After the evolution card was used, Ling Feng set his sights on fertilizer in the system space.

[Low-grade fertilizer: The use of the world tree can increase the yield rate by one percent. 】

Other words.

The use of fertilizers allows for faster ripening of fruits and less waiting time.

Each bag of low-grade fertilizer can increase the yield rate by one percent.

With a hundred bags of low-grade fertilizer, you can directly make the World Tree produce fruit again!

Now he has a hundred bags of fertilizer, which can be directly ripened once.

But now he has no needs, so he is not ready to use it for the time being.

[Kill a first-level vulture, experience +5].

[Kill a first-level vulture, experience +5].

[Kill a second-order giant bear, experience +10].

In less than a moment, Ling Feng received a lot of killing tips here.

On and off.

It added a lot of experience points to him, which was integrated into Ling Feng’s body and improved his strength.

Occasionally, there will be a message prompt for dropping the source energy crystal.

The harvest was very good.

At the same time, this also shows that the number of monsters in the wild is very large.

It is no wonder that there are many lords of territories who complain in the world chat channel that the troops died as soon as they went out, and this world is too cruel.


Venus and Angel who went out hunting.

From time to time, he will return to the castle with several monster corpses.

The source energy crystals in Ling Feng’s hand were also slowly increasing, and they had reached five.

However, it is still far from the hundred that the Evolution World God Tree needs to be used.

In his spare time, he set his eyes on the dilapidated and simple log cabin in front of him, which showed information.


Original building: humble chalet

Ordinary buildings: warehouses

Special Building: World Tree Barrier [Unique Building, Indestructible].

Upgrade requirements: 1,000 units of wood, 500 units of stone

Next level: excellent chalet

Current status: Invincible

Current camp: None


“My place is also too basic, so I can’t spend the night.”

Lin Feng frowned and casually opened the world communication channel.

He wanted to see how the other lords of the realms were doing now.

The barrage inside is really hot.


[Ahhhh, I’m so hungry, I’m going to starve to death! ] 】

[The wild monsters outside are too strong, woo-woo… My troops can’t beat it at all, and I’ll starve to death if I continue like this!” 】

[Those two ugly giant toads have already started sticking out their tongues at me, mom, I’m scared!] 】

[Or are they princes became?] 】

[That’s not a frog or a toad, please!] 】

[The fierce girl cried! ] I won’t survive the first day, will I? Looking at the alpaca playing happily in the mud in front of me, I really want to kill it and eat it as meat…].

[Divide me upstairs, I am willing to exchange wood and stone!] 】


Ling Feng looked at the constantly rolling barrage and laughed out loud from time to time.

Suddenly, an idea came up.

So he opened the [Hyperspace Trading Area].

It’s full of news about deals for food.

“One piece of source energy crystal for three units of food!”

“Twenty units of wood for one unit of food!”

“Ten units of stones for one unit of food!”

But very few people are willing to trade.

After all, this is not a game.

People have to fill their stomachs when they live, and the lord of the territory and the troops under his command need to eat.

Without food, you will starve to death.

The lords of the territory were extremely eager to buy, but few were willing to exchange food.

The reason is simple, wild monsters are too hard to kill!

If you are not careful, your own troops will lose money.

It’s the first day of the game, and the Lord of the Territory has too few troops to kill monsters in the wild, which makes food precious.

“It seems that there is a business opportunity!”

He now lacks wood and stone to evolve the log cabin.

After collecting the corpses of more than a dozen wild monsters one after another, Ling Feng had already obtained a hundred units of food.

He was alone, and he couldn’t finish eating for half a month.

As for the angels, they are divine beings themselves and do not need to eat at all.

When angels kill wild monsters, they can absorb energy and replenish their own consumption.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng immediately released transaction information on the [Hyperspace Trading Channel].

[One unit of food, exchange twenty units of wood or ten units of stone].

[Three units of food, exchange for one source energy crystal].

【Total amount of food: 100 units】

[Publisher: I want to seal the sky].

Posting here, Ling Feng remembered those low-level aura fruits in his space.

There are more than a hundred of them, and it seems that they can also be traded!

So he posted again:

[One Aura Fruit, exchange for three Source Energy Crystals, or one hundred units of wood and fifty units of stone].

【Total number of Reiki fruits: 50】

[Publisher: I want to seal the sky].

According to his guess.

Now there are quite few people who can have three source energy crystals on hand.

There are definitely not many people who can buy the Aura fruit.

However, he still hung up the transaction information of the Aura Fruit.

Trading this top-level item at this stage is conducive to creating the image of Ling Feng Supreme in the hearts of all lords!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. (Thanks to Chloes for the change ticket) (continue to ask for flowers and votes).

Spring Festival reading day is happy, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 31 to February 15)

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