Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 29 29 Administrative Officer Prince

2nd special

The two parties faced each other at a distance of tens of meters, and the atmosphere became increasingly tense. ♢

At first, the guards on Luo Ning's side were not quite sure why the Baron wanted them to get weapons.

But when they heard the person speaking in such an impolite tone, they seemed to understand.

At this moment, their admiration for Luo Ning deepened. The Baron was really a god, he could predict this situation.

Political Officer Prince was sitting on the horse. He looked up and looked behind Luo Ning. The number of guards holding swords was as he expected, almost thirty people. He felt confident.

"Lord Luo Ning, you may not know that I have been the political officer of Shanlin Town for nine years. In these years, even if the harvest is not good, even if we are attacked by the savage tribe and the magical beasts in Wushan, I can still pay tribute to Wushan every year. The hillfort pays a tax worth ten gold coins.”

The ten gold coins do not necessarily refer to money, the equivalent is also included.

Although it doesn't sound like much, in any case, it is indeed enough for a small mountain town with a population of less than a thousand to pay so much tax every year.

Luo Ning nodded slightly, "You have done a good job. Wushanbao saw this ability of yours and gave you the responsibility to manage this town for nine years."

For the time being, he couldn't figure out what kind of measures the other party was going to take, so it wasn't a problem to praise him a few times.

"Haha, but now, the place I have worked so hard to run for nine years has to be handed over to you, a notorious waste!"

Prince's eyes changed and became aggressive, "I'm very dissatisfied!"

"Why do nobles dare to take away other people's achievements so easily? Why do I have to give up my things to you, a loser who has been toyed with by women?"

He roared angrily: "Why!"

"Shut up!"

McCann drew out the long sword in his hand and looked at Luo Ning, "Sir, let me go over and kill him!"

However, Luo Ning shook his head and signaled to McCann not to take action for the time being.

As a time traveler, he somewhat understands the other party's mood.

Although Prince has not been the lord of Hillwood Town in recent years, he is no different from the lord. Now it is psychologically difficult for the other party to recognize him as the master.

But understanding is understanding, if the other party wants to occupy your own things, this is absolutely not allowed.

"You were sent by Wushanbao to take care of Shanlin Town, but Shanlin Town does not belong to you. No matter how angry or roaring you are, you can't change this rule, because this is how the world is, ruled and dominated by nobles! Do you want to If you want a territory of your own, the first thing you have to do is to offer your loyal ministers to the nobles."

"But I understand you."

Luo Ning changed the topic, "As long as you dismount and accept me as your master, I will not hold you accountable for your attitude today. As long as you are loyal to me, maybe one day you can become a baron like me now."


Prince slowly pulled out the sword from his waist, "But I have a better proposal."

The atmosphere began to turn to freezing point, and murderous intent slowly leaked out.

"Say." Luo Ning said.

Prince pointed his sword at Luo Ning, "I can kill you here and then continue to serve as the political officer of Hillwood Town."

"Oh? Aren't you afraid that Wushanbao will pursue you?"

Prince laughed, "On the way to Hillwood Town, wild beasts and monsters often appear. ♙♦With just a junior knight and thirty infantrymen by your side, it is normal for you to die from the claws of monsters."

Obviously, the other party also has Luo Ning's staffing information. It is believed that when he set off from Wushanbao, this information was already on the way to Shanlin Town.

Luo Ning didn't believe it if he insisted that Prince had an informant in Wushanpu.

A political officer in a small mountain town doesn't have that much ability.

So Luo Ning was very curious, where did the other party get it?

He looked at the few strong men riding horses beside him. These four people seemed to be extraordinary. Could they be junior knights as well?

But a mountain town with a population of just a few hundred shouldn't be able to give birth to so many extraordinary beings, right?

Luo Ning tried to trick the other party into saying something.

"Your plan does have some feasibility. But I think there are only twenty or thirty people on your side. Are you so confident that you can kill me easily?"

He said and looked back, "When it comes to the number of people, I have more people here than you~"

"Haha, you are indeed as stupid as Wiggins! If numbers determine everything, then can your Wushan Castle crush the Black and Gold Brotherhood? Can you crush the Hyde family?"

Prince looked disdainful, "But the reality is that Wushanbao can't do anything to anyone!"

The more he talked, the more excited he became. Challenging the authority of the nobility and trampling on the dignity of the nobility was something he really wanted to do, and today he could finally do it.

"To tell you the truth, I am an intermediate knight myself, and there are four junior knights beside me. In the face of absolute power, you are no different from the sheep in the sheepfold."

He was already looking forward to the fearful expression on the face of the eldest grandson of Wushanbao in front of him after hearing such a lineup.

But he only saw a flash of surprise on Luo Ning's face.

Luo Ning was indeed surprised.

When they came, everyone in Wushanbao thought that there were only one or two extraordinary beings in the mountain town. Who would have thought that there were not only five extraordinary beings here, but also an intermediate knight.

Wushanbao's intelligence acquisition ability is really poor, and it can be said that he really knows nothing about Shanlin Town.

But there is also a possibility that they have never cared about Shanlin Town. As long as they receive the annual tax of ten gold coins, they can do whatever they like here.

This is how a gradually declining aristocracy gradually loses its dominance.

"I still say the same thing, Prince, and the people behind you also listen carefully!"

Luo Ning regained his composure, "Before taking action, I can forgive you for being disrespectful today. But if you still don't value your own lives to challenge my authority, then don't blame me, the new lord, for killing people."

Over there, Prince's face had darkened.

After being the owner of Shanlin Town for so many years, he had not heard such disrespectful words for a long time.

Over the years, he has been looking forward to seeing the panic and fear on the nobles' faces, and he also really wants to win against them.

But Luo Ning not only did not perform these things, but also shook the hearts of his people.

He found that some of the guards around him really had a tendency to waver. After all, nobility was a deep-rooted concept in the hearts of this group of people. This group of people knew that they all belonged to the Wushan Territory.

We can't continue the conversation.

Prince's heart skipped a beat, "Archer, release the arrow!"

The three archers did not waver. To them, the nobles were illusory, but the political officers were real people who could give them a superior life.

They quickly drew the bows and loaded the arrows, and in just two seconds, the bows and arrows came out of the bows.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

McCann took the lead and rushed out.

Driven by fighting spirit, the sword light on his long sword skyrocketed.

All three arrows were cut off and fell to the ground with just one sweep.

Prince's pupils shrank violently and his expression changed, "How is that possible? Why do you have an intermediate knight?"

Now that the fight has begun, there is no need to talk nonsense.

Luo Ning quickly ordered: "Leave Prince to McCann, remember to keep him alive as much as possible, I'm still useful!"

"Elrond, remember to treat the injured in time."

Luo Ning pointed his sword: "We have them all, kill them!"

McCann also responded loudly: "Betrayer, damn!"

The sound of horse hooves was rapid, and McCann, Luo Ning, and David took the lead and rushed straight to the opponent's camp. Behind them, all 29 guards rushed forward.

Only the magician Elrond and the valet Chahar stayed behind and did not come forward.

Princet did not expect that the opposite party would launch a charge, and the other party was going uphill. They were going downhill, and the terrain was not very favorable.

However, now that the battle has begun, there is no need to worry about positioning.


He roared angrily, and his fighting spirit burst out, quite imposing.

On this road, a battle broke out between sixty and seventy people.


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