As the dusk deepened, Ronin asked Carlos to find a deserted mountain forest to descend.


The dragon let go of its claws and threw Warwick, who had been grabbing all the way, to the ground casually.

Warwick, who had already been shrouded in fear for a long time, finally saw the full picture of the monster that caught him, and it was this sight that made him feel as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"This, what kind of magical beast is this!"

He had seen a lot of magical beasts, but he had never seen such a huge, ferocious, terrifying monster that shocked people's soul.

Especially the other party's eyes, which were cold and emotionless.

"Its name is Carlos, and he is a giant dragon." Luo Ning reminded.


Warwick's forehead was beaded with beads of sweat. Dragons really exist?

He didn't dare to ask, because his intuition told him that the thing in front of him seemed to be a dragon.

He was captured by a giant dragon?

What a ridiculous thing!

Only then did Warwick notice the tiny human at the dragon's feet.

He was well-dressed and handsome in appearance, but when Warwick saw Luo Ning's hair, his pupils shrank violently, and he lost his voice in shock: "Are you from the Wushan family?"

Ronin sighed.

This damn hair color can be recognized by anyone with a little knowledge wherever he goes, making it impossible for him to even hide his identity.

Silver is too rare.

"As you can see, I am the commander of this noble coalition, Ronin Wushan."

His tone was as if he was talking to someone he knew well, and he didn't mean to force him at all.

"Now, tell me your identity information, and remember not to think about escaping or hiding, otherwise you may be pulled out by Carlos this time tomorrow."

Warwick didn't understand this sentence for a while, but he soon realized that if he didn't tell the truth, he might become dragon dung.

Carlos couldn't help but glance at its owner quietly, and then looked at Warwick, "Master, he is too thin and can't pull out much. Besides, I don't like eating human flesh very much."

"Don't worry, I'm just scaring him."

The dragon is still innocent.

The two sentences of "one person and one dragon" were communicated through souls. Warwick did not hear it, but he noticed the dragon's eyes looking at him, and subconsciously thought that the other party had already moved on to eat him, and he couldn't help but tremble.

When he was caught flying in the sky, Warwick saw his horse being swallowed by the dragon. The scene made him terrified.

"Say it."

Luo Ning urged: "My time is limited."

Ronin patted the dragon's leg, and Carlos roared to the sky symbolically.

"I said it, I'll say it right now!"

Warwick was so frightened by this scene that he quickly began to explain.

Through the friendly exchange that followed, Luo Ning learned the identity of the other party, and he did not expect that he would catch a big fish with a casual catch.

According to the other party's introduction, there are five core members of the Poland Thieves Group.

Among them, Warwick is the one with the lowest strength. He just broke through from bronze to silver not long ago, which is why he was promoted to the core level. He is now responsible for the mining and transportation of iron ore in Chishan Town.

In the entire band of thieves, the strongest one is the leader Amycus, who is a long-famous Golden Knight. It is said that before forming the band of thieves, he wandered around and defeated many opponents;

Deputy leader Haldane ranks second in strength, and it is said that he has half a foot into the gold level;

There are also two core characters, Gilbat and Lanivisa, who are similar in strength and slightly weaker than the Knight of Hahn.

In addition to these few people, there are six Bronze Knights, 12 senior knights, and 56 intermediate and below members in the Polland Thieves Group.

Overall, the Poland Thieves Group is as powerful as a Knight Order.

The aristocratic coalition of the Wushan Territory still leads in terms of the number of professional knights, but if the opponent is well-trained, it is not certain whether the overall strength is stronger or weaker.

Corian sneered at the Bolt Bandits in the fortress of Monolith Castle, thinking that the latter were vulnerable. Now it seems that he underestimated or deliberately provided false intelligence.

And if Luo Ning's guess comes true, once Corian temporarily rebels on the battlefield, the combat power of both sides will change dramatically.

Warwick knelt on the ground and asked tentatively: "Sir, I have said everything that needs to be said, can you let me go?"

Although Warwick thought he would probably die, he couldn't help but want to beg for mercy.

He had just become a Silver Knight, and he hadn't had time to enjoy the life that his new status brought. He didn't want to die like this.

Luo Ning showed a pleasant smile: "Don't worry Warwick, since you confessed so honestly, I will naturally let you live."

"What about your dragon?"

"It won't kill you either." Luo Ning said something to reassure the other party.

Warwick was relieved, but now he looked at Ronin with more fear than he looked at the dragon.

