“[Silver Oath]!”

The leader of Silver Beamon gave an order.

Seven silver Beamon, all of whom had reached the fourteenth rank or higher, suddenly appeared on their bodies, and countless silver mysterious runes suddenly appeared.

These mysterious runes were forged in the air, becoming a giant silver totem!

And the leader of the Silver Beamon, who had reached the seventeenth order, that is, the peak of the Holy Step, stood right in the center of the silver totem.

Oath of Silver.

It is Silver Beamon’s Legion Technique with two powerful special effects:

The first effect: [resonance amplification].

All Silver Beamon who form the Silver Oath will form an energy resonance with each other, and under the action of resonance, the strength of all Silver Beamon will increase!

The second effect: [polymerization conduction].

All Silver Beamon can pass his power to the strongest existence in the formation through the Legion Technique [Silver Oath], allowing him to briefly break through his limits and jump two ranks!

However, this kind of conduction is quite stressful on the body of the person being conducted.

This time to jump up the ranks can only last a few minutes at most.


The silver totem in the sky has been completely formed, ignited by the energy of the seven silver beamons, exuding powerful coercion!

This is [Resonance Increase]!

Under the effect of the legion technique, the current Silver Beamon has reached the seven-in-one!

Coupled with their strength of at least fourteen ranks, the effect of this legion technique is very terrifying.

With those crazy thirteenth-order peak demon beasts, they are not in the same order of magnitude at all!

The silver totem is like a nuclear bomb ready to be launched, covering a whole area.

And the totem continues to rotate and get bigger, faintly trying to compete with Ling Feng’s territory!


“Legion skills…”

Ling Feng muttered.

In mid-air, the Star Casting Dragon, Leng Bing and Kazuhiko also frowned when they saw this scene.

“That Silver Array, the powerful energy fluctuations emitted… It’s hard to deal with. ”

After all, now they are only the eleventh order.

The gap with the Silver Beamon Leader, who was the highest seventeenth rank, was still a little big.

Not to mention that the other party had already used the Legion Technique and reached the seven-in-one.

“Hmph, if I were now seventeenth order, this level of legion technique would be directly slashed with a sword.”

Yan Qiaoyan said grimly.

“And with a sword? I don’t even need seventeen steps, even if it’s fifteen steps, I can breathe them all and spray them all to death!” ”

Star Casting Dragon Xiao Xi snorted.

It is both demeaning these silver beamons and at the same time degrading angels.

And at the moment.

Above the ground, the leader of Silver Beamon also looked at the sky coldly.

“Even if you use the power of resonance amplification, these angels and dragons are not very easy to deal with…”

“Guys, then directly use the polymerization conduction and transmit all your power to me!”

He was ready to directly use energy convergence to forcibly break through to the nineteenth order!

With the strength of crushing, raze this territory to the ground!

“Yes, Chief!”

The other Silver Beamon obeyed the order and immediately channeled all their energy into the body of the Silver Beamon leader through the Silver Array!

“[Conduction and forced breakthrough]!”

The leader of Silver Beamon, at this moment, suddenly felt a huge amount of energy pouring into his body!

With the special blessing of the legion technique, he, who was already at the peak of the seventeenth order, instantly broke through the threshold of the emperor step, jumped two steps, and reached the peak of the nineteenth order!

That is, the peak of the emperor step, close to the demigod level!

“Is that what power feels like… Hahahaha! Approaching the power of the demigod level, sure enough, I have already touched the barrier of the law! ”

Chief Beamon felt the power of silver in his body and laughed maniacally.

He activated the mysterious runes in his body, and his body suddenly skyrocketed!

The body that was originally more than ten meters tall reached more than 100 meters tall under the blessing of the huge silver power!

The huge body, like a small mountain, step down, the ground shakes!


In the live broadcast room.

The audience who saw this scene were dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded.

“The beast tide of the Heaven Sealing Great God will actually appear close to the demigod level?!”

“What the hell is this, it’s outrageous, isn’t it? How could a nineteenth-order peak demon beast appear so quickly? ”

“Could it be that the Great God of Sealing Heaven is too strong, so it has attracted the hostility of local forces?”

