【Estimated resolution time: 30 minutes].

“Thirty minutes, a little long.”

Lu Cang was not in a hurry.

Instead, look around the nest.

Through the Parasitic Eye

Lu Cang was able to control almost everything outside the cave, within a radius of ten kilometers.

“Tentacles that grow flesh.”

[Flesh Tentacles].

[Build Cost: Flesh and Blood – 1500 units].

[Every 25 tentacles – occupying the nest neurons: 1].

[Attack Score: 350].

[Defense score: 100].

[Growth time: 2 minutes].

[Growth method: Can grow on flesh and blood assimilated by flesh worms].

[Effect: Attack the enemy.] 】

[This building is alive, this building enjoys all the blood and flesh gene bonuses].

[This building has no bones, so you can’t enjoy bonuses to bone].

[This building has no independent wisdom, and spiritual attacks are ineffective against it


【This building has a strong regenerative ability】

“Every 25 tentacles, only one neuron?”

“This building really doesn’t occupy a place.”

“And, this attack score, is that high?”

With a score of 50 attacks, it is easy to break a big tree with a punch.

It is a powerful bite force of giant crocodiles.

The 350 attack score is probably the level at which you can stand in the center of the bridge and directly destroy a bridge from the middle.

Even the current King of Creepers has an attack rating of only 200 points.

“To the higher realms.”

“The buildings given by default are all so good.”

Generally speaking, when a territory is upgraded, it does depend on the particularity of the territory.

Give extra construction.

But in most cases, this default building is quite garbage.

Of course, the higher the grade of the territory.

The stronger the default building given.

But in general, really powerful buildings, really powerful fortifications, have to find themselves.

Or buy it from someone else.

It’s like a light pyramid, a magnetic storm coil, a dragon’s rest, a sun tower, a thunderstorm altar…

These things can hardly be the default building.

“Tentacles, let’s make 500 first.”

Lu Cang previewed the tentacles, which were indeed quite large.

It straightened a full ten meters long and two meters in diameter.

Three stories high, the width of ten people side by side.

If this thing is smashed down, the huge [Wild Boar Man] will be smashed directly into the meat sauce.

I’m afraid it’s no problem.

No wonder the attack score can reach 350 points.

Moreover, it can also be combined with special genes.

This wave, smashing who dies.

As for the place of construction.

Lu Cang had already sent out the Flesh Worm.

In the rainforest, the ground is assimilated.

At this time, there are already some places in the rainforest that have been assimilated into flesh and blood.

[Flesh tentacles] can grow in those places.

This is also another powerful point of the Root Flesh and Blood Nest.

Almost all buildings grow on flesh and blood.

If Lu Cang could assimilate a part of the flesh and blood in the enemy’s territory.

Lu Cang could even build cannons directly in other people’s homes.

Well…… Of course, the premise is that there are cannons.

But now it seems that the tentacles are not bad.

And on the destructive power.

The tentacles can sweep, but the cannons cannot.

“Meat tube words…”

“Just get through.”

The meat tube is built by connecting two pieces of flesh and blood underground.

What made Lu Cang feel most pleased.

It is the meat tube that does not occupy any [neurons].

You don’t have to squeeze out more neuronal resources to build meat tubes.

But also, a pipe that also occupies a fart’s neurons.

This world, though there are some rules, is for the lords.

In fact, it is only the lord system that visualizes the data.

But in reality, it’s just a visualization of the data.

These are in accordance with the basic laws of this world.

Even if it is separated from the lord system, nothing will change.

Even if you can’t see the data, it’s business as usual.

【Meat tube】

[Construction Cost: Flesh and Blood – 100 ~ No upper limit (depending on the length of the meat tube)].

[Occupancy of brood neurons: 0].

[Growth time: 1 ~ no upper limit (minutes) (depending on the length of the tube) (the more tubes you make, the shorter the growth time)].

[Effect: Hide/transport friendly units, classes in the meat tube, can be transmitted to the other end of the meat tube extremely fast].

[Effect two: hub/connection – the meat tubes can be connected to each other, and the destination can be changed by changing the way the meat tube channel is changed. 】

For this stuff….

Lu Cang had another name in his mind.

That’s the subway.

The next stop, Rainforest Station, please go to the Creeper of the Dawning Territory and transfer to Line 2 Meat Tube.

At this moment, Lu Cang did have this thing that is the sense of déjà vu of the subway.

This thought flashed through my mind.

Lu Cang conceived in his mind, then selected dozens of routes and began to build a subway.

No, meat tubes.

Finally, there is the construction of the pool of blood.

Lu Cang took a closer look at the introduction of the Blood Pool.

But found out…

The blood pool also does not occupy any neurons.

This one can return to the blood pool at will, restoring all abnormal states.

You tell me that there are no construction restrictions?

Just build on flesh and blood?

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