"Lord Earl, what's wrong with you?" Carolina asked with concern.

Wiggins raised his head and looked at Wushanbao's liaison officer. Perhaps because he was too angry, his eyes were already red, and his ferocious expression startled the latter.

She knew that something had definitely happened over there in Chishan Town, and it was a big deal!

Wiggins breathed heavily and tried to calm down: "Carolina, please go ahead and inform Sir Toru, Ronin, Kabir and others that I am at Osan Fortress..."

"No, just push me over there."

Wiggins was not ready to disturb the banquet, but when the matter became urgent, he decided to inform the nobles and knights present about the news as soon as possible.

In the ballroom of the dinner party, the lights did not go out and the music did not stop at this moment.

However, everyone was getting tired from playing. Basically, most people sat down, ate desserts, talked and laughed and exchanged some interesting things.

In fact, at this point, tonight’s banquet is almost coming to a successful end.

Diane, who sat down to eat dessert, also breathed a sigh of relief.

This was her initiative to propose to Lu Lansi to host the banquet in person, and it was a good explanation to successfully complete it.

There was a grunt, but it was Carolina who pushed Wiggins back.

"This is?"

Diane noticed this scene and saw the expression on Wiggins' face.

With all her knowledge of her husband over the years, something big was definitely going on.

She quickly stood up and walked over, glanced at Carolina, and then asked: "Wiggins, why do you look so bad?"

Since breaking his leg, Wiggins' temper has improved.

If it were in the past, he would definitely shout loudly to let outsiders leave. It is already very good that he can hold his breath now.

"Toru, Kabir, Ronin, Albert, and Curry, come with me."

He looked back at Carolina: "Push me to the side hall next to her."

The people whose names were called looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

However, seeing Wiggins's solemn expression, he immediately followed him without asking any questions.

The remaining noble family members and performers stopped their entertainment when they saw that the main personnel had left.

Diane clapped her hands: "Okay everyone, today's banquet is over. Hallwater, you can handle the rest."

"Yes, ma'am."

Diane waved to Brayton, "Let's go over and have a look."

In the side hall next to it, after everyone came in, Wiggins told a bombshell news, which shocked everyone on the spot.

"Chishan Town has been occupied by the Polish Bandits!"

Luo Ning was shocked, why so fast?

It doesn't even take six hours for the messenger to fly from Chishan Town to Wushanpu. The day before yesterday, Kerien sent a message saying that Cassirer Town has been adding troops.

In other words, Chishan Town was captured in less than two days?


Kabir was in disbelief: "There is a knight group stationed over there. Corian and Hahn are both pretty strong. How come..."

Wiggins revealed the second bombshell.

"Deputy Captain Hahn has died in the battle, and more than half of the Fifth Knights have died. Now Corian is leading the remaining members of the Knights to retreat to Boulder City!"

"How can it be!"

If they were defeated, they could barely accept it.

But more than half of the knights were killed and wounded, and the deputy leader also died in the battle. This kind of thing is really unbelievable.

Knight Tolu stepped forward in disbelief, took the letter from Wiggins and read it, his face was terrifyingly gloomy.

"Why...why is the Bolt Bandit Group so strong?"

The Poland Thieves Group only occupies one city and three towns. Why are they suddenly so powerful?

"I have been to Chishan Town and visited the defenses there. As long as there is no negligence, the opponent's troops will suffer heavy losses even if they really want to force their way in."

Kabir frowned and analyzed: "Could it be that the Bolant Thieves formed two knights during their break? Or do they have multiple golden knights leading the charge?"

Luo Ning also took a look at the letter. It did not mention the details of the specific failure. He didn't know whether he forgot to explain it or because Keren was avoiding mentioning his mistakes.

But no matter what, Wushanling lost another border town, and this matter must not be let go.

"It is no longer useful to say these words now, the key is what we do next."

Wiggins interrupted everyone's speculation.

He was very worried.

He had just concluded a business deal with Luo Ning in the afternoon, and was about to make more money, but he didn't expect that Chishan Town was lost.

The loss of territory and the loss of the knights made Wiggins heartbroken. The loss of Chishan Town caused him to lose nearly two thousand gold coins every year, which also made him heartbroken.

"Chishan Town must not be lost like this!"

Wiggins' eyes were firm, "I have decided to issue a war order and ask the nobles of Wushan Ridge to send troops to support Boulder City and take back Chishan Town!"

Kabir and Toru looked at each other and did not immediately agree, but it was impossible to refuse such a thing.

Luo Ning thought for a while and then suggested: "What we need to do now is to mobilize troops to support Boulder City as soon as possible. We cannot allow the Polite Thieves to continue to advance."

War mobilization can be as short as one month or as long as two or three months. It is uncertain whether Boulder City can hold on for such a long time.

"Yes, you are right!"

A flash of light flashed in Wiggins's eyes, and he agreed very much with this sentence.

"Luo Ning, my son, I hope you can represent me and the Wushan family during this expedition!"

Nobility is closely linked to the military. Generally speaking, when big nobles launch a war, they will basically participate in the war personally. Even if they do not personally participate in the war, they will send appropriate agents to represent themselves.

Now that Rulans is injured and Wiggins has broken a leg, only Ronin and Brayton can replace them.

Brayton is still young, only fourteen years old, and Luo Ning is not only eighteen years old, but also the Viscount of Wubei Territory. This status is perfect for him to be the agent of Wushan Castle.

Luo Ning didn't expect that Wiggins would arrange such a big job for him, and he didn't respond for a while.

He had previously promised Wiggins to escort supplies to the front line, because he did not have to go to the battlefield, nor did he need to bring his own troops, horses, and food.

But it was different now. In response to the lord's call for war, he would either bring his own squad of knights and prepare his own food and other supplies to participate in the battle; or he would not send out soldiers and provide supplies or logistical support to Wushan Castle.

Both of these are difficult for Ronin to come up with.

To be honest, he didn't want to participate in the battle at this time, even if winning it would bring him a lot of fame.

"Father, I am afraid that Wubei Territory does not have enough soldiers or food support. I am afraid that my help will be limited in this battle."

"It doesn't matter!"

Wiggins didn't care at all how many knights could come from Wubei Territory or how much food they could provide.

"The Oshan family needs someone to represent them in battle. I can't do it, your grandfather can't do it, and Brayton can't do it either."

What Wiggins said is quite right.

"So, I only need you to command the battle on my behalf, and leave other matters to other knights and nobles."

Luo Ning was a little surprised, could it still be like this?

He glanced at Toru and Kabir, neither of whom commented on this.

Luo Ning frowned.

If he really follows what Wiggins said, can he be able to command others?

After all, there was no one around him, and he had no intimidating power;

At the same time, he himself has no command experience, and has never even been on the battlefield. For someone like this to take command, others may regard it as a waste of human life.

How could other nobles be willing to hand over the squad of knights they had worked so hard to train to someone like him to command them?

Luo Ning thought for a while, "For such an important matter, I think I should listen to grandpa's opinion first?"

Toru and Kabir nodded slightly in agreement.

Wiggins thought about it and seemed to think it was necessary.

"Okay, let's go to the backyard now and settle this matter tonight!" (End of Chapter)

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