Chapter 102: Embattled.


Sain’s electronic voice came, and the huge mechanical body began to assemble and assemble. Soon, Theon turned into a Big Mac heavily armored tank.


Fang Yu was shocked.

But after thinking about it, Fang Yu understood again. The reason for the summoning of space-time.

In the multiverse of the alliance, there is also a world of Decepticon aliens. Fang Yu enters the system and checks Theon’s attributes.

Undead God of War Decepticon Zero Theon Level: Level 14 Race: Undead Bonds: Immortal Body Immortal: The undead have traveled through the realm of death, gaining insight into the door of life and death, the body can be destroyed, and the undead will never disappear. Theon: Gears of War.

Skill: Mecha God of War Form: Has [Cruelty Strike], [Soul Forge] and [Killer Roar] skills. Theon wields his axe and strikes hard at enemies, with three attack modes: charge, slash, and sweep. Charge up enemies within range.

Soul Forge: Theon’s undead form, which can only be nourished with soul power and can absorb soul power. Drawing the power of the soul, Theon can strengthen the function of the mecha and enhance the strength of the soul.

Killer Roar: Theon throws his own tomahawk, dealing a lot of damage. Mecha transformation form: Theon condenses the power of his soul, enters the mecha transformation form, and becomes an old driver of heavy tanks. In mecha form, speed, attack power, and mecha strength have been greatly increased.

Explanation 1: Due to the influence of Time Summoning, you summoned the Decepticon Zero Theon of the Cyber Age.

Explanation 2: Mecha in the Cyber Age can be enhanced, but it needs to be enhanced by consuming materials of purple and above. [Reinforcement material: purple copper, purple platinum…]

Illustration 3: Theon is a ruthless war machine, only war can excite him, death is the air he breathes, and only in battle can Theon continue to upgrade and grow.

“King of War!”

“It seems that these reinforcement materials prepared have been saved.”

“Now the Hero Hall has become a garage.”

Fang Yu exhaled.

In order to strengthen the skills of the new hero, he has prepared a lot of soul crystals, soul seals, cores, and various materials. However, Theon’s mechanism cannot be strengthened.

And, he’s not like other heroes.

Only by cultivating and comprehending in the Hero Hall can you continuously upgrade and strengthen and improve the capacity and use of spiritual energy. Old drivers were born for war.

He absorbs soul power, and only soul power can make him upgrade and become stronger. And here, it is an endless battlefield!

However, these are not enough for Theon to be called a war machine. The real horror is that Theon is immortal!

The physical body can be destroyed, but he is an undead spirit. There is no flesh.

The mecha is just the shell of his undead temporarily residing in it. That’s the scariest thing.

In a way, Theon has just arrived in another place where there is an endless war. Exotic wilderness!

And Fang Yu was already ready for conquest. A big war is about to begin.

This big battle is the first real conquest battle after Fang Yu entered the bronze level, the battle of the right name!

“Point soldiers!”

Fang Yu gave the order… Come to the main barracks.

Four brigades, 8,000 units of troops.

There are also 4000 units, which will soon be replenished as the barracks level increases. Fang Yu’s current strength can be called luxurious.

At present, Fang Yu’s territory area has reached 7,000 square kilometers. The newly added territories are no longer as conservative as before.

Instead, the peak protrudes, like the shape of a starfish, spreads in all directions. Fang Yu’s territory was in a mutant demon forest.

In the beginning, it was just a monster camp.

As he developed, he gradually swept away all the surrounding dense forests. But overall, he was in a very awkward position.

A few hundred kilometers to the south, there are overlapping mountains and rivers, forming a narrow pass.

Behind the mountain there is a dense concentration of lord forces.

Among them are both human and alien.

To the north, there is an endless sea of horror.

There is not much to the west, but at the end is a sea of sand full of dangers. To the east was also entrenched by a group of land-clearing lords.

The environment on all sides, where Fang Yu was located, was exactly a flat land. Or the heart of flat land.

Not only is there the Shadow Swamp, but there are also a huge number of mutant creatures. and an unknown number of huge resource mines.

This large area covers an area of 1 million square kilometers. The lord has at least 500,000.

Fang Yu did not have any geographical location to rely on, it was a place of four battles. The land of four battles, the soldier family is taboo.

When the surrounding lords mature, they will inevitably fight back again. Once or twice is fine.

But hundreds of times, you have to drain all the resources in the territory. Now, all Fang Yu had to do was to strike preemptively.

I’m already developed, come out and fight!

“Wang Yi, lead the fourth team, set up a teleportation point in the north, and listen to my dispatch at any time!”

“Bai Lotte, lead the third team and approach to the west.”

“Knock out the reconnaissance points and relay supply points set up by alien races, knock them out for me!”

“Timo, Kuchi, Giggs, you lead the second team at the east supply point, listen to my orders.”