They had previously thought of killing Ronin on the battlefield, but Warwick knew this was impossible.

With flying monsters like giant dragons around, even if Luo Ning himself is not strong enough, he can escape from the battlefield.

By the way, since when did Wushanbao have a legendary creature like a giant dragon as a World of Warcraft?

If this were to be known to the outside world, we don’t know how huge the waves would be.

"I have one more question for you."

Luo Ning then asked: "How on earth did you invade Chishan Town that night two months ago?"


Warwick hesitated.

Perhaps the only person who knew about the battle in Chishan Town was Amycus.

But after all, he was promoted to the core level. Even if he didn't participate in some things, he heard some opinions and could probably guess 50 or 60%.

"Prefer not to say?"

Luo Ning chuckled, "Then let me guess."

He decided to trick the other party into saying something.

"Baron Corian of the Boulder Territory cooperated with your Polish bandits. The combination of the two of you easily annihilated the five knight squads stationed at Wushan Fort in Chishan Town."

He paused, as if I already knew everything, "Am I right?"

Warwick was shocked, "How do you know?"

He guessed such confidential things after hearing some explanations. People like Luo Ning who didn't know anything should have no way of understanding. Where did he get the news?

Could it be that there is a traitor in the band of thieves?

The faces of Haldane and other core figures flashed through Warwick's mind. Impossible, these people couldn't be traitors.

Could it be that there was something wrong with Corian?

Ronin didn't care what Warwick was thinking, he only knew that the matter of Corian's betrayal had been finalized.

I didn't expect that the border baron who controlled the Fifth Knights of Wushanbao would actually do such a thing.

"Since you chose to betray, you must bear the price of betrayal!"

Luo Ning was already thinking about how to deal with this traitor.

Should he directly lead Tolu, Marvin and others to take down Corian first, or should he use the other party?

It is still possible to use traitors to spread the news and deliberately confuse the enemy. He can even lead Korien to lead the knight team of the Boulder Territory to fight against the thieves group in Chishan Town first.

However, this approach is very risky. Once the opponent finds out, they are likely to bring the team of knights from the Boulder Territory to directly join the Poland Thieves Group.

Moreover, Warwick has been captured by him now. The disappearance of such a core figure will definitely arouse the vigilance of the thieves group, and maybe Kerien will also know about it.

In that case, all Luo Ning did was equivalent to stealing the chicken but losing the rice.

"Korien and his men are both Silver Knights. I don't know the specific combat effectiveness of his knight team. Based on comprehensive comparison, it is better to directly control Korien before the war begins."

After some consideration, Luo Ning decided to take down the opponent first and eliminate the hidden dangers in the rear.

It was quiet in the forest. Warwick looked at Ronin, who was frowning and thinking. He quietly observed the surroundings, looking for opportunities to see if it was possible to escape.

He was confident that he could deal with Luo Ning. After all, how strong could a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old be?

The key lies in this giant dragon.

Warwick looked at the dense forest around him.

The interference of the trees prevented the dragon from flapping its wings freely. He might be able to use the dense forest to try to escape.

"You may not be able to survive if you stay here. You may still survive if you run away."

Warwick immediately stopped hesitating, and while Luo Ning was deep in thought, he stood up and ran away at a very fast speed.

Luo Ning was thinking about how to capture Corian, but he didn't expect Warwick to come.

"Master, he seems to have run away?" Carlos reminded.

Ronin couldn't help but rolled his eyes. He was so deep in thought that he didn't pay attention to Warwick.

What was Carlos doing just now? Was he savoring the taste of horse meat?

"Thank you for reminding me, I saw it."

He did not dare to delay and immediately chased after him. This key witness could not be lost.


Two figures were walking rapidly through the dense forest. Warwick glanced back and was horrified to find that the distance between Ronin and him was rapidly shortening.

"what's the situation?"

He was confused, "Although I am not as good as Haldane and the others, I am still a Silver Knight. How can I not even outrun a kid?"

Luo Ning is now at the peak of the silver level. Even without the assistance of speed magic, he is far ahead of his opponent just by his speed.

"You dare to escape under the eyes of the dragon. I really admire your courage."

Luo Ning punched out, and the flaming fist hit the opponent's vest.

Warwick dodged the blow and turned around with a ferocious expression on his face: "If I can't defeat the dragon, I can't deal with you?"

He actually stopped escaping and turned around to capture Luo Ning.

"As long as I capture you, I'm not afraid of your monster even if it's a giant dragon!" (End of Chapter)

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