“System, immediately order the Dragon Squad to join the Angel Squad! Also, give me the exact location information. ”

“Understood, host!”

“The order has been conveyed to Xiaoxi, the leader of the Dragon Team! The specific location of the battle is…”

After getting the specific direction.

Ling Feng came to the villa and easily carried the Xuan Zhong ruler on his back.

Then run in that direction!

“Kaleidoscope Sharingan – Open Eyes!”

Ling Feng drank lowly, and his dark eyes immediately turned a strange red.

The three-hook jade inside changed into a whirlwind double-wheel form in the next moment!

Under the super vision of the kaleidoscope, Ling Feng could see the two sides of the battle from a great distance.


Yan wielded the Flaming Sword in his hand and soared high in the air.

The four pairs of angel wings behind it emitted dazzling light.

And not far in front of her, there were several huge sky pterosaurs!

The Sky Pterodactyl belongs to the Western dragon species, with a pair of hideous wings, a huge body, and extremely hard skin.

At this moment, in the mouths of more than a dozen Sky Pterodactyls, endless wind blades were gathering and attacking towards the angel squad!

“Make it our food, vile angel!”

“Our king is coming, you have no hope!”

“Dare to covet the territory of our Sky Pterodactyl? Hehe…… I haven’t tasted angel’s flesh yet! ”

And Yan led Venus and Angel, fearlessly soaring through the sky.

The three angels formed a huge shield of holy light to resist the wind blade attack of the Sky Pterodactyl!

Yan snorted coldly:

“In the light of the Light, everything is the domain of the Lord.”

“You who disobey the will of the Lord are heresies that need to be cleansed!”

Venus and Angel also said feverishly behind Yan:

“The will of the Lord shall not be disobeyed!”

“The light of the Lord will overcome all evil!”

“Those who believe in Christ have eternal life!”

The ninth-order pterosaur at the head obviously had a thick disdain on his face.

“Bah! You angels, I can’t listen to it all day! ”

“Our king has reached the twelfth order, and with a ninth-order angel ruler, you also want to fight the twelfth-order Sky Wing Dragon King?”

“Now, I just have to hold you back and wait for the arrival of the great king!”

“Continue to use the Storm Blade to attack!”

Under the order of the ninth-order pterosaur leader.

The dozen low-level pterosaurs behind him worked harder to create wind blades.

At the battle site, there was even a chaotic wind!

There are countless deadly wind blades hidden in the fierce wind, and if you cut it casually, you will cut countless trees in two.

“We hold on, and the host comes!”

On the ground, a group of cute elemental elves begin to cast group magic!

Elemental Elves are very good at using group skills, so although they are only fifth-order, they are not at all worthless to fight against these wind blades.

“Elemental Shield Wood Guardian!”

“Elemental Spear, Arrow of Void Breaking!”

A group of metallic elemental elves who use the skill together – [Arrow of Breaking the Sky]!

Suddenly, countless golden arrows appeared from their side and attacked towards the pterosaur in the sky!

“Bafang Wind Shield!”

The Sky Pterodactyl was not afraid in the slightest, and unfolded a shield turned into a fierce wind, enveloping them all.

“Hmph, little trick. Let me destroy you in your place! ”

In the sky, the eight-winged power angel Yan looked grim.

Since these pterosaurs do not listen to the teachings, they are against the Lord.

Then it is reasonable to destroy them!

“Holy Flame Light Slash!”

Angel Yan raised the Flaming Sword in his hand, and a fiery red pillar of energy light spread from the sword body and cut straight through the sky!

“Destroy, blasphemy!”

Yan’s beautiful face with endless indifference, a sword cut down!

The four-way wind shield that blocked the sky pterosaur was broken in an instant!

The ninth-order pterosaur leader inside had not reacted yet.

It was directly pierced by that pillar of energy light!

The pterosaur leader was cut in half and fell from the sky.

Seeing that the leader was killed, the pterosaurs behind were panicked, and they were already leaderless!


At this time, not far away, a black shadow was speeding towards here!

“Who killed my child?!”

A manic roar came from that shadow.

Only then did it become clear.

That shadow turned out to be an incomparably huge sky pterosaur!

The arm span of the pterosaur is hundreds of meters, and its huge body is wrapped in infinite power.

Countless whirlwinds, overwhelming the sky!


However, at this moment, a cold snort came from behind.


“It was my angel who killed your child!”

At this moment, Ling Feng finally arrived on the battlefield!

Behind him was the Dragon Team led by Xiao Xi!

“The master is here!”

All the elemental elves on the ground became excited, looking at Ling Feng with fanatical and adoring eyes.

The twelfth-order king of pterosaurs in the sky finally came to the battlefield.

Pale pupils, with endless killing intent, looked at Angel Yan.

“Kill my child, and prepare to pay for it!”

“Hmph, a ninth-order angel who hasn’t even stepped over the king step. Dare to provoke my anger too? ”

At this time, his dragon head flashed a trace of greed again, and continued:

“Well, I’ve never tasted angel flesh. Maybe your bloodline can help me evolve!” ”

“In this case, my child will also die well, hahahaha!”

Yan is still pretty and cold, and between the four pairs of white wings, they are shining with light.

“The Lord loves the world, but he is not afraid of evil.”

“Evil life must be purified and eliminated in the most violent way!”

On the ground.

Xiao Xi’s red pupils also flashed with bloodthirsty light, looking at the huge pterosaur king in the sky, without fear.

“It’s just a low-level dragon species, and you dare to be presumptuous in front of your master?”

“Master, let me go and kill him. Take his head and forgive you your sins! ”

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………… (First order requested!!! )

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