“Theon, Caitlin, Yi, Britz, follow me to the Southern Front.”

“Burning Feather Alliance, I want to see how your alliance wants to burn feathers!”


The heaven-shaking voice rose up into the sky, and the army marched out in an orderly manner.

Hundreds of Giggs guns shuttled through the territory. Fang Yu dispatched a corps of tens of thousands of people, and the huge consumption of spiritual energy was really not small.

“It’s time for the fourth brain domain development!”

Fang Yu’s finger swiped across the purple brain domain development core.

15% of brain domain development intensity, not enough, far from enough.

It must be developed to more than 60% as soon as possible to enter the ranks of extraordinary lords. An extraordinary lord is a symbol of the strong.

Fang Yu put away the purple brain domain development core, and Caitlin, Yi got on Theon’s large tank and rushed to the southern front.

“Lord Lord, the Orcs have set up a 100-kilometer-long tower defense wall in the north of them.”

“A 30-kilometer-deep multiple defensive front was set up in front of the front line to prevent our invasion.”

Frontline commander He Jun reported the latest frontline situation to Fang Yu.

Fang Yu looked at the unfolded sand table on the crystal glasses, squinting his eyes, and his unfathomable eyes lurked.

“He Jun, with your experience in fighting with the people of the Alien Clan, what do you think of their arming?”

He Jun was one of the 13 people Fang Yu originally recruited into the territory, and he was gifted with fire elemental.

Medium-sized, with straight hair, muscular muscles, and sharp eyes. Doing things resolutely and very crisply.

Very similar to his fire attribute talent. Good at building tower defense with fire attributes.

When he was a bronze-level lord, he was besieged by a lord dominated by magical orcs. After 10 days of fighting, it was finally exhausted.

He has no power himself, his background is not strong, and he is not willing. Therefore, in the end, he chose to defect to Fang Yu.

This is also the reason why Fang Yu chose He Jun as the front-line commander.

“Lord Lord, the orcs, especially the supernatural orcs, are not good at building tower defense walls.”

“However, judging from the style of their tower defense walls and tower defense units, it is very likely that it is the trick of the supernatural orc lord Tobybat”

“Toby Bart…”

Fang Yu raised his eyebrows, this person was not a nameless person.

“Yes, Tobibat is one of the top ten satellite cities of Stormwind City of the Orc Alliance, and a descendant of the Lord of the Thunder Sea Lord City.”

“He is a lord of rare Thunder Talent, and in the Tide of the Night Points Tournament, he finished 7th in the ninth district.”

“At that time, the territory of the subordinates was attacked by foreign races, and they suffered a big loss on this kind of tower defense wall.”

“Later, his subordinates spent a lot of money to buy intelligence, only to learn that Tobybat was selling his tower defense unit among the orcs.”

“His tower defense wall can give fine iron and magnetic iron powerful thunder elemental spiritual energy.”

“As long as the thunder tower is deployed on the front line, a thunderstorm area can be formed, and the defense is very strong.”

He Jun stretched out his hand a little on the sand table map and zoomed in on the reconnaissance map of the frontline territory.

“Look, Lord Lord.”

“We have a total of eleven territories in the south, and the territories are not connected to each other, but they are all arranged with this kind of thunder tower defense, and they are connected.”

“Such a huge tower defense structure cannot be formed in a short period of time through remote transactions.”

“Therefore, in the Burning Feather Alliance of the Alien Race, there must be a magical orc, Tobibat.”

“Lord Lord, you see, only this lord we are facing is all using the Thunder Tower Defense Structure.”

“Breaking through his tower defense, the rest of the tower defense structure, there is nothing to fear.”

He Jun turned the light and shadow sand table map, his angle of view raised, and he focused on the rear of the alien territory.

“Lord Lord, you see, this time, the territory of the alien race, unprecedented unity, formed a regional screen.”

“If we want to break through this barrier, I am afraid that we will have to face up to a million alien troops.”

“What is the situation of the peripheral arrangement of the alien race?”

Fang Yu touched his chin without any expression.

“The alien race has laid a large number of traps on the periphery, about a kilometer deep.”

“After that, it’s a supply point that curves into an arc. Equipped with a large number of long-range attack tower defenses. ”

“There are also quite a few orc archers who are good at defense.”

“In the middle is the thunderstorm zone.”

He Junhuan quickly replied, fighting with foreign races allowed him to accumulate a lot of experience.

“Lord Lord, to be honest, it is the first time I have seen an alien race put on such a tight defense.”

“Whether it is ground or air firepower, it is unprecedented.”

“It seems that they were indeed scared before!”

He Jun looked at Fang Yu’s tall back, revealing his awe.

“It seems that it is not hard enough.”

Fang Yu was still expressionless, with a deeply hidden look.

“They want to stop us from moving south, keep us in the north.”

