Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 49 49The uses of black iron wood


Ronin returned to the castle with some pieces of black iron wood.

He asked McCann to cut off a piece of wood and let the guards stab and chop it with their long swords. He found that even after several stabs, they could pierce the piece of wood that was less than five millimeters behind. As for the chopping, it only left a mark on it. The traces cannot be cut open in a few strokes.

The hardness of black ironwood really brought Luo Ning an unexpected surprise.

It is difficult for the guards to penetrate the black iron wood that is less than five millimeters thick, which means that Luo Ning can make it into a simple chest protector, thus replacing iron armor to a certain extent.

Of course, this does not mean that black iron wood is really equivalent to iron, and the protective gear made of it is definitely not as defensive or durable as the iron protective gear.

There are no iron mines in Shanlin Town. If Luo Ning wants to arm guards, he can only go outside to buy the corresponding equipment.

On the market, an ordinary piece of chain mail, helmet, leggings, shield, etc., would cost 20 gold coins in total.

With Luoning's current financial resources, it is simply impossible to arm all the guards.

Moreover, the lords and nobles were not very interested in arming ordinary people. If they had the money, they might as well strengthen the defense of professional knights.

Good equipment, only extraordinary people can bring out the greatest value.

Take Wushan Fort as an example. The guards of Team 7 have linen armor at most, and the better ones have leather armor.

For Luo Ning, when there is no iron protective gear and there is not enough money to purchase iron equipment for ordinary guards, using black iron wood to make armors and weapons is a good choice.

And he was sure that such a thing could be sold.

"This is very interesting!"

In the study, Luo Ning felt more and more that this idea was very reliable.

The only problem is that black ironwood is not that easy to cut.

It is impossible for ordinary people to cut down successfully with a stone axe. Only if they are equipped with an iron axe, can they succeed in cutting down after a lot of effort.

Moreover, if you want to process black iron wood, the physical requirements of the carpenter are also very high.


Luo Ning called out, and the valet standing outside the door immediately walked in.

"Master, please give me your orders!"

"Do you know if there is a carpenter in this town?" Luo Ning asked.

"Yes, sir."

Gallon, like Tom, is a native of Hillwood.

Having lived here for more than ten years, I still have a certain understanding of some of the craftsmen in the town.

"Sir, the best carpenter in the town is Uncle William. When Prince built this building, it was Uncle William who led the people to complete it."

Uncle William, Luo Ning remembered this title in his heart.

Luo Ning nodded, "Very good, you can bring two guards to invite him over now."

Gallen was stunned for a moment, and then he bowed and obeyed: "Master, I will bring someone to capture him for you right now."


Luo Ning frowned, "I said 'please'!"

He emphasized it.

"Pay attention to your attitude, don't offend this carpenter."

Although the carpenter William had worked under Prince, Luo Ning was not stingy enough to hold him accountable for this matter.

What's more, craftsmen are a relatively scarce resource in any era, let alone remote and barren mountain towns.

Luo Ning is still counting on relying on these craftsmen to make money for himself.

Galen suddenly broke out in sweat.

He only heard the first half of the sentence. Luo Ning asked him to take the guards over. He subconsciously thought that William was going to be captured, so he didn't hear the word "please" at the end.

Knowing that he almost made a mistake, Galen immediately knelt on one knee and said, "I'm sorry, sir, it's my fault, I didn't hear clearly!"

Luo Ning didn't expect the other party's reaction to be so big, so he waved his hand and said, "Remember to listen to what I say in the future, think it through before executing it, don't be impatient, go ahead."

"Thank you sir for your tolerance!"

Galen quickly saluted, then exited the study and rushed towards the carpenter's home with the guards.

On the stairs, he happened to meet Bella who was going upstairs, "Why are you so panicked?"

Gallen sighed and said very distressedly: "I just said the wrong thing."

Bella also became nervous. She was about to go find the Baron. If the Baron was in a bad mood at the moment, she would have to be careful.

"Master criticized you?" she asked nervously.

Galen shook his head, "That's not true. The master is very tolerant. It's just that I'm afraid of leaving an 'impatient' impression on him."

He shook his head worriedly, "Stop talking, I'm going to get busy."

Seeing the manservant leaving, Bella still felt a little uneasy.

They, the new servants in the castle, were very careful in their dealings with the Baron, for fear of doing something wrong.

The reason why she was so nervous was that she didn't want to lose this wonderful job. At least they had new clothes in the castle and they could still eat well. Sometimes she could still taste a few bites of the white bread left by the Baron;

Secondly, they were still very afraid of Luo Ning. After all, the scene when the Baron led the team into the town that day was so terrifying. There were more than twenty corpses stacked in the car!

Bella came to the door cautiously and knocked the door gently, "Master, the kitchen will prepare the dinner soon. Mrs. Bandele asked me to ask if you have any special instructions."

Ronin looked away from the book and looked at Bella.

Today the maid has put on the women's clothes left in the castle, and they fit her well. Bella's overall rating also improved a lot after putting on this outfit, giving her a more youthful air.

At the beginning, he felt that Bella could look better than Prince's two lovers if she dressed a little better, and today it was confirmed.

In this remote mountain town, there is such a maid who has seen the past. If her predecessor were here, I am afraid that tonight I will drag her to have some in-depth communication and something wonderful will happen.

But Luo Ning had no such plans.

It's true that he likes to look at beautiful women, but if he really wants to do it, it's a bit uninteresting.

Marriage in this era still has a strong class character. Generally speaking, the other half of a noble can only choose among the nobles.

Nobles and commoners rarely get together, and even if they do, it's mostly just as lovers.

The legendary plots of maids falling in love with knights, nobles abandoning their identities for true love, and servants running away are more likely to only appear in knight novels.

For example, the knight novel that Luo Ning is reading now is a story about a princess who falls in love with a high-ranking knight, then puts down her noble status and wanders with the knight, making her home all over the world.

This is somewhat nonsense.

"I'm going to have dinner with Elrond, McCann and several other extraordinary people tonight. Remember to make Mrs. Bandele fully prepared." Luo Ning ordered.

Normally, Luo Ning would eat dinner alone, mainly to keep quiet.

I called them all over for a dinner today, mainly for the sake of future arrangements.

Now that the servants of the castle and the administrative officers of the territory have been arranged, Luo Ning has also conducted a preliminary inspection of the territory. He needs to prepare for a trip to Muma City.

During dinner in the evening, McCann and others were asked to prepare the defense arrangements for the territory.

"Okay, sir, I'm going to inform Mrs. Bandele."

Bella breathed a sigh of relief. The master had not spoken for a long time just now. She thought she had said something wrong somewhere.

After the maid left, Luo Ning continued to read novels about other worlds.

The plot of this thirty-plus pages of parchment-sealed novel is very simple. It is nothing more than killing monsters, rescuing people everywhere, and then focusing on describing love affairs. It is very dull.

But it’s okay to take a quick look at it during the break. It’s valuable to pass the boring time.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The door was knocked again, but it was Chahar standing outside.

"Master, the squatting toilet you ordered this morning has been arranged. Do you want to take a look?"

Luo Ning immediately closed the book and stood up, "Let's go, take me to see it."

Thank you Master Tongxinyu for the reward, and thank you all for your vote and support~

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