Brayton's parents were not very well qualified.

Needless to say, Wiggins only became a senior knight in his forties or fifties. It is almost impossible to further improve his strength in this life. Senior level is already his limit.

As for Diane, although God gave her a beautiful appearance, it took away her talent for cultivation. She is just an ordinary person.

Brayton's ability to have such a high cultivation talent is more likely to be inherited from another generation. After all, his grandfather and grandpa are both very talented.

Having said that, talent is only one aspect of it. What is more important for Brayton to become an intermediate knight at the age of fourteen is his perseverance in training and Diane's strict requirements and teachings since she was a child.

Without these two days, especially a perseverance, talent alone is not enough.

There are many geniuses in the world, and there are many who end up disappearing from everyone.

"If he keeps this mentality, he should be able to become a senior knight when he is sixteen or seventeen years old, right?"

Luo Ning looked at Brayton walking over and couldn't help but feel a little envious: "You're so talented!"

"You're not bad either."

Lulans smiled and said: "You are only eighteen years old. With your current strength, you are a rare genius anywhere."

In fact, the old man has never understood why Luo Ning suddenly transformed and became not only a magician, but also a knight who has stepped into the bronze level?

But he didn't ask too much.

Everyone has their own opportunities, just like the other person can pick up a magical item like a space ring.

Rulans looked at Brayton with satisfaction in his eyes.

However, if these two half-brothers were compared together, he still hoped that Wushan Ridge would be inherited by Luo Ning in the future.

Because Brayton only focuses on cultivation and has less exposure to other things, he is more suitable to be an assistant.

But in the short term, let nature take its course. He is in no rush to change anything.

"Grandpa, brother, mother asked me to come over and inform you that lunch is ready and can start at any time."

Luo Ning stepped forward and patted the opponent's arm: "Congratulations, you have become an intermediate knight."

Brayton scratched his head, a little humble, "Compared with you, brother, I'm still far behind!"

While talking, he took out a dagger more than ten centimeters long from his pocket and handed it to Luo Ning.

"This is the birthday gift I prepared for you. I hope you like it."


Ronin took it in surprise. He didn't expect that Brayton would prepare a gift for him.

Speaking of which, he didn't even remember when the other person's birthday was.

The dagger is made of wood, not only the outer sheath, but also the inner blade.

Holding it in your hand is no different from a child's toy.

The words "Happy Birthday" are engraved on the sheath of the dagger, and the pattern of the Wushan family is engraved on the blade of the dagger, but the coloring is a little inaccurate and it is not a pure golden mountain range.

Luo Ning looked through it twice. He originally thought this dagger had some mystery hidden in it, such as a spell formation pattern engraved on it.

But unfortunately, it is just an ordinary dagger carved from wood made by Brayton.

Not to mention things like spell formations, it's probably not good to use it to cut meat.

Luo Ning smiled and put the dagger away. Although it was not worth much, it was what he wanted after all.

"Thank you Brayton, I like your gift very much!"


Brayton was a little embarrassed. After hearing that Ronin was going back to Wushanbao to celebrate his birthday, he was thinking about what gifts to prepare.

The first thing that comes to mind is weapons, but he has seen the Flowing Flame Sword and knows how extraordinary this sword is, so he is not ready to buy weapons.

What's more, spending money to buy a weapon outside doesn't reflect his feelings.

He thought about it and finally decided to do it himself, and then made such a dagger.

Although it was carefully polished for a while, it still looked a bit rough.

Fortunately, Luo Ning didn't say anything and accepted it happily.

Rulans looked at the scene in front of him with a smile. Unexpectedly, the relationship between the two brothers was not bad. This was also thanks to Ronin's open-mindedness and Brayton's not obsessed with the inheritance.

If it had been anyone else, after Lu Lansi's operation, the brothers would have become enemies.

"Maybe I should have waited."

Lulans thought to himself, if he had not thought about abolishing Luo Ning at the beginning, but had waited a few more months to see what happened, maybe these things would not have happened, right?

After this operation, it turned out that he was reckless.

"Let's go, don't keep Diane waiting too long."

He asked: "Is Wiggins back?"

"No, I guess he won't be back at noon. We shouldn't have to wait for him."

Lu Lansi hummed indifferently.

Luo Ning smiled and said: "Father is so concerned about the stability of the border. I think with his support, there should be nothing wrong there, right?"

"Huh, are you concerned about the security of the border? He's not that enthusiastic!"

Lulans sneered: "The reason why he doesn't want Chishan Town to be lost is because he has a share of the iron mine?"

Luo Ning looked strange.

He thought Wiggins was protecting his rare victory in his life, but he didn't expect there to be such a reason.

No wonder when I mentioned this matter to Diane just now, the other party seemed hesitant.

The Wushan family is the owner of Wushan Ridge, but this does not mean that every money will fall into Wushanbao's pocket.

There is a lot of money that needs to be spent, such as the maintenance of the castle and all the expenses of the knights. Each item is a huge amount.

In addition to these consumption and remaining budget, it is unknown how much money is left to go to Wushanbao.

What's more, even when they arrive at Wushanbao, Rulans is the master here, and Wiggins can get even less.

In this case, it is more important to make some "extra money".

For example, Wiggins owns a share of the iron mine in Chishan Town, and the income it brings naturally goes into his private pocket.

Nowadays, the Bolt Bandits are eyeing Chishan Town. They clearly want to touch Wiggins' private property, so he will naturally not agree.

Rulans also turned a blind eye to this kind of thing.

As long as it doesn't threaten Wushanpu's dominance or affect its operation, the rest of the people below can do whatever they like.

He doesn't have much energy to take care of these things, and he has no interest in management.

Without Wiggins, the atmosphere at the luncheon was more pleasant.

As the apparent manager of the castle, Diane was particularly enthusiastic about Ronin today.

Not only did she have the kitchen cook a lot of his favorite dishes, she also brought out exquisite pastries and rare mead for him during lunch.

In addition, she originally expected to be left alone, but Dai Anni greeted Luo Ning. She was first concerned about the development of Wubei Territory, and then concerned about Luo Ning's living situation, and even wanted to know about Luo Ning's personal relationship issues.

When Brayton saw this scene, his eyes were full of doubts, and he kept asking in his heart: What happened to his mother?

Don't blame him for being doubtful.

At the beginning of the year, Brayton wanted to ask Luo Ning to practice swordsmanship. At that time, Diane was opposed to it.

Not only was she so kind to Luo Ning today, she even asked Brayton to spar with her brother more to make up for her shortcomings in swordsmanship.

This abnormal state also made Luo Ning feel a little embarrassed. He could only eat with his head down and responded with hums and hums.

Among those present, Rulans was probably the only one who was not surprised. He was eating the steak cut by the servants and drinking two sips of delicious beer.

In Rulans' view, it is normal for Diane to have such a change.

And all this boils down to her trip to Black Python City not long ago. (End of chapter)

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