At the same time, the parasitic eye also provides a springboard for Lu Cang itself.

Lu Cang can use any class under his control as a springboard to teleport to the opponent’s location.

At present, Lu Cang is no longer satisfied with shrinking his power only to the extreme east.

Instead, it is intended to expand outward.

In this way, more and better resources can also be obtained.

Seven days.

Lu Cang also had a deep understanding of his territory.

The territory itself is indeed powerful.

But the really powerful factor is more from resources.

[Roshan Mountain] comes from [World Disaster], the analysis of the world BOSS.

[Blood Giant] comes from the analysis of [High Giant].

[Secret Steel Organization] comes from the analysis of [Secret Steel Stone].

Powerful troops, genes, all come from high-level resources.

In the barren Far East, there are not so many good resources.

Lu Cang also already had ideas about the fertile area.

Especially…… The treasure trove of alliances.

Lu Cang thought about the intelligence that he would see from the curse yesterday.

The eastern capital.

Seems to be called Bayer City?

Since it is the capital of the east, there must be a lot of valuable resources in the treasure house of the capital, right?

Materials comparable to secret steel stones, there must be a lot, right?

In Lu Cang’s heart, he had already made a good calculation.

Kill the lords themselves.

There is no benefit.

Killing will also respawn.

It was nothing more than their inability to command on the spot, making the scene chaotic.

But the problem is that the current situation is whether they are present or not.

They will all be swallowed up by Lu Cang.

Therefore, it is better to wait for them to escape on their own.


A crisp sound!

A certain lord finally couldn’t stand it.

Riding [Pegasus]

Grab your spear and charge at the wall of flesh!

But a crisp sound came.

His spurs, without any damage to this wall of flesh and blood, did not inflict any damage.

This wall of flesh is also a living creature with the secret steel tissue gene.

“! Let me out! I’m going out!” ”

This lord is still an anchor.

He also shared his perspective on the live broadcast platform.

At this moment, he roared with tears in his lungs!

“Let me out!”

“I don’t want to stay in this ghost place anymore!”


However, the wall of flesh remained motionless.

Obviously it looks like flesh and blood.

But when it comes to really hurting it.

But it became incredibly hard.

Suddenly, from above the wall of flesh, one eye after another opened.

【Spirit Shock】X100

Hundreds of eyes looked at the lord in unison.


The lord and the celestial horse under the seat rolled their eyes in an instant, lost consciousness, and fell towards the ground.

“Is this really Lu Cang?”

“The source of flesh and blood? Hero-level territory? ”

“Hero-level territory should only correspond to our elite level, right?”

“How can it be so perverted?”

“I believe this intensity when you say it is a super myth.”

“This cursed person is probably too scary, isn’t it?”

“Is this really Lu Cang’s shot?” Is it really not the hidden big guy of the curse club? ”

“I’ve always heard that the Curse Society is an unusually united organization.”

“If they don’t unite … It has long been defeated by our alliance, right? ”

“No help, just by the individual, want to survive in the case of the whole world’s crusade, huh.”

“Could it be that they saw that Lu Cang was in trouble and helped him?”

“Like, is it really possible?”

At this time, the members of the Curse Society were also confused.

It’s not just ordinary lords who watch the live broadcast.

This live streaming platform is for all lords to watch.

Members of the Cursed Society, like all lords, have the same authority.

Naturally, you can also watch the perspectives shared by others.

Yet they see the scene.

Shocked, my jaw dropped.

【Guild Channel】

“Is there anyone in our guild who is going to help Lu Cang?”

“It seems… Nothing, right? ”

“Anyway, I saw that Lu Cang’s elder brother insisted on solving it by himself, so he didn’t go.”

“I quite believe in Lu Cang’s elder brother, and I didn’t go.”

“I think this new person has his own persistence, and the extreme east is too far away for me to pass.”

“I didn’t go, I am in this situation, it is difficult to protect myself.”

The curse will be full of tongues.

They were all concerned about the landing flies at this time.

However, it is true that no one came to support.

In fact, after the day of chatting in the group.

There were also some lords who talked to Lu Cang privately and asked Lu Cang if he really didn’t need help.

But Lu Cang also refused their kindness one by one.

They all vaguely felt that Lu Cang had complete confidence in dealing with this crusade.

Completely unafraid of the arrival of these lords.

Although they didn’t know where Lu Cang’s confidence came from.

But since he was able to rise to the fifth rank lord so quickly.

The description also got some chances.

Probably more or less has its own hole cards.

Therefore, although the curse will not be reassuring, it will not be multi-managed.

But what they didn’t expect was that.

Lu Cang was actually so fierce.

