, and they all dismounted to send greetings.

"I'm out for a hike out of boredom."

Luo Ning made a random excuse and then changed the subject: "Why are you in the patrol team?"

He knew a little about the patrol team in Wushan City. This kind of team is usually led by four or five professional knights, accompanied by five or six cavalry.

The leading knights are generally junior knights, there are very few intermediate knights, and there are basically no senior knights, let alone bronze knights like Galil.

That's why Luo Ning asked.

Galil spread his hands and said helplessly: "It's not because of Leisen's matter."

Luo Ning thought about it.

Rogner's intelligence previously mentioned that the Hyde family accused Galil of threatening and forcing Knight Feliton to give false testimony and frame the Purple Thunder family. They wanted Galil to be punished.

"No way, you will be punished for such accusations?"

Luo Ning was a little unbelievable. He thought the other party would get away easily.

Galil was also helpless.

After Rayson's trial, they began arguing for several days over whether he had been forced.

How could there be any result when Feridon was already dead?

During the dispute, Galil was placed under house arrest.

In order to get rid of this situation as soon as possible, he could only compromise a little, gain freedom at the expense of a little face, and expose this matter.

But nobles have the best face.

Galil shrugged, pretending to be relaxed: "Fortunately, it's just a punishment for me to be the patrol leader for three months, and it will be over soon."

The two talked as they walked, and the team followed behind.

Luo Ning also got some information from the other party.

After the Leisen incident ended, I heard that the exchanges between Wushan and the Hyde family had been greatly reduced.

At noon, Lady Diane returned to Black Python City to visit Count Orson and returned in a hurry. She probably only stayed in Black Python City for more than a day.

This encounter in Wushanbao was a fatal blow to Orson. With his arrogant and arrogant nature, being reduced to the current state of a semi-invalid person who cannot use his full strength will probably anger Diane.

In addition to this incident, the situation of the Poland Thieves Group in the southwest has become much more serious.

Captain Kerien has sent several letters, hoping that Wushanbao can send a support team to report any emergencies in Chishan Town in the past.

But Rulans didn't agree, and just turned a blind eye as Wiggins transferred a batch of grain from several manors.

"Is the Poland Thieves really that powerful?"

Luo Ning frowned slightly, "Does it feel unsafe even if a knight group is stationed there?"

Mentioning this, Galil looked a little disdainful.

"Corien is the least powerful and courageous among the five heads of knights. He will nervously report to Wushanbao whenever there is any trouble."

"If it were the First Knights who had gone there, not to mention Chishan Town would be extremely stable, even the several towns occupied by the Polish Thieves would have been brought back!"

The leader of the First Knights is Galil's father, Toru, who is now the Golden Knight.

But Luo Ning felt that Galil was also bragging.

Although Tolu is strong, the First Knights do not have a second gold or silver knight;

In addition to Corian, the Fifth Knights also have Hahn who is also a Silver Knight, and there are more bronze-level knights below than the First Knights.

The reason why Rulansi placed Tolu's First Knights in Wushan City was mainly because of their loyalty. (End of chapter)

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