I saw that around Ling Feng, countless blood-colored mysterious runes appeared.

From the totem under him, it constantly emanated, enveloping his entire body!

The clothes on the surface were burned under the evaporation of the bloody mysteries.

Those blood-colored special runes, one by one, penetrated into his body by Ling Feng’s body surface!

An extreme sour feeling came from every cell of Ling Feng’s body.

The special and domineering power from the [Nine Tyrants Body Casting Technique] is constantly tempering his body!

And Ling Feng was also in this tempering, gradually comprehending the true meaning of the [Nine Tyrants Body Casting Technique]…

The Nine Masters Casting Technique, the [Phoenix Power] in the power of the Nine Hegemons, has the special talent of reforging the body!

After comprehending the Nine Masters Body Casting Technique, you can continue to temper your flesh body, and each tempering is equivalent to a forging and a nirvana!

Treat the flesh as a piece of stubborn iron, constantly cast, and hone into an artifact!

While constantly comprehending the endless mysteries of the Nine Masters Body Casting Technique, his body was also constantly being tempered and Nirvana was reborn.

The divine elephant sleeping in some of Ling Feng’s cells seemed to feel the invasion of this foreign force and hissed high!

However, under Ling Feng’s appeasement, the power of the divine elephant gradually subsided.

The power of the divine elephant also felt that this invasion technique did not reach the realm of the Dao, and it would not pose any threat to the dominance of the divine elephant Zhen Qi.

And the power of the Nine Tyrants Casting Body Technique also expressed his surrender to the god and elephant Zhen Hell.

Where there are cells where the particles of the gods are located, the power of the Nine Bosses Casting Body Technique is all bypassed.

And Ling Feng’s skin, flesh, muscles and bones, and bloodlines are all constantly reforged in the nirvana of this phoenix power!



The dragon loli and angel girls, as well as several mature and beautiful elf kings and other troops, were full of expectation, guarding Ling Feng, who was sitting in the air.

The crimson phoenix totem had already wrapped the owner’s whole body, and he couldn’t see the scene inside.

A quarter of an hour later.

The crimson phoenix totem suddenly shined.

Then it suddenly shattered, turning into thousands of Phoenix Domineering Qi, and merged into Ling Feng’s body!

In the center of the totem.

A sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy appeared in the eyes of all girls!


“This… Is it the new body of the owner? Oh my God, well… So handsome, so stylish! ”

Xiao Xi looked at the white and stylish body of the owner.

Before I saw my face, I began to commit a big crime, and my star-red eyes became the shape of a heart.

Beside her, Xiaobai, Xiaoice, Xiaomeng, Xiaota, and several dragon clan little loli were directly hugged together, looking at the teenager born from the totem in the center, constantly making strange sounds.

On the other side, Yan and Leng Bing also blushed slightly when they saw this scene.

“After the master reforged his body, the attraction of 1 really increased…”

However, as a loyal guardian angel of the owner.

How can you think about those things all day like those despicable dragon loli!

And in the center of all the branches.

At this time, Ling Feng was floating in the sky, and his fairy jade-like body had just been recast, and every inch seemed to be shining like a diamond!

The lines are rich, and each muscle is so tense.

That flawless face, soft, gentle, handsome, sword eyebrows and stars, and reveals a masculine beauty.

This face is the type of man who will cry when he sees it, and a woman who will scream when she sees it!

As soon as you look back and raise your eyes, you can electrocute countless flower idiot girls!

At this time, Ling Feng also slowly opened his eyes.

In his pupils, there was a blood-red luster, forming the shape of two six-pointed stars, and a golden flame burned in the middle, which was the form of a kaleidoscope of different fires!

In the past.

Appearing as a child, his face also looks very immature.

With the kaleidoscope, there is nothing to be stunned.

But now, with this shocking look.

Coupled with a blood-colored kaleidoscope with a fierce and cold temperament.

That kind of cool fried handsomeness is not something that words can describe!

If you want to recruit 1 to serve any girl, just use this face and this pair of eyes, a glance is enough!

Ling Feng slowly landed on the ground, restricting his momentum.

Then feel this new body after reforging, raise your hand, and get up.

Tiger falls!

Golden cicada swallows the moon!

White Tiger Corpse!

The divine ape sits in chaos!

After casually making a few moves, I got acquainted with the new body.

Ling Feng felt that the new body was indeed more open than the previous child’s body.

Moreover, the previous life itself was a youth, so it is more customary to use it.

