Five hundred creepers, the vast majority of whom have already completed their evolution.

In the midst of hunting along the way.

The sacrifices of the creepers are minimal.

They themselves move extremely quickly.

It is very difficult for the monsters to catch them.

Plus, the number of creepers is extremely high.

It’s always a group of people acting together, encircling a target, or a group.

This also makes them lose very little.

Now almost all of the five hundred creepers have evolved into fast creepers.

More than a hundred of them have evolved into the King of Creepers.

The legion of this lord in front of him, although it was the number of five thousand troops.

But among them, the number of third-order is only about 500.

Moreover, the quality is worrying.

And Lu Cang’s creepers, only at the first order, could already hunt and kill third-order monsters.

Not to mention, now we have the Secret Steel Organization


On the treetops.

A figure quietly slid a little.


In the bodies of the creepers, one by one, the “parasitic eyes” are detached from the body.

Subsequently, it blended into its surroundings.

To be precise, these parasitic eyes have also become “gazers”

A third-order class of observational classes.


[Third Order].

[Special Ability: Threat Level Prediction – You can prejudge the threat level of skills/items/attacks and give a preview to your own unit. 】

[Special ability: Mental Shock – Use Mental Shock on a target to make it fall into a momentary trance, this ability cannot be used continuously, and the same target is continuously shaken, and the effect will be greatly reduced. 】

The gazer is compared to the ordinary parasitic eye.

There’s also an extra control capability.

But that’s a small control.

You can only let a target lose sight for a moment.

Of course, on the battlefield, this moment is likely to be fatal.

However, the main ability of the gazer is still reflected in observation.

After completing these arrangements.

The face-huggers also approached from afar.

Some of the face-huggers are waiting near the nest.

But the other part of the face-huggers are following the creepers.

Look for the right opportunity to possess.

However, along the way, Lu Cang did not find any desired possession target.

Now, it can also be regarded as a dozing person who sent a pillow.

The enveloping net, in between a few breaths, is complete.

And those lords are still in the dark.

They have a class of sentries and the like.

But alas, such sentineels are too low-level.

In addition, some large targets that are more obvious in the distance are found.

For the flesh and blood creatures that have been in the mimetic state, they are not aware of it at all.

The last [Gazer] climbed to the highest treetop nearby.

In an instant, Lu Cang gained all the vision in the vicinity.

At the same time, it was also determined that there were no other lords around.

Unlike ordinary lords, Lu Cang can control any flesh and blood class from an infinite distance.

But normally.

Lords can only gain visibility from the arms of a region around them and direct control over them.

The higher the Lord’s rank, the higher the rank, and the farther the class vision obtained.

Now, at best, they can control their own classes within a radius of twenty kilometers.

No matter how far away, then there is no idea what is happening.

Not to mention manipulation.

This is also the reason why these leaders personally came out to lead the team.

If you don’t come out, you will have two eyes and a black eye, and you don’t know anything.

After making sure nothing goes wrong.

Lu Cang gave the order directly.

“The hunt begins.”

This will be his first battle against the lord after he came to this world!

Boom boom!

The long arms waved, and the Lord’s troops had not yet had time to react!

On the grass where they stood, hundreds of flesh-and-blood arms stretched out!

These arms intersect instantaneously.

The claws of these arms are extremely sharp.

Cutting flesh is like cutting tofu.

One blow down, open the stomach.

Or one claw down and shredding three goblins in a row

Even in the face of the wild boar cavalry, it can be directly slapped down, completely tearing the human belt wild boar into five strips.

At this moment, as if on the earth, a piece of meat grinder suddenly appeared!

Strangle the soldiers to pieces!

In just a moment, the entire legion directly burst out brilliant blood flowers!

It’s a surprise attack!

The fastest, most abrupt, most unreasonable attack!

Without any warning.

In less than a second, the entire legion had been strangled with hundreds of units.

And that’s not the most terrifying thing!

The scariest of all! In front of these three lords, dozens of creeper kings were already rushing towards them!


Already two lords!

There is a lord who has been penetrated by a long claw protruding from the ground!

This claw pierced directly into the abdomen of his mount and directly into his body.

At this time, there are only two living lords left!



In an instant, a shield lit up!

As a fifth-order lord, he always carried some protective props on his body.

But unfortunately, Lu Cang did not eat his set at all.


Snap Snap Snap Snap

The creepers leap over and attach themselves directly to the shield!

The attack was not abandoned because the opponent used the shield.

Instead, he frantically cut the shield with his paws.


It’s like a knife cutting glass!

Immediately a crack appeared on the protective cover.

The king of dozens of creepers kept cutting through the shield.

The faces of these two lords turned pale in an instant.

In the shield, look at the flesh and blood creatures in all directions.

Who is not afraid?

Weak and helpless, almost written on their faces.

“O old wolf…”

“Is this shield of yours okay?”

“I lean on, my shield that can withstand dozens of attacks from fifth-order monsters, you and I say…”


Shield, cracked out of very fine cracks.

“The old wolf… Your shield doesn’t seem to be really quite like that…”

“Day, how to rescue has not yet come!”

“Rescue! Save…”

However, this wild boar lord looked at his fifth-order [Berserker Boar Man].

However, it was found that the wild boar man was covered with flesh and blood monsters.

Don’t know when.

The King of the Creepers has crawled all over the body of the Wild Boar Man.

These flesh-and-blood monsters lay on top of the bodies of the Wild Boar Man.

With a mouthpiece full of sharp teeth, it bites its skin in a large mouth.

And [Wild Boar Man] can only struggle in pain!

And its fist pounded on the Creepers.

But it can’t cause any damage.

It felt like hitting an incredibly hard secret steel stone.

Such a state, let alone support, even if the action becomes difficult.

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