Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 251 Sell looms or open a factory

The knight team of Wubei Territory will usher in their first expedition.

After Ronin informed Redal of the matter, he also decided on the list of professional knights and magicians accompanying him.

The target of this attack was neither the savage tribe nor the careless Swamp Town knight squad, but the Poland Thieves Group, which had at least one golden knight.

So Ronin took all three of Rydal, McCann and Elrond with him.

Three senior professionals: Joffrey, Rogner, and the newly promoted magician Jenny;

Two intermediate knights: Kurami and Babulin;

The four junior knights: David, Tom, Grado and Tomash are still the most promising.

The remaining professional knights who had not gone on the expedition were led by Horn, who led dozens of militiamen into several groups and were responsible for the defense of several towns.

Wubei Territory is at the rear of Wushan Territory. Unless a war breaks out, no enemy will attack here.

In the past, the biggest threat to the territory was the Warcraft in the Warcraft Mountains.

But as Carlos has been wandering around recently, no monster with a little bit of vision will come close to this place.

Therefore, the defense of the territory basically consisted of keeping the people in the territory from causing trouble and guarding the hundreds of slaves sent over by Anthony from time to time.

This is not a difficult problem for professional knights like Horn.

The only thing that makes Luo Ning feel a little regretful is that he may not be able to witness this year's autumn harvest, and he doesn't know whether the food in the field will give him a surprising yield after technological innovation and fertilizer application.

The hooves of the Taoyunju were clanging as Luo Ning arrived at Ziguo Village in Sanfang Town.

The main reason why Luo Ning did not take Horn on the expedition was because he needed to take the lead in raising silkworms.

With the arrival of June, the temperature in Wubei Ling has picked up and is getting hotter, making it suitable for sericulture farming.

Ten acres of mulberry land and ten thousand mulberry trees are now lush green, and these leaves will become the food for this group of silkworms.

According to Luo Ning's instructions, several houses in Ziguo Village have been cleared out, and the carpenter apprentice has also made enough wooden basins for silkworms to use during this time.

In fact, it is most suitable to make this thing with bamboo strips, but there is no bamboo strip craftsman in Qingzhu Village, and Luo Ning does not have time to study it in detail, so he has to use a wooden basin instead, and the effect is almost the same.

"Sir, the silkworm cocoons have basically hatched, and the silkworm eggs laid by the silkworm moths after mating are all here."

Horn said, pointing to several silkworm eggs placed on linen in several wooden basins.

Beside him stood Leah and farmers specially recruited to engage in sericulture.

Luo Ning nodded, bent over and looked at the silkworm eggs carefully.

They are currently as small as sesame seeds, but as they develop, the silkworm eggs at this time have changed from the original black to transparent, and you can even see the outline inside. It is estimated that silkworm babies will hatch in two or three days.

"After hatching, remember to use the young leaves at the top of the mulberry tree to feed. When feeding, be sure to wipe the leaves clean of moisture, cut them into pieces and sprinkle them evenly, not too thickly."

Silkworm breeding usually takes about a month and a half. Luo Ning will definitely not have time to come over later, so he can only give more advice now.

"In addition, pay attention to the state of silkworm sleep. At this time, they will usually raise their heads and not eat or move. You should not disturb them, and there is no need to feed mulberry leaves. Feed the whole mulberry leaves after the molting is completed, and use Mulberry leaves to disperse them into more silkworm pots.”

In fact, Luo Ning had said these contents to Horn before, and now in front of more people, he said it again so that they could all remember it.

In particular, dead silkworms must be cleaned up in time to avoid threatening the healthy silkworms around them.

There are no disinfectants or medicines to prevent infection in this world. This is the first time for Horn and others to breed, so the best way is to spread them out.

In addition to the good hatching of silkworms, good news came from the craftsman Da En who also moved to Ziguo Village.

