In addition to reverse transcription, there are two evolutions that light up at the same time.

Intent Detection – Units near your class will be detected with the underlying intent and manifested with the Line of Consciousness. 】

【Attack Intent: Red Line】

【Treatment intention: green line】

【Protection intention: yellow line】

【Moving Intent: White Line】

【Flesh and blood required to unlock: 500,000】

[Follow-up: Broad Range Intent Detection (Psychic Lab: Level 3), Psychic Detection (Psychic Lab: Level 5), Chaos Intent (Battle Lab: Level 2)]

Lu Cang saw this evolution.

I thought of the red alert played in my past life.

Inside Yuri’s building, telepathic.

This ability to evolve is inevitably too similar.

However, the actual effect is much stronger than that of telepathy.

Telepathic sensors can only detect an attack intention.

But this can detect four kinds of intentions.

Rounding equals full detection.

There is another evolution.

It is a very general evolution.

【Flesh and Blood Lab Level 1】

[Growth Repair: All buildings and classes have the ability to regenerate and can repair themselves at a relatively slow speed. 】

【Flesh and Blood Consumed to Unlock: 500,000】

[Follow-up: Instant repair (Flesh and Blood Lab: Level 3), Mutation (Chemical Lab: Level 2)]

This ability, a little is not very powerful.

Not particularly enhanced in combat.

But powerful research also has a precursor.

Growth repair is also a precondition for other powerful studies.

“Well, this is also unlocked.”

Unlocking research is also one of the conditions for advanced sixth-order territory.

If not enough research is unlocked.

Lu Cang was also unable to complete the advanced requirements.

In fact, the vast majority of flesh and blood soldiers have a certain self-healing ability.

But at this stage.

It was too difficult to injure Lu Cang’s troops.

Therefore, the ability to repair is actually a bit of a chicken rib.

Some of these classes even have super-regenerative abilities.

Its recovery is even faster than the outrageous.

This study, on the contrary, is a bit of a chicken rib.

However, this study is also a precondition for other studies.

In some strategy games, some research preconditions, always study something that is not very large.

And rightly so.

Three evolutionary studies lit up.

Lu Cang also successfully completed the conditions for promotion to the Sixth Order Lord.

【Number of flesh and blood: 100 million (completed)】

【Flesh and Blood Workshop completed (completed)】

【Evolutionary research to light up three flesh and blood workshops (completed)】

【Currently can be promoted to the Sixth Order Root Flesh and Blood Nest】

【Is it advanced?】 】

【In the advanced process, the nerve volume that can be used is halved】

【Advanced time: 24 hours】

【In the advanced process, the number of innervable neurons in the mother nest is halved】

[During the progression, the mimicry is maintained.] 】

[During the progression process, it does not prevent the lord from being reborn in the heart and blood pool]

【Do you want to go further?】 】


Lu Cang did not hesitate.

There is no threat now.

There is also no need to go all out.

Use the entire mother’s nest nerve volume and neurons.

Twenty-four hours of weakness, in exchange for more powerful.

Nothing can be done than in the first place.

It’s already too much better.



“Why… That fog is gone? ”

A strangely shaped creature looking east.

He is five meters tall, has six arms on his back, plus his own arms.

There are eight arms in total.

His race, named Six-Armed Beamon.

“The forbidden area of life, gone?”

He stood at the top of the hill, looking in the direction of what was originally a thick fog.

What you see is a vast continent.

“The Mysterious East.”

“Sure enough, there are unknown continents.”


“What’s that?”


Strong eyesight allows him to see things tens of thousands of kilometers away.

And it won’t be blocked by clouds and mountains.

“Human Lord.”

“I didn’t expect that behind that forbidden area of life, there was actually another race of lords perched.”

“The rumors are actually true.”

“Walk through the forbidden zone of life and meet the mysterious human race.”

“I don’t know if it’s strong or weak.”

This one only Beamon climbed down the mountain.

Start mobilizing your own army.

A Ninth Order [Good War Beamon], which was as tall as a blood giant, came out of the territory.

Ten teams, forming a legion.

There are as many as ten thousand [Good Battle Beamon] in one team.

The number of [Good War Beamons] in a legion actually reached the level of 100,000.

It transmits its thoughts and reports its findings to King Beamon in the very center of the continent.

“King! The fog in the east had somehow dispersed. ”

“I discovered the legendary race of humans, and humans exist as lords on that continent.”

