Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 68 68 Making a Spell Scroll


Originally, Luoning thought that he would be responsible for calculating the remuneration this time, but after listening to the reports from Wilson, Chahar and others, he changed his mind and left it to Chahar.

This manservant who had been with him from Wushanbao knew the best about everyone's situation, so he was the perfect person to take charge of this matter.

For him, he only needs to get the money tomorrow and distribute it.

But thinking about tomorrow, Luo Ning's head is still a little big - there are too many things.

Pay wages, meet with the village chief and team leader, inspect the construction of squat toilets, verify the effectiveness of the curved shaft plow, and then go to William Carpenter's to see the progress of making iron and wood shields.

Thinking about the implementation of the ridge farming method and the production of fertilizers, Luo Ning wanted to fall asleep and forget all these worries while sleeping.

But he couldn't do it. The wind blade spell scroll hadn't been drawn yet. How could he sleep? How could he sleep?

So after sending Wilson and Chahar away, Luo Ning asked Bella to pour him a cup of tea. After calming down, he took out the Warcraft leather and spell ink.

Cut the Warcraft leather into five parts, take out one part and flatten it on the table, pressing the four corners.

Ronin took out the quill he got from Pedro.

This quill is the same as the one given by Hook. It is made of the feathers of the Warcraft Swallow Bird and is very suitable for making spell scrolls.

He first carefully absorbed all the magic ink from the bottle into the barrel of the quill pen, then calmed down, slowly adjusted his breathing, and prepared to write.

Regarding how to make spell scrolls, Luo Ning has learned a lot from the book "Spell Scroll Making from Beginner to Mastery" given by Hook. ░▒▓██▓▒░

"First of all, we need to plan the distribution area of ​​the spell patterns on the Warcraft leather. It is too big to be painted on the Warcraft leather, and it is too small to meet the requirements of being turned into a scroll."

Cutting the World of Warcraft leather into five parts is suitable for drawing second-level scrolls, so Luo Ning doesn't need to worry.

What he has to do now is to estimate the position of each spell node of the wind blade spell pattern on the leather, and then use a quill pen to draw it.

Inhaling and exhaling slowly, Luo Ning raised his hand and the quill began to leave marks on the leather.

At this moment, Luo Ning's mental power and magic power worked together with the magic ink on the tip of the quill pen, exuding a faint halo, which was so magical.

"The spell lines of Wind Blade Technique are all composed of horizontal and vertical folds and have eight spell nodes."

Luo Ning recalled the spell patterns of the Wind Blade Technique in his mind, and at the same time he started painting on the leather as if he was inspired.

This was his first time making a spell scroll, and it felt a bit strange.

"The consumption of mental power and mana is much more expensive than simply casting wind blade magic."

"And when drawing, the interaction between the quill and the spell ink, mana and spiritual power will make the magician feel different from when he simply casts spells, and it is easy to cause some ripples."

"There is also the precise depiction of spell patterns..."

To put it simply, this is like a beginner imitating writing on Wang Xizhi's original handwriting. Although he can only make a few strokes horizontally and vertically, and can still copy, the actual effect of writing depends on the individual's level.

During Luo Ning's return trip, in addition to studying the book, he also practiced controlling his pen, requiring it to be horizontal and vertical.

But practice is one thing, and actual operation is another.

Especially due to the new touch brought about by the combined effect of multiple magic media, he would feel frustrated at the tip of his pen as long as he was not careful.

With just such a small oversight, the mana ink at the tip of the pen eroded the leather like a ignited flame, leaving and spreading into a black spot the size of a thumbnail.


"No wonder Pedro said that making spell scrolls requires a high level of output stability for magicians. This time I personally tested it, and it turned out to be true."

A small distraction or mistake can lead to a production failure.

Although he didn't want this piece of leather to go to waste, Luo Ning had no choice. The damaged leather could not be used to make a spell scroll. He could only get a new piece of leather and continue the second practice.

This time, Luo Ning was more cautious, focusing all his attention on drawing from one node of the spell pattern to the next node, and then to the next node.

Even breathing, even writing speed, even mental and mana output, even lines...

Finally, three minutes later, as the last node of Wind Blade Technique was drawn, Luo Ning quickly raised his pen.

He successfully completed the making of his first spell scroll and could finally breathe loudly!

At the same time, the spell patterns on the leather in front of him also changed.

I saw that the dark red spell ink was now exuding a magical cyan light. In the air above the spell lines, the flow of air suddenly changed. With the whistling wind, the wind element between heaven and earth was absorbed by the spell lines on the leather. Absorbed, these lines on the leather are like old tree roots that have sprouted and stretched out thin branches in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, where are the spell patterns of Wind Blade Technique?

Luo Ning looked at the scroll in front of him in bewilderment. If the spell pattern he drew was that of a slender girl, then the pattern on the spell scroll in front of him now looked like a fat woman who had gained a hundred kilograms, and she was still flexing her teeth.

"This is the change caused by absorbing the wind element."

Luo Ning also noticed that the moment the painting was completed, the mental power and mana in his body poured into the spell lines on the leather like a flood.

In other words, when the spell scroll is made, it will not only absorb the magic elements between heaven and earth, but also absorb part of the magician's mental power and mana, which is more than double the cost of normal spell casting.

But no matter what, Luo Ning succeeded in making the spell scroll for the second time, which is a gratifying thing.

He rolled up the roll of leather in front of him and tied it with twine.

Although the appearance looks a bit crude and not as beautifully packaged as those sold outside, this is also a genuine wind blade spell scroll, and the effect is the same.

The packaging matter was left to the Silva Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce.

Luo Ning sensed the state of his mental power and mana. Although it could still support him in making a second spell scroll, considering that he needed to reserve some time to learn the fireball technique, Luo Ning put away his quill.

During this period of time, he mainly focused on practicing the Wind Blade Technique. Although he was just getting started with the Fireball Technique and could release it twice out of three times, he still lacked a lot of firepower if he wanted to be 100% successful.

He came to the window and began to learn the fireball technique against the night sky outside.

Soon, the servants in the castle saw an interesting phenomenon - a ball of fire would spit out from the window of the lord's room from time to time.

If the figure of the lord could not be vaguely seen behind the flames, the guards standing on the tower would have thought that the lord was in danger and would have sent out a signal for support.

Ronin was very comfortable here, but Elrond was silent.

The always energetic light magician seemed to have been hollowed out of his body as he slowly dragged his tired body to the bed and lay down.

Just now, he tried twice to make healing spell scrolls, but unexpectedly they both failed.

Not only that, the two failures left him with no mana to make the third time.

Elrond rubbed his brows and sighed, "Eighteen gold coins were wasted in one fell swoop, and not a single spell scroll was successfully made. How should I explain it to the adults tomorrow?"

The second time he was about to succeed, but he didn't expect that his wrist stiffened at the last spell node, causing it to fail. It was really difficult for him.

"No, I can't sleep now. I have to meditate to refine my mana. I'll try again early tomorrow!"

Thanks to Brother Mao Xiang for the reward~ Thanks to Handsome Dawei, Biluoqiu, Yunxia Meteor and all the gentlemen with long names for their votes~


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