Chapter 32 Pretended Surrender

The interrogation lasted for a long time until Malte confessed everything he knew. ♦♜

In addition to the information that Prince, Dison, and others were loyal to Baron Leisen, the second most important piece of information was the defense force of Thain Territory.

Baron Lesen Thain himself is a high-level peak knight, and it is said that he is one step away from advancing to bronze;

In addition, he owns a squad of knights, and the captain, Philidon Henry, is also a senior knight.

In addition to the three people who performed the mission in Shanlin Town, the knight team in Thainland also had two intermediate knights and six junior knights.

Luo Ning found a stone on the side of the road and sat down.

Even if Malte, who had just surrendered to him, was included in his side, there were only five transcendents in total.

There are ten extraordinary people in the Thain Territory, and there are two high-level knights.

From the intermediate level to the advanced level, the amount of fighting spirit increases greatly. Even if McCann has rich fighting experience, he may not be an opponent.

After some comparison, Luo Ning felt that if he started a war with Thane now, he would have almost no chance of winning.

But he knew very well that the other party had already regarded Shanlin Town as his own. Luo Ning was now the master of Shanlin Town, and Leisen could not give up easily.

This evil neighbor is difficult to deal with!

"Sir, the statistics of the wounded have been compiled."

At this time, the magician Elron came over and said, "Although the battle just ended relatively quickly, seven people on our side were slightly injured and three were seriously injured."

Luo Ning's face tightened. Although these people were ordinary people, they were equivalent to his confidants. He was not willing to lose any of them.

"How about the seriously injured one?"

"I have almost treated the two seriously injured ones, so they should be fine after two weeks of rest. The remaining one is more serious. His arm was almost cut off and his bones were damaged. I'm afraid he will need to rest for a month."

"Take me to see it."

Under the leadership of Elrond, Ronin came to the seriously injured guard. At this time, Chahar had bandaged the guard and cut off the blood-stained sleeves.

"How do you feel?" Luo Ning asked with concern.

When the lord personally leaned over to express condolences, the guard immediately showed a flattered expression, and his pale face flushed with excitement, "Sir, the magician has already treated me. It only takes a month for me to carry my sword and fight for you again." !”

Luo Ning patted the other party's shoulder and said, "Take good care of your injuries."

Then he ordered Chahar: "Take good care of the wounded in this battle, and do not let the guards bleed and suffer."

"Yes, sir!"

"Also, Elrond, after you refine your mana, you can treat the seriously injured guards a few more times depending on the situation, so that they can recover faster."

"Okay sir!"

Luo Ning visited the other injured people and praised the guards for their heroic performance in this battle.

Although it was just an appearance to express concern, the effect was very good. The guards' recognition and respect for Luo Ning was greatly deepened.

Returning to the original place, Luo Ning asked: "How are the casualties of those in Shanlin Town?"

"I counted them too."

Elrond shook his head, "When I checked, all three archers were dead, and only five of the twenty infantrymen survived, and they were all seriously injured. My mana was limited and I did not treat them."

Compared to Luo Ning's side, the infantrymen who followed Prince suffered heavy casualties.

It can only be said that Luo Ning's guards fought too bravely.

"Sir, what should we do with the three Princes?" Elrond asked.

Luo Ning rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Dison and the one named Kate are from the Thain Territory. Naturally, I can't keep them. As for Prince, I think this person can be of some use if he stays."

He stood up and walked toward his prisoner.

Ronin waved his hand, indicating to McCann to take back the sword and no longer put it on Prince's neck.

Prince looked at Ronin with an inexplicable look in his eyes, "You have been very calm from the beginning to now, and your style of handling things is completely different from Count Wiggins."

Luo Ning chuckled, "Tell me, what is Earl Wiggins' style of doing things?"

"Casual, willful, mindless, impatient."

Prince sarcastically said, "This is not my evaluation of him, but that is how many people evaluate him."

Luo Ning thought about it. He didn't have much contact with Wiggins when he traveled back in time, but the other party's performance seemed to be like this.

