Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 247 An exciting opportunity

After coming out of Lu Lansi's bedroom, Luo Ning has been thinking about the two suggestions given by the other party.

Is he going to be a logistics officer or a commander?

Logistics officer, no matter how he looks, he looks like he is trying to gain "qualifications".

This is like someone participating in an event in name, but when the event wins, he can also write this experience in his resume and promote it to the outside world.

But having said that, the reason why Lulans made this choice was because he didn't know Luo Ning well enough.

They all thought that Luo Ning was just a high-level peak knight and a junior magician, but they didn't know that Luo Ning was now a dual-professional fifth-level transcendent.

And after adding points during this period, his knight level progress has reached 1096/1500, which is considered to be the late silver level.

Although the Golden Knight is far ahead of the Silver Knight, this lead is not as big as the Meteor Star, and it can still be defeated.

With his physical strength that exceeds that of ordinary people and his powerful fighting skills, especially with the assistance of various magics, Luo Ning can fight against ordinary golden knights. Not to mention winning the battle, he can at least last for a while. .

What's more, Luo Ning also has three extraordinary beings and a level six dragon under his command, so he can come and go freely on the battlefield.

Even though there may be support from Moonlight Valley behind the Bolante Thieves Group, and even though Jesus has a Meteor Knight under his command, it is certain that this Meteor Knight will not appear in this battle.

Because once such a character appears, it means an escalation of the war. This force cannot be simply linked to the thieves group. Its existence will threaten every noble.

In this war, the Golden Knight is already the strongest combat force.

Therefore, Luo Ning was not too worried about his own danger.

"In that case, let's go to the battlefield."

He had already made up his mind.

"It's good to go to the battlefield, so that Wubei Territory can use less manpower and material resources."

Anyway, Wiggins has already said that he represents the Wushan family and does not need to bring many troops.

At that time, Luo Ning only needs to bring one or two close friends.

The candlelight in the street lamp cover flickered, illuminating the road in the castle. A figure in front caught Luo Ning's attention.


Luo Ning asked in confusion: "It's so late, why are you here?"

Judging from Hallwalt's appearance, he must be waiting for someone.


Hallwart bowed slightly and said politely: "The master asked me to wait for you here. If it is convenient for you, please go to his study."


Luo Ning didn't expect that it was so late that Wiggins would still have something to ask him. He didn't expect that the other party would be so active in this war.

"Okay, let's go now."

"Please come with me!"

What happened in Chishan Town has not been revealed yet, but Hallwater has already felt the changes in the nobles.

The unofficial end of the banquet and the fact that everyone had just arrived at Rulans together indicated that major changes had occurred outside.

Although Hallwart was very curious about what was going on, this was not something that a butler like him should take the initiative to inquire about.

Soon Ronin arrived at Wiggins' study.

"You're here Ronin."

Wiggins signaled Hallwater to close the door, and then asked, "What did your grandfather tell you?"

Luo Ning sat down on the chair and told Lulans what he had said.

"Grandpa gave me two choices. I can go to the front line, or I can be responsible for transporting supplies and not participate in direct combat."

This is not a secret that cannot be told, and he has no need to hide it.

"Then how do you choose?" Wiggins asked immediately.

Luo Ning shook his head, "I'm thinking about it and will give Grandpa an answer later."

"I know your grandfather's plan. He is worried about what will happen to you on the front line. But don't worry, the commander does not necessarily have to charge into the battle. You see, I am also a senior knight. I have participated in dozens of wars over the years, not to mention hundreds. There is no danger at all.”

It was obvious that he really wanted Luo Ning to serve as a commander on the front line.

"I will think about it."

Luo Ning did not tell his story, but asked: "You came to me so late, is there anything you need my help for?"

Seeing that Luo Ning did not answer his words, Wiggins was a little annoyed, but he was not in a hurry. He still needed Luo Ning's help to handle some things.

"I want you to be the commander of this war!"

Wiggins did not beat around the bush and stated his purpose directly.

"I am going to mobilize half of the knight squads and soldiers from the four knights, and cooperate with the teams of other lords to launch a large-scale battle. Not only will I drive the Polite Thieves Group out of Chishan Town, but I will also take back as much as possible. territory!”

"When the war is won, your reputation and achievements as the commander of the coalition forces cannot be ignored. I can take this opportunity to recommend to your grandfather and transfer the management rights of Chishan Town to your hands!"

"Didn't you let me sell you iron ore at a preferential price this afternoon? Haha, when you get Chishan Town, you don't have to buy it from me. After all, the entire iron ore in Chishan Town belongs to you."

After hearing this, Luo Ning's heart skipped a beat.

But, why did Wiggins suddenly think about him so much?

"If I remember correctly, the management rights of Chishan Town are in the hands of Kerien, and the iron mine..."

"That was before!"

Wiggins interrupted Luo Ning and snorted displeased: "Korien is really disappointing. A knighthood with more than a hundred professional knights actually lost more than half. Such a defeat. He can no longer serve as the leader of the Fifth Knights!"

"Chishan Town was also lost in his hands. As long as we get it back, the management rights will never be given to him again!"

Chishan Town does not belong to the Boulder Territory. Taking back the management rights does not mean depriving Kerien of his title or reducing the scope of his territory.

Wiggins softened his tone and said to Luo Ning with a smile: "Now your grandfather values ​​you very much. As long as you can win this battle and I propose again, there is a high possibility that you will win the management rights of Chishan Town. "

He raised four fingers: "I don't want more then. I only need 40%, no, 30%. You give me six thousand gold coins every year. That's enough."

Luo Ning couldn't help but laugh.

After all, Wiggins was so active because of the "extra money" that the Chishan Town Iron Block brought him. He was unwilling to bear such a loss.

However, after saying this, Luo Ning's mind became more active.

With Wiggins gathering so much power this time, it is very feasible to take back Chishan Town. At that time, Luo Ning may really take advantage of the opportunity to get the management rights.

Even if he takes a step back, even if he doesn't get the operating rights, he should still be able to get a share of the iron ore.

This has opened up a fast channel for Wubei Territory to obtain iron ore resources.

"How about it, are you interested?"

Wiggins bared his teeth and said with a smile: "This is a big harvest!"

Luo Ning took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Since you have made arrangements, I naturally want to give it a try."

Wiggins laughed heartily and couldn't help but praise: "You are indeed my good son. Now you can take a good rest and prepare for the expedition. Leave the mobilization to me!"

Ronin left the room with a smile.

In fact, there is one thing he has not mentioned yet, and that is the distribution of iron ore.

Although Wiggins has his role, such as mobilizing before the war, it is obviously inappropriate to take away 30% of the iron ore resources based on this alone.

But there is no need to discuss this matter now.

He was eager to divide the spoils even before he even wrote the horoscope, which was a little too impatient.

Luo Ning never underestimated his opponents, let alone opponents with unusual backgrounds like the Bolt Thieves.

If you have more soldiers in your hand, you will feel that you are sure of victory, but this will make you more likely to lose the battle.

"But this is indeed an opportunity not to be missed!" (End of Chapter)

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