These seven or eight orders of lords are a crusade formed by more than a hundred lords.

He actually hanged alone?

Is this the strength of a fifth-order lord?

Even if he was said to be a holy order, the members of the Curse Society would believe him.

【You have a new message】

In Lu Cang’s mind, a message prompted.

However, the news was not sent directly to himself.

It was sent to the Thunder Beast Lord.

“Thunder Beast Brothers!”

“Thunder Beast Brother, can you open the teleportation array?”

“Brother Thunder Beast, there is an ambush in us!”

“Thunder Beast Brothers!”

From the beginning of the battle, to the present, it is only five minutes.

These lords had already begun to call the Thunder Beast Lords.

I wanted the Thunder Beast Lords to open the teleportation array and let them retreat.

Just come and go.

That’s a bit of a joy.

Lu Cang smiled a little in his heart.

“Kill, kill almost.”

Lu Cang had a thought and came to the center of the battlefield.

Put the corpses in the backpack.

Happy picking up garbage.

At the same time, Lu Cang glanced at the mountain giants that the generals were heavily encircled.

“The defense is really high, and the tentacles can’t do damage to it.”

“The attack power provided by my special genes is still insufficient.”


“Blood Giant.”

Lu Cang lightly snapped his fingers.

Out of the wall of flesh, a human figure protrudes.

The humanoid gradually breaks away from the wall of flesh.

A giant of flesh and blood, walking slowly toward the center.

This flesh and blood giant was fifty meters high.

Compared with the twenty-meter-tall mountain giant, it is like the difference between an adult and a baby.

The lords watched the behemoth emerge from the wall of flesh.

The jaw dropped to the ground.

“This… What is this! ”

Is it worth surprising these lords just by being a blood giant?

If you let them see the blessed [Roshan Mountain]


I don’t know how they feel.

In this world, there seems to be no class of troops larger than mountains, right?

Bang bang bang!

The Blood Giant began to run wildly.

The body is huge, but the body is not bulky.

The Blood Giant charged straight at those lords.

The lords were completely flustered.

The next moment, this fifty-meter-tall giant jumped high!


Immediately afterward, it smashed heavily on the flesh and blood earth.

Wind pressure sweeps!

The men who blew these lords turned over on their horses.

Even the mountain giants were taken a step back by this hurricane.

“This… What kind of monster? ”

In the live broadcast room, the hearts of the lords were all impacted.

This world, although there are many kinds of troops.

But the vast majority of the armed forces are still within the scope of common sense.

Moreover, they are also very formal.

But today, they saw what a real monster was.

These classes, one by one, are very strange.

Just by seeing its appearance, there is a chilling feeling.

Creeper even if there is no attack, but their posture.

It’s all about being a species for fighting.

A bone blade that grows on the hand.

The blood mucus that covers the surface of the body, the mouth full of compound teeth.

It’s like a spiral meat grinder, with rows of staggered lines.

If they bite it, it turns into a piece of meat that is light.

It is likely to be the end of the meat paste.

And how could this giant be so huge.

Is the fifth-order class that big?

The fifth-order giant class, even if it is the leader level, should be up to 15 meters to the sky.

The size of a giant class is a symbol of combat effectiveness.

The taller and larger the body, the stronger the combat effectiveness.

The fifth-order class is fifty meters high.

Is this really not a ninth order, or even a tenth order class?


“My colossal phobia is committed.”

“This lord… You don’t synchronize the perspective, I’m afraid. ”

“Looking up at such a thing, I feel like I’m being treated like an ant.”

Moreover, this flesh and blood giant has no facial features.

Just look down at the lord below.

“Mountain Giant! Kill him!” ”

“Mountain Giant! Eliminate threats! ”

“, Thunder Beast Lord, what the are you doing!” Open the teleportation array, Lao Tzu wants to go back! ”

Lu Cang didn’t have any response.

The resolution of special genes often requires a certain amount to complete the analysis.

Lu Cang didn’t want to be able to complete the analysis difference at that time.

This will definitely have to be killed for a while.

Kill all of their troops before letting them go back.

The Mountain Giants were ordered.

Clasp your fists in both hands and smash them into the blood giant’s calves!

And in the face of this attack.

The Blood Giant, however, pulled his calf back.

The next moment, a quick kick out!

A speed that is almost invisible to the naked eye.

In front of many lords, the mountain giant disappeared in an instant.

In its place was a giant leg of flesh and blood.


And in the distance!

A roar came!

The lords looked to the rear.

But they saw a scene that made their hearts twin.

The mountain giant was actually kicked directly by this foot to the distant wall of flesh.

The next moment, the mountain giants clinging to the wall of flesh directly scattered into pieces of rubble.

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