Needless to say, external evaluations are sometimes quite accurate.

"How about giving you a chance and surrendering to me?" Luo Ning asked.

It's not that he really wants to take Prince for his own use, but it will take a lot of time and energy for him to figure out the personnel situation, production situation, surrounding environment, etc. in Shanlin Town.

If Prince can speak "Chrysostom" and cooperate with Luo Ning to understand and master these things, it will save him a lot of time.

As for how to deal with Prince after understanding it, we can only wait and see at that time.


Prince changed his previous state of silence and said, "I can surrender to you, but I ask that you canonize me as your knight in front of all the people of Shanlin Town."

Luo Ning did not agree immediately, but thought about the other party's purpose of making this request.

Did Prince want to use this method to completely save his life? After all, Luo Ning canonized Prince in public, so he couldn't attack him later without a legitimate reason.

"Listening to what you said before, it seems that you disdain the nobility, but now you want me to canonize you..."

Luo Ning did not continue, but agreed categorically, "Yes, I promise you, the future Sir Prince."

"Please accept my allegiance, Lord Luo Ning!" Prince endured the pain and knelt down on one knee.

This scene gave Marte, who was about to surrender, a sudden surprise. He did not expect that Prince would survive.

After dealing with Prince, Ronin came to Dison and Kate, both of whom belonged to Baron Leisen.


Being suddenly called by name, Malte was shocked, his heart was beating rapidly, and sweat broke out on his forehead. He didn't know if Luo Ning would let him go because he was the first to surrender and tell the information. .

"My lord, your command!" He responded respectfully.

"Pick up your sword and end the lives of Dison and Kate." Ronin ordered.

Malte was stunned for a moment, not expecting that the baron in front of him would let him end the life of his former teammate.

But he quickly came to his senses and drew out his sword, "I am willing to serve you!"

"No, no, you can't kill me!"

Kate was frightened and fainted again, leaving only Disen pleading and threatening: "I am the knight of Baron Leisen. If you kill me, the Baron will never let you go!"

Luo Ning was silent about this, just silently watching Marte pick up the sword.

"No, you can't kill me!"

Dison showed a look of fear, "Lord Feliton is on the way. If you kill me, he will definitely avenge me!"


Luo Ning was startled by these words and broke into a cold sweat, and quickly stopped Marte from continuing to attack.

"What are you talking about? Feliton is coming to Hillwood Town?"

Dison seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw, "Princet had already used carrier pigeons to convey your message when you passed the two mountains in front, and Lord Feliton was already on his way here!"

Luo Ning's expression changed drastically. His team had been resting here for at least three hours. Including the time to climb two mountains, it would be at least five hours.

You must know that homing pigeons are very fast and fly in a straight line. It probably only takes twenty or thirty minutes at most to get from Shanlin Town to Saien Ridge.

In other words, Feliton had already set off for about four and a half hours!

Ronin looked at Malte, "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

Malte immediately panicked, dropped his sword, and knelt on the ground to defend himself hurriedly.

"Sir, I don't know this news! Prince hates aristocrats, and he also hates me as a nobleman. There are many things that I can't touch!"

Ronin looked at Prince.

The person who had just chosen to surrender was staring at Dison with cold eyes, "Trash!"

At this moment, Luo Ning understood that the other party was not surrendering, but was stalling for time.

As long as Feridon can come, he has a chance of survival.

The only thing he didn't expect was that Ronin insisted on killing Dison, and Dison revealed important information.

For a moment, Luo Ning's heart became panicked.

Feliton, that's a high-ranking knight from the Thane Territory, and he's definitely not alone when he comes here!

"what to do?"

I drew a version of the map. If you are interested, you can check it out in the comment area (I just want to identify the approximate locations of the major cities in the early stage. I can’t draw it well due to my limited ability).

In addition, those who have not invested can consider investing. I saw that there are not many people investing at the moment, but you can still earn some starting coins.


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