Craftsman Dahn combined the suggestions made by Luo Ning last time and the structure of the waist loom used by tailors such as Leah to carefully transform the pedal loom.

After several months of continuous improvement, Wubeiling's first loom finally made a breakthrough.

It has no problems in terms of mechanics, usage, etc. It only needs to deal with the two functions of reeding and heddling, and it can basically be left to Leah to use.

Although we will encounter different problems during use and continue to optimize, we have now achieved a breakthrough from 0 to 1, which is very rare!

Luo Ning praised the other party greatly and wished that the other party would break through and become a great craftsman.

At the same time, while continuing to improve, he used this loom as a template to transform a loom suitable for the production of linen and wool.

After all, silk, linen, and wool are different materials. The structures of the looms are similar, but there are still differences in details.

For example, flax fibers are relatively thick and require greater tension and a stronger mechanical structure to process and weave;

Silk, on the other hand, is softer and requires more sophisticated mechanical structure and tension control.

Now that there is a silk loom, it is only a matter of time before a linen loom is improved on it, given the ability of the Daen craftsman.

After the loom is produced, Luo Ning can consider selling the loom or opening a weaving factory to cash in.

If you take the method of selling looms to realize cash, it will definitely attract imitation by others, and the sales market may not be large by then.

Just like Quyuli, Luo Ning chose to sell it to Wushanbao in one go.

Wushanbao could not be sold after being sold several times, because those lords who did not buy it had already obtained imitations through their channels. Although they also spent some money, it was much cheaper than buying from Wushanbao.

If Luo Ning sells looms, he may also face such a problem.

If there are no looms in the outside world, and Wubeiling has the advantage of looms, open a weaving factory in Wubeiling, collect the flax, wool and other resources from other nobles in Wushan collar, process them quickly, and then use them relatively Will selling it at a lower price on the market bring about a huge improvement in Wubeiling's financial problems?

Luoning had been thinking about this matter since he left Master Daen. Until he met Chahar, he handed over this issue of the weaving factory to the newly appointed financial officer.

"Master, this question is really difficult for me!" Chahar frowned.

Since becoming the financial officer of Wubei Ling, he has been both happy and sad.

Fortunately, he was deeply trusted by the lord, and all the money management was entrusted to him;

What's worrying is that there are too many places that need money in the territory. Sometimes a single expenditure requires hundreds of gold coins, and his hands shaking when taking money.

There was another thing that worried him even more, and that was the issue of gold coin storage.

Even though the castle is guarded by guards, even though the gold coins are hidden in secret passages and hidden rooms, even though ordinary people can't find them...

But he was still worried when he went to bed every day, fearing that all the gold coins would be gone when he woke up. So how should he explain to the lord?

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. You can learn."

Luo Ning said earnestly: "Didn't I give you a salary increase? You can go find a business teacher outside to learn how to do business. If you don't have enough money, just tell me and I will sponsor you to study!"

At this point, he changed to a stern tone again.

"You are still young. If you shrink back when encountering difficulties, how will you make progress in the future?"

"Look at Wilson, how did he get from a political affairs officer to a political affairs director step by step? He never complained to me that things were difficult to do!"

Chahar lowered his head and nodded, silently thinking in his heart that the master is right and that the master makes sense.

Luo Ning stepped forward and patted the other party on the shoulder: "Do a good job Chahar, don't live up to my expectations of you, I always believe in you!"

Chahar suddenly burst into tears: "Don't worry, sir, I will definitely work hard!"

There are many things, big and small, in the territory, but Luo Ning, in addition to controlling the general direction, has learned to let go of small things.

This is not only to cultivate the abilities of his men to prepare for the future, but also to live a better life for himself.

You've traveled through time, so you can't still be busy every day, right?

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was almost the day when the Wushan nobles held a meeting on June 12th.

Luo Ning rode on Carlos one day in advance and landed on the back mountain of Wushan Fort in the night. (End of chapter)

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