“Upstairs is estimated to be the right solution! It seems that it is a powerful local force that has set its sights on the territory of the Heaven-Sealing Great God. ”

“It’s close to a demigod-level existence… The Heaven Sealing God is estimated to be in a catastrophe this time! ”

“I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it, the strongest lord on the surface, is this going to fall…”

“Hehe, sure enough, Feng Tian is still too tender. I don’t understand the truth of shooting the head bird! Feng Tian, this belongs to the tree big move. ”

“It was you who were going to kneel and lick just now, and now it is your group that is ironic. Alas, what if Feng Tian showed a new hole card for a while and killed this silver beamon? ”

“No way! The nineteenth-order peak is not at all comparable to the thirteenth-order king-rank demon beast. No matter how Feng Tian developed, in just seven days, it was impossible to have a class that had reached the emperor rank! ”

“Unless… He can cross the sixth and seventh orders to kill enemies! And this is simply a fantasy! ”

“Close to the demigod level, how can an existence that has already touched the threshold of the power of the law be counter-killed by a child?”


In the live broadcast room, seeing the silver Beamon that was close to the demigod level appear, everyone felt that the dust had been settled.

Sealing the sky is doomed to disaster!

His territory is also about to be turned into ruins by this nineteenth-order peak silver beamon!

“However, with such a powerful army, it is still possible for Feng Tian to escape. If he escapes, he will have to turn into a wanderer like us, hahaha. ”

“That is, I didn’t expect that the strongest lord on the surface would also fall into the same situation as us, it’s really impermanent.”

“It’s ironic.”

This is the barrage in the live broadcast room, and most of them have changed from worship to ridicule.

Compared to how powerful others are, how to crush.

More people still like to see how a great god fell down the altar!

Also because of the appearance of this silver beamon, the number of people in the Heaven Sealing Live Room skyrocketed again.

At this time, the beast tide in many territories was nearing the end, and some had already come to an end.

They all opened the live broadcast channel and clicked into the live broadcast room of Feng Tian for the first time.


“Hahahaha, laugh at me to death, shocking reversal! Unexpectedly, Feng Tian, you will also have today! ”

Sitting on the iron-blooded throne, Wang Wei had already lost confidence in this world.

However, when he saw that in Ling Feng’s live broadcast room, that silver Beamon that was close to the demigod level appeared, and he suddenly rekindled his hope!

“It can only be said that the cycle of heavenly reason, retribution is not happy! Aren’t you strong? Aren’t you a double top crown class? Now you have been killed into the lair by a demigod-level demon beast, I see how you deal with it!” ”

“It is estimated that … The best outcome is that you give up your territory and become a wanderer. ”

“In that case, your dragon and angel classes will no longer be able to follow.”

“Hmph, Feng Tian, today I will see how your high-rise building collapsed!”


At this moment, it was not far from the Heaven Sealing Territory.

Liang Kuan, who had given up the Killer Bee Territory and turned into a wanderer, was preparing to come to join the Feng Tian Boss.

At the moment, he is also watching the live broadcast!

Everything would have been fine.

However, when that silver Beamon appeared, it made him feel like a sudden thunderbolt on a sunny day!

“Oh my God, how can there be a demon beast close to the demigod level attacking the territory of the Heaven Sealing God?”

“I just hugged the thigh of the Great God of Heaven, didn’t I expect the Great God to be cold so soon?”

“Pray for God’s blessing… The Great God of Heaven Sealing must be able to pass this level! ”


Endless snowy land, wolf territory.

Bai Yuekui, who had already dealt with the beast tide, looked at the barrage in the Feng Tian live broadcast room, and just smiled gently.

“Huh. These guys are really wall-to-wall, and the wind blows on both sides. ”

“It’s just a demon beast close to a demigod, and it’s still a pseudo-nineteenth order built up by relying on legion techniques.”

“If you knew that Feng Tian could even slaughter a true demigod, I’m afraid you wouldn’t be making a big fuss here now…”

Bai Yuekui moved her slender beautiful legs and walked towards the villa.

His words echoed in the wind:

“Estimated… Immediately, you guys will be shocked by the strength of Feng Tian, so that your legs are soft and your teeth are chattering…”

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. (Ask for customization, ask for data~!) )

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