Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 66 66 An unexpected surprise

Chapter 66 An unexpected surprise

This time, it took Luo Ning five and a half days to walk through the woodland leading to Shanlin Town. In order to take care of the condition of the slaves, he walked very slowly.

On the way, he experienced the twenty-eighth day of time travel, which was a full month into this world. Luo Ning finally received the fourth heart-warming gift package of the monthly sign-in.

This time, the heart-warming gift pack naturally contains more attribute points and energy essences than the first three, including 40 attribute points and 40 energy essence points each.

Since then, all monthly sign-ins have been completed, and a new cycle begins with the arrival of September 1st.

Luo Ning was also able to calculate the number of attribute points and energy essences he could obtain through monthly sign-ins at this stage of the Baron. They were 139 points and 115 points respectively.

It doesn't seem like much, but when accumulated, it's quite a lot.

Before arriving at Shanlin Town, Luo Ning consumed all the attribute points and energy essence obtained from signing in.

At this time his level progress has come to:

[Level]: 2-Intermediate Knight (12/200); 2-Intermediate Magician (251/300)

If nothing else happens, he will be able to break through to the dual-career advanced level in more than a month.

Elrond's level progress has also increased to intermediate magician light (131/300), and more than a month later, he will also be able to break through to become a high-level magician.

By then, there will be four senior professionals in a small mountain town, which is very exciting to imagine.

In addition, although Luo Ning did not add points to McCann this time, the latter also increased his cultivation progress by two points through his own cultivation.

Compared to Elrond, McCann's qualifications are a bit inferior.

If the two of them devote themselves to practice, the former may increase their cultivation progress by about four points every month, and the latter by about nine points.

At present, it is difficult to estimate the speed of Ruidal's self-cultivation, but Luo Ning, but considering that the other party has the talent of the Sun, it should be faster than Elrond.

The only thing that made Luo Ning dissatisfied was that if McCann and the others wanted to break through to become bronze knights or great magicians after they reached the top of the advanced level, they had to wait for his master to break through first.

It would be nice if I could break through on my own.

"This is Hillwood Castle."

Ronin pointed to the castle in front and introduced to Redal: "Currently, McCann, Elrond, and you are all arranged to live in the inner castle, while Tom and David live in the outer castle. When the town is planned and built later, I will provide You build housing and you can move there when the time comes.”

The three of them didn't seem to be very interested in this. McCann even said: "Sir, I am your bodyguard. I should follow you everywhere. I don't need to live outside."

Rydal and Elrond shrugged, seeming to express that they didn't need it either.

Tom thought the lord's proposal was very good, but since the other two people didn't express interest, he didn't have much to express.

Luo Ning laughed and joked: "What, when you get married and have children, will the whole family live in my place to eat and drink?"


McCann was stunned by these words and didn't know how to refute it for a moment. To be honest, he really hadn't thought about this issue. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

"Sir, can we also marry and have children?" He was a little unsure.

Luo Ning looked at McCann up and down, wondering: "What, you can't do it? Infertile?"

He glanced suspiciously at Elrond and Rydal next to him. If Tom hadn't been there, he would have asked whether these two people were infertile.

Such eyes obviously touched the souls of the three men.

McCann blushed, "No, no, no, sir, you misunderstood..."

Elrond shook his head repeatedly, "Sir, I should be fine, um, no problem!"

Redal also waved his hand, "Sir, don't look at me, I have no problem."

Tom scratched his head. Why did the topic suddenly become uncomfortable for him? In order to prevent others from misunderstanding, he also emphasized: "I, there should be no problem, right? Sir, I can still hold up the quilt when I get up in the morning."

Luo Ning couldn't help but glance at Tom. This guy was definitely bragging. Unexpectedly, he usually seemed honest and honest, and his bragging was unambiguous.

Returning to the topic, Luo Ning said seriously, "I never said that you can't marry and have children. On the contrary, I hope that you can give me more children and contribute to the development of Shanlin Town."

He made a few jokes, which brought him closer to his subordinates. When Luo Ning walked to the foot of the castle, David strode out with his guards.

"Congratulations on your return, sir!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Luo Ning expressed condolences and introduced to Redal, "This is the 'David' I mentioned to you. He is the only guard who became a professional knight among the people I brought out from Wushan Castle."

David looked at Redal. He didn't know the identity of this person, but since the lord specially introduced him to him, he thought that this red-haired young man was extraordinary.

David saluted the other party as a knight, and at the same time respectfully reported to Luo Ninghui: "Sir, I was the only one when you left, but not now."

"Oh?" Luo Ning raised his eyebrows, his eyes shining, "Has someone made a breakthrough again?"


David said happily: "Jewett and Sim both broke through."

Luo Ning was slightly shocked, "Two?"

"Yes, two people!"

David introduced: "Juwitt broke through on the fourth day after you left. Sim broke through later, the evening before yesterday."

"Not bad!"

Luo Ning was very happy. As a result, the number of extraordinary people in the territory increased again.

Regardless of whether the opponent only has basic strength, as long as he awakens the seeds of fighting spirit, his combat power will be able to widen the gap with ordinary people at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Tom, you will inform Chahar and the kitchen later. There will be a banquet in the castle tonight, and all the extraordinary people will come to celebrate the addition of two, no, three professional knights in Shanlin Town!"

"In addition, let all the guards and servants gather in front of the fort hall tomorrow morning. The extraordinary people will also be present. I want to settle your salary for the last month."

When employees are paid for the first time, the occasion should always be grand.

Luoning will be responsible for the following tasks.

Everyone laughed when they heard that the lord was going to pay their salary. Who wouldn't be happy to receive the money?

Especially the guards guarding the gate of the castle felt happy when they heard this.

Facts have proved that the Lord is kind and trustworthy, and all the promises he made to them in Wushanbao are being fulfilled.

Being able to follow such a lord and become the opponent's trusted troops is truly a blessing bestowed upon them by the Seven Gods.

At the same time, they also envied Juwitt and Sim, who had reached the level of professional knights and were different from them.

When will they also be able to break through and become extraordinary?

Alas, it’s no longer possible. Maybe we really need to exercise hard every day like Jewitt and Sim.

Is there any way to break through without exercising?

The guards' thoughts were all over the place, and soon they returned to their salary. After receiving the money, they didn't know where to spend it.

It seems like there isn’t even a tavern in Shanlin Town, right?


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