“Don’t… Don’t come here! ”

The wild boar lord stood on the city wall, but his face was already purple like a pig’s liver.

His eyes were filled with despair.

In his hands, only a few fourth-order wild boar people remained.

These elite-level wild boar people.

How is it possible to fight against the eighth-order Imperial World BOSS?

On the city walls.

Human soldiers hold longbows, pull bows and arrows, and shoot arrows at the world boss!


However, these weak arrows.

Just the vegetation that shot into the surface of the opponent’s body stopped.

Completely did not cause any harm.

I saw this tall mushroom giant, holding the city wall with both hands.

In just an instant, from the place where it supported the city wall with both hands, it spread towards the outside of the mycelium.

The hyphae spread quickly.

In a few tens of seconds, the entire city had been contaminated with hyphae.

The city began to emit green poisonous gas.

After doing it all.

The mushroom giant turned away.

Through the evil pupil, Lu Cang could see all the arms of the Wild Boar Lord.

They have all died under the poisonous gas of this mushroom.

The boar lord himself, on the other hand, covers his neck, death, resurrection, death, resurrection….

Repeated deaths.

And above the earth, mushrooms grow.

These mushrooms are growing more and more.

Finally, the surface of the entire territory was covered.

After fifty minutes of torture.

The Boar Lord, at last, lost the ability to resurrect.

“Is this the boss’s means of attack?”

“It shouldn’t work for me, though.”

In this misty area, most of the creatures had been killed by Lu Cang.

The body is brought back to the nest and the analytic sac is allowed to parse it.

In organisms that have been resolved by the analytical sac.

A large part of them are toxic.

This property, after being analyzed, is also transformed into genes with additional toxic effects, as well as immunotoxins.

Therefore, most of Lu Cang’s current classes have a certain degree of toxin immunity.

This toxin spreads very quickly though.

But relatively speaking, the toxicity is not very strong.

Moreover, the way of infection seems to penetrate the skin muscles into the body.

Through the evil pupil, Lu Cang parsed out the other party’s attack method in a short time.

Since this is the case, this toxin of oneself does not particularly need to be afraid.

“However, it seems to be an opportunity as well.”

Lu Cang was not in a hurry.

Now the nest is still in the process of evolution.

Although it is possible to try to fight this boss, it is not necessary now.

Not to mention that he is not strong enough now.

Even if the strength is sufficient, it seems good to let this boss help him clean up the surrounding lords.

At this time, there were already several model crawlers, and the wind and dust servants were marching towards the territory of the [Wild Boar Lord].

For nothing else.

Just to pick up resources from the other person’s warehouse.

Fight the boss I only promise, pick up the garbage I bear the brunt of it!

The territories of the Wolf King Lord and the Wild Boar Lord are quite close.

Only fifty kilometers away.

At the creeper’s current speed.

Fifty minutes of time.

Arrive more than enough.

Even, the creepers were still on the way, far away from the mushroom BOSS figure.

Lu Cang also controlled the creepers, causing the creepers to wave their hands with the mushroom giant.

Say hi directly to him

After that, continue on the road to the territory of the [Wild Boar Lord].

The creepers break into the territory of the Boar Lord.

Sure enough.

In this territory, the toxin did not affect the creepers.

The toxin cannot break through the secret steel tissue.

The principle of action of this toxin is skin infection.

This team, a hundred creepers, each carrying a few meat worms.

Upon arrival at their destination, the fleshworm descends from the reptile’s back.

“Toxins are ineffective.”

Not only can the skin defend.

That shield generator provides the gene.

A blood shield is created to isolate the poisonous gas.

Even meat worms are not affected by the poisonous gas.

Subsequently, the meat worms began to assimilate in the territory of the [Wild Boar Lord].

Assimilating pieces of land covered with mycelia into flesh and blood.

As for the hyphae being derivatives of the eighth order of imperial creatures?

Oh, hyphae is something.

Even the secret steel stone can be assimilated, and the small mycelium cannot be assimilated, which is really a big joke.

Lu Cang’s directly skilled flesh worm opened up several pieces of flesh and blood.

Then, build the meat tube directly on the spot.

The construction of meat tubes is that with the increase of the number of meat tubes, the construction speed is getting faster and faster.

Now, Lu Cang had at least a thousand meat tubes extending from the nest.

This meat tube connected the nest to the [wild boar territory] in almost a few minutes


A team of creepers went to [Boar Territory] to pick up garbage.

The creeper of the second team is behind the BOSS.

Use mimicry, follow the world BOSS, the dog is mysterious.

This mushroom giant is also quite efficient.

Always find the nearest territory.

In just a few minutes.

A territory will be destroyed.

The lord was not given a chance to fight back at all.

In fact, these lords did not have the ability to fight back.

Fourth order and fifth order, how to fight against the eighth order BOSS?

It’s like a blade made of mud to hit steel.

The lords of the entire Far East were in mourning.

Everyone is at risk.

The world channel was in a panic.

But Lu Cang was a happy batch.

This boss appeared, it was a good time.

And this boss is still an environmentalist.

These hyphae, extremely mild.

It only makes toxins.

No damage to the physical properties is caused.

The warehouse’s supplies are intact.

The creepers, with the fleshworms directly behind the boss.

The boss destroys each city.

Lu Cang directly arranged for the creepers to break in at the main entrance.

Crazy licking bags to pick up garbage.

Just half a day.

The boss destroyed dozens of territories.

And Lu Cang’s creepers also followed behind the boss, while paying homage to these deceased lords.

While happily rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the warehouses of these deceased lords.

Fight what boss, pick up garbage he is not fragrant.

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