At this time, Angel Yan took a set of white clothes, walked over, knelt down on one knee and said:

“Master, please… Apparel. ”


Only then did Ling Feng notice his embarrassment.

With a quick wave of his hand, the white shirt was put on his body and put on.

Turning his head, he found a group of dragon little loli not far away, looking at him blankly, and there were two lines of blood hanging from Qiong’s nose.

“Xiaoxi, you have a nosebleed?”

“Huh? Oh…”

Xiao Xi noticed his embarrassment, quickly wiped off the nosebleed, and wiped his saliva again:

“Sorry, after seeing the master recast his body, I got too carried away, please ask the master to punish!”

Xiao Xi rushed up like a loach, hugged Ling Feng’s thigh, and said with a blank eye.


“Okay Xiaoxi, get up quickly, don’t you want to be dirty on the ground?”

“We still have a task tonight, the punishment thing, we’ll talk about it later.”

Hearing this, Xiao Xi’s eyes lit up, and tears flowed from the corners of her mouth without fighting.

Ling Feng sighed in his heart.

How can a beautiful little loli have such a “bad” personality…

What is the origin of dragon nature?


At this moment, the system prompted:

“Ding, remind the host! The S-class heteroplane [Cave of Ten Thousand Dragons] has intersected with the space around the host’s territory! ”

“Please go immediately! Too much time is delayed, as soon as tonight passes, the next time the Cave of Ten Thousand Dragons appears, the system is not clear! ”

Hearing the news from the system, Ling Feng suddenly turned up.

He patted Xiao Xi’s head and said:

“Xiao Xi, as well as Xiao Bai, Xiao Pagoda, Xiao Meng, and Xiaoice, set off with me now and go to the S-level alien plane: [Cave of Ten Thousand Dragons]!”

Hearing this, the five little loli of the dragon clan also became positive.

Standing in a row, he came to Ling Cover and said:

“Yes, master!”

Then, Ling Feng turned his head to look at Yanhe Leng Bing and said:

“Tonight, the task of guarding the territory will be handed over to you.”

“Yes, master, we must be responsible for guarding the territory! The angels are there, the territory is there. ”

When Ling Feng heard this, he nodded gratifyingly.

Then he simply cleaned up, and together with the five dragon little loli, he walked out of the gate of the Wall of Sighs and entered the endless fog!


Not far from Ling Feng’s territory.

Under the blood moon, the fog shrouded.

Liang Kuan walked in the endless fog, holding a flashlight, trembling and shining in the direction of the road ahead.

There was a dead silence all around, not even the sound of birds.

The fog made his vision less than ten meters, and he couldn’t see the surrounding scene clearly.

“It’s almost here, according to the coordinates of the Great God of Heaven Sealing, the territory of the Great God should be near here…”

Originally, a wanderer like Liang Kuan should not have rushed at night at all.

Otherwise, the probability of accidentally breaking into a different dimension space is very large!

However, when evening came, Liang Kuan had already walked not far from the coordinates of the Great God of Heaven.

So he gritted his teeth and was determined to rush to the territory of the Heaven Sealing God overnight.

“When you reach the territory of the Great God, it will be safe… God forbid, don’t let me break into the alien plane of some terrifying evil sect by mistake! ”


What he didn’t know was that because Ling Feng’s reputation value was too high, around Ling Feng’s territory, the intersecting heterodimensional planes were not only of high level, but also of a large number!

Just as Liang Kuan kept praying.

He found that the fog around him was gradually dissipating.

The round of blood moon in the sky is also becoming blurred.

The surrounding space actually has a peculiar ripple.

There were several distant dragon groans in my ears!

“Dragon cry? Could it be that the territory of the Heaven-Sealing Great God has arrived?! ”

But he was a little strange.

“But the coordinates show that there is still a bit of a deviation here?”

The next moment, he looked at the gradually clear scene in front of him and completely froze.


In the distance is an endless vast canyon, shining with all kinds of strange treasures in the dark night.

The phantoms of dragons appeared and disappeared in the dim sky.

The sound of the dragon’s groan came from the sky!

Those dragons, some spit endless fire, some control thousands of miles of frost, some set off monstrous waves, and some control the tremor of the great earthquake!

It’s like a complicated and chaotic battle of dragons!

“It’s over…”

“Damn, why am I so unlucky?! Unexpectedly entered an alien plane full of dragons! ”


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . (Thanks to Yanzu for giving me a monthly pass for a day!) (Continue to ask for data, ask for customization, ask for subscription, thank you Yanzu ~~!! )

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