“When they all occupy the resources in the south, then unite with other main cities and completely surround us.”

“Their intentions can be seen from the fierce fighting in the channel now.”

Fang Yu held his hands to his chest and tapped his fingers gently.

“Defense, can they really prevent it?”

Fang Yu opened his eyes and instantly became murderous.

“He Jun!”

Fang Yu ordered in a deep voice.

“Subordinates are here!”

“Move half of the psionic bombs in the arsenal and load them all for the soldiers.”

“I will give you 150 Giggs guns, and from now on, the territory will advance nearly 15 kilometers.”

“Within 5 hours, cover with full fire, tear open his front line for me!”

“Don’t save me ammunition, give me a hard blast, and give me their peripheral fire points!”


He Jun looked excited, jumped on the Giggs gun carriage, and began to carry out the order.

“Theon, Britz, I have an idea…”

“….. Master Yi, it’s up to you here! ”

Fang Yu nodded a position on the sand table.

“Leave it to me.”

Master Yi held a big sword in his hand and flashed into the darkness with a group of Infinity Swordsmen.

“What about me?”

Caitlin held a sniper rifle with long hair flaring.

“Operation Decapitation!”

Fang Yu made a gesture of wiping his neck and smiled meaningfully. August 7, night.

Northern Wasteland, District 30.

Psychic orcs, Tobybat territory.

War broke out suddenly, but Tobibart had already expected it. From ten o’clock in the evening to the real start.

The expected fire bombardment, this is the second time that the magical orcs have personally experienced Fang Yu’s huge and terrifying firepower. However, it is expected.

Tobybat sat firmly on the throne of the thunder-shining lord, watching the latest information on the crystal light curtain.

“Do you think I laid a lot of traps?”

“Hmph, that’s just some useless trenches.”

“With the prudence of the Terrans, it is inevitable to advance with firepower.”

“With such a long line of defense, I would rather see how many resources you have!”

“The first two layers will consume eighty or nine percent of your firepower.”

“Look how arrogant you are then!”

Tobybart’s index finger lingered with lightning, and his gaze was gloomy.

The strong body is topped by a huge human face with two white horns on its head. Frost-skinned dragon scales, white hair hanging down.

Louisville’s alliance cost him a lot.

Therefore, after this, he gave up the offensive and almost fully arranged his tower defense structure. At this moment, the results are finally being seen.

Things were going in the direction he expected.

Sure enough, a lot of fire was cleaning the traps he had set.

And the traps he laid were not all trenches with nothing. At intervals, lightning bursts are set.

This arrangement can be said to be very meticulous.


An hour later.

Hearing the report from the front, Toby Bart raised his eyebrows.

“Still bombing?”

“It seems that the production capacity of the Terrans is really not to be underestimated.”

Toby Bart closely followed the progress of the East-West Defense Line.

To his relief, this Terran seemed to have some iron. Unexpectedly, it bloomed on three sides and attacked at the same time.

With the current territorial range, the perimeter of the battle line is even more than 2,000 kilometers.

A bronze-level lord could never have so many resources to support such intensive firepower. He has a mental count.

….. Another hour later.

“What? Still fried? ”

Toby Bart stood up with a bang.

“How is it possible, where did he get so many firepower resources?”

“What about the other main cities?”

“Terrans, only advancing into our territory, seems to be targeting us!”

“It’s crazy!”

“Contact the other main cities and let them get ready, this Fang Yu rushed me!”

Another hour later.

“Report! The Terrans are still bombing, 23 kilometers from my territory! ”

“Report! Still bombing…”

“Report! The ninth supply point on the front line has been destroyed! ”


Toby Bart’s golden eyeballs almost burst!

“Is this Terran firepower a bottomless pit?”

“The Tower of Thunder is ready to prevent the attack of the Terrans at any time.”

“The corps is ready, if they bombard with long-range fire, our corps will pounce.”

“A small stronghold, can it still turn the sky over!”

“What happened to the support of the other main cities?”

“Report, the support forces of other main cities are already on the way, and they can strike at this stronghold in an all-round way at any time!”

“Good! By the way, keep an eye on that flying unit in the Terran territory. ”

“Once you find his traces, be sure to give me a hard blast and kill him!”

“Yes, my lord, it is under close surveillance, and recently appeared in the east, 70 kilometers away from my territory. Tobybart’s tense nerves relaxed slightly. ”

He was already a little frightened when he heard the latest war report.


In less than three minutes, the latest war report came.

“What’s wrong again? What’s wrong again! ”

The corners of Tobybart’s mouth twitched wildly, and the flesh couldn’t stop trembling.

“Lord Lord, the Western Lord Lord City has been violently attacked, and the support forces have returned to defense!”


“Go east to the lord main city and be violently attacked by unknown forces, support forces back to defense!”


“An unknown unit has appeared in the Terran territory, and it is striking violently at our city wall!”

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