“Subordinates petition to lead a legion of troops to explore the eastern human zone.”

King Beamon received the idea that had been passed on.

Look to the far east.

“The fog has finally dissipated.”

“For so many years, we have died an unknown number of soldiers in order to explore the fog.”

“But I never knew what was on the other side of the fog.”

King Beamon sat up from his throne.

The look was a little excited.

His six back arms were all held high.

“It was good.”

“Our land has become so desolate.”

“I don’t know if the land of the East is fertile.”

King Beamon’s expression radiated radiance.

Beamon’s territory had been desolate for too long.

Many areas have become deserts.

No new resources are generated.

It won’t take long for them to run out of steam themselves.

Sustaining the life of a class also requires resources to sustain it.

For a long time, in order to obtain more resources.

They have also made a lot of efforts.

But there was no turnaround.

As for that fog, they had explored it countless times.

But every time I go, there is no return.

I don’t even know what happened to Beamon, who entered it.

The only thing that is known is that after those Beamons went in, they all lost contact.

Therefore, that fog is also known as the forbidden area of life.

Can’t cross.

But now, things have finally taken a turn for the better.

The fog of the East is gone.

Even, new land appeared.

There are lords of other races.

Since there is a lord, doesn’t that mean that there are resources?

Even their land is equally desolate and barren.

However, those lords themselves are also the embodiment of resources.

Just kill them and plunder their stored resources.

It is also a continuation.

Thinking of this, King Beamon was naturally overjoyed.

“Binulu, I order you to be the vanguard of the conquest of the East.”

“Undertake the mission of pioneering, reconnaissance, plundering, and occupying human territory.”

“Of course, if humans are a powerful race, they will retreat quickly.”

“We, Beamon, must be ready to fight.”

Binulu is no one else.

It was Lord Beamon who reported to King Beamon that the Eastern Mist had disappeared.

At the same time, he was also the most powerful lord in the Far East region of Beamon.

Bee Nulu was given the order.

The corners of the mouth rise.

This is the performance opportunity given to him by King Beamon!

He himself is in the Far East, a desolate territory and extremely poor in resources.

In this place, there is also no chance of performance.

But now, the fog is gone, and he has become the biggest beneficiary.

Got the vanguard opportunity to march eastward.

How can this not be joyful?

He received the order and immediately responded, “Obey the order!” ”

“In the next step, we will certainly live up to the king’s mission, and we will surely triumphantly bring back victory and victory.”

In this way, a legion, a hundred thousand Ninth Order [Good War Beamons] began to march toward the east.

After Lu Cang upgraded the lair.

Evolutionary genes analyze the sac, but they are not idle.

Instead, he continued to parse the corpses that had been brought back.

This time there were quite a few corpses.

Among them, there are many high-level troops.

Even after two hours of parsing, all the corpses were still not completely parsed.

Lu Cang was not in a hurry.

Instead, it browses through the information of the moment.

Also, control the fleshworms and assimilate the earth.

Now in the Far East region, most of the lords were almost controlled by Lu Cang.

Lu Cang after completing the defensive campaign.

Instead of hiding it, they sent the creepers directly to fight against all the lords that could be seen in the Far East.

Lu Cang’s goal was to occupy the entire Far East by himself.

On the one hand, it is to expand the scope of the territory.

The greater the territorial scope, the more room to maneuver on your own in response to a crisis.

After all, building can and can’t be built are two completely different things.

The second aspect is to sweep away threats.

It wasn’t that those lords in the Far East region were any major threat to Lu Cang.

The problem is that the method of transmission does not necessarily have only one common transmission array.

If the other lords wish.

It is also possible to build a private teleportation array with other lords in your own territory and let other lords come to your territory.

Of course, this method also takes a long time.

This teleportation array took a long time to build.

It takes about seven days.

For a short time, Lu Cang was not worried about such a situation happening.

But if it takes a week to go, it may not be.

However, give yourself another week to grow to a point, that’s not necessarily the case.

But cleaning up the surrounding threats and looting their warehouses is a good and harmless act.

Moreover, occupying the Far East is equivalent to truly owning a complete territory in this world.

After all, you are a cursed person.

In the final analysis, it is either oneself that goes on crusade against others, or others who crusade against oneself.

It has become a position that is completely opposed to the Lord.

And with the resources to pick it up, why not?

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