Chishan Town.

The atmosphere among the five knight squads stationed here belonging to the Fifth Knights of Wushan Castle has become increasingly solemn recently.

They found that there were more and more people in Cassirer Town. Even during the day, they could clearly see the opponent's cavalry rushing out of the town from the high mountains.

The opponent not only set up camp outside the town, but also sent scouts and other characters along the mountain road to observe the terrain and topography, seeming to be preparing for an attack.

War could break out at any time.

"How was the evening?"

Deputy Captain Hahn climbed up the high slope and asked the captains of the two knight squads on duty here tonight.

He squinted and looked into the distance.

The soldiers in Cassirer Town have built several camps outside the town and are lighting bonfires at the moment. They do not pay any attention to the defenders in Chishan Town.

But the key point is that they don't dare to take the initiative yet.

On the one hand, one does not know the strength of the other party;

On the other hand, we have also been communicating and negotiating these days.

Of course, the most important thing is that Hahn feels that their defenses are very good, and it is completely unwise to rush out and fight.

"Compared with yesterday, there is an extra bonfire, so another group of people should have arrived."

One captain pointed to the bonfire on the right and said, "It looks like they have been recruiting people here."

Another captain followed and said: "Lord Hahn, I think we should transfer several other knight teams as soon as possible to prevent emergencies."

"Well, I have already informed Corian about this matter. His five knight teams are already on the way and will probably arrive tomorrow morning."

Hahn was a little worried. The results of the two days of negotiations were not good. The other party actually asked for 40% of the iron ore share for free, and his attitude was quite arrogant.

Neither Hahn nor Kerien would agree. If this situation continues, there might even be a fight.

He hopes there will be an atmosphere of war here, but he doesn't want a war to actually break out.

"These damn guys!"

He frowned and stared at the opposite side with squinted eyes. Suddenly, a cold light seemed to flash in his sight.

"That is?"

Hahn's heart suddenly tightened.

Soon, roars came from below, and at the same time the fighting spirit armor lit up.

"not good!"

The expressions of the three people suddenly changed.

May 25th, Luo Ning’s birthday.

The chefs and servants of Wushanbao are preparing carefully.

Although there are not nearly as many customers today as there were at the beginning of the year, there are still some.

For example, Ronin's sister and brother-in-law, Sir Kabir and Mrs. McKinney from Brilliant City, would come with their son Martin Pedersen.

In addition, some knights who had interacted with Luo Ning were also invited.

For example, the father and son Tolu and Galil, the political officer Albert, the financial officer Curry, and the Garman knight who Wiggins is preparing to arrange to escort the supplies to Chishan Town.

Generally speaking, when Wushanbao holds banquets, they will appear as "logistics" and not often as guests, so they attach great importance to participating in today's dinner.

"Hi, little Martin, long time no see."

In the courtyard, Luo Ning was greeting his nephew warmly.

Perhaps because he inherited McKinney's beauty, Martin looked delicate.

However, his height seems to have been inherited from his father Kabir. He is 1.2 meters tall at the age of four, and he will probably not be short in the future.

"Martin, send your blessings to uncle quickly~" McKinney reminded from the side.

The child was still very obedient and immediately said a series of blessings to Luo Ning, which made Luo Ning smile and thank him.

Not far away, Kabir was sitting leisurely under an umbrella while eating afternoon dessert with Wiggins, while watching his wife and son playing with Ronin.

His thoughts drifted to August last year, when some people speculated that Luo Ning would die in Shanlin Town.

In the future, after Brayton inherits the title, if the larger Hyde family is too presumptuous, they hope that Martin can unite forces as McKinney's husband to fight against Earl Orson.

After all, half of his son Martin's blood comes from the Osan family.

To be honest, he hesitated for a while at first. This was indeed a huge temptation for the Pedersen family, which had not yet become a true noble.

However, he did not take any action and just chose to quietly watch the development of the matter.

It seems now, and thanks to his lack of any statement at the beginning, who would have thought that Luo Ning, who was assigned to a remote place like Shanlin Town, would rise so rapidly, not only becoming a blockbuster, but also regaining the trust of the Marquis.

Kabir's father is an ordinary intermediate knight of the Ushanbao Knights, and his mother is an ordinary free citizen.

He was able to become a knight and marry McKinney, 10% of it was due to the opportunities given by his father in his early days, and 90% of it was due to his own efforts.

Now he is not only the leader of the Second Knights, but also in charge of Brilliant City, which makes the Pedersen family become an emerging force in Wushan Ridge.

As an emerging force, Pedersen's philosophy is to play steadily and not to gain rashness, which is also in line with his more cautious character.

Now that Luo Ning has suddenly emerged, he doesn't need to think about the future. What's more, Lu Lans is still there, and his father-in-law Wiggins is also alive and healthy. No one knows what trajectory Wushan Ridge will follow in the future. Know.

After Luo Ning and Martin played for a while, they returned to the chairs and sat down, taking a sip of tea.

"Father, I thought about it for a long time last night, and there are two things I hope you can help me with."

Wiggins took away the book covering his face and sat up sleepily, with a smile on his face.

When Luo Ning said this, he probably agreed to go to Chishan Town on his behalf.

"Tell you what, Luo Ning. As your father, I will help you as long as I can."

Kabir on the side also became curious.

"The first thing is that Wubei Territory is now in an intense development period. I need a large number of people to work for me. So, see if you can transfer some people to me, whether they are free people or slaves, as long as they can Just work.”

Wiggins waved his hand without much thought, "This is a small matter. Wushan City has a sufficient population, and there are many small towns and manors nearby. Whether they are free people or serfs, as long as I dispatch them, I can get them for you." Ten to twenty thousand is absolutely no problem.”

He said, looking at Kabir aside: "Brilliant City has a large population. When the time comes, Kabir, you can help Luo Ning."

Ronin looked at Kabir in surprise, not expecting that this matter would bring him in.

Kabir was also a little surprised, but he quickly recovered his smile, "No problem, I will make arrangements when I go back tomorrow."

Speaking of which, he is just the custodian of Brilliant City, and the real owner of this city is none other than Wiggins in front of him.

It's just that in recent years, apart from paying attention to how much money he can get from Brilliant City every year, the other party has left all other government affairs and other issues to Kalbi.

Today Wiggins asked Kabir to dispatch personnel to Wubei Territory, which was considered the first task assigned by him as the city lord.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of people in Wushan City and Bright City, so it doesn't matter if they give a group to Wubei Leader.

"Thank you very much, Kabir!" Ronin said gratefully.

"You're welcome, I should provide you with this help."

Kabir was not lying in what he said. He would like to see the Wubei Territory become stronger.

"What about your second thing?"

Wiggins asked with a smile: "Sending you so many people will cost you at least tens of thousands of gold coins. Don't ask me for any more gold coins. I don't have much money in my pocket."

Luo Ning finally figured it out. Wiggins valued the intuitive currency of money. He said it once last night and again now.

"Don't worry, this matter of mine can actually bring you benefits." Luo Ning said with a smile.


Wiggins's eyes lit up, "Tell me quickly." (End of chapter)

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