
“This, is it Bodo?”


“Is it really Porto?”

“It’s not… How did it get out so easily? It’s that simple? ”

In fact, the best time to rescue is at the time of execution.

Not in prison.

The guards in the prison are much harsher than the outside world.

Moreover, it is much harder to escape.

There is no means of teleportation or displacement in prisons.

This prison has built a space that cannot be teleported with the [Space Forbidden Stone].

If you want to leave, you can only go out.

It means that there is a bloody battle.

It is even more difficult not to be discovered.

This place has a strong scouting building.

Stealth can be easily seen.

The members of the Cursed Society, looking at the sudden appearance of Bodo.

Totally messy.

Saying that they could save Porto, they thought of countless ways.

It may even be that Lu Cang took Bodo out of Beyer City.

But they didn’t expect it to be such a simple way.

The prisoner himself came out.

“Lu Cang’s means are too unpredictable, aren’t they?”

“This can only be described as miraculous.”

“Porto has been rescued… If our mission had been to rescue Porto, it would have been accomplished. ”

“Lu Cang, is it too powerful?”

“I still don’t know how many means Lu Cang has.”

“However, just by showing up now, Lu Cang seems to be no worse than us old lords.”

“Not worse than the old lords? Who among us can silently rescue Porto? Can you? ”

“Grass, anyway, I can’t do it, I admire Lu Cang’s five-body throwing on the ground.”

The vice-president looked in the direction of Bayer City and pondered.

“Lu Cang… If only you were to lead the Curse Society. ”

Some of the lords looked at Bodo and swallowed a mouthful.

In fact, even if you are retiring now, there is a reason.

The rescue of Bodo is already a great victory for the cursed.

This alone is enough to slap the league hard.


See the appearance of Bodo.

Those who have been cursed, but where are they still willing to retreat like this.

This Lu Cang.

Really the creator of miracles.

It’s really omnipotent!

How can this opportunity be stopped without doing a sum of alliance work?

Since Lu Cang said that he could take down the city of Bayer.

Then TM can definitely be laid.

In the hearts of the lords, Lu Cang never fought an unprepared battle.

Lu Cang’s image was once again raised.

In the hearts of the many lords of the Cursed Society, it was a little stronger.



The two guards came to Porto’s cell.

Speaking to the two guards who were controlled by the face-hugging insects.

“It’s a shift.”

“You’re off work, now it’s our turn.”

The two controlled guards, also very well-behaved, walked toward the rear.

Without any words.

Then the two new guards stood in front of the cell, and they looked inside the cell.

And Bodo was handcuffed with both hands.

In a lazy sitting position, sit on a stone bench in the middle of the cell.

On his face, there was not even a hint of panic.


On his face, the guard could see an eerie smile.

Although it is known that this prisoner has a very tough personality.

Death is imminent, and it is also very tough.

But the thing is, tough gas… Is this the expression?

Why was the face of this prisoner a kind of teasing rat.

A sarcastic look?

How could a prisoner, a prisoner who was about to be executed in another hour, show such an expression?

And when they turned their heads to look at Lu Cang.

Suddenly, it went black in front of me.

The face-hugging worms had crawled to their faces again.


【Execution Square】

Above the execution square, there are rows of seats.

This open-air square.

It has become a high-end place in the city.

The high-ranking lords here are endless.

Five thousand gold coins for a ticket.

It was hard to imagine what a place that rich lords could enter.

Lu Cang’s parasitic eyes were also happily wandering around the bodies of these lords.

Heaven, this is simply a breeding ground for cultivating springboards.

Because the five major regions have their own capitals.

Therefore, the main activities are basically carried out in the capital of their own region.

This time Porto’s execution.

Make Bayer City an unprecedented event.

Lords from all over the world gathered on this square.

Previously, it was a little difficult to spread the parasitic eye to the whole world.

But with this one extravaganza.

The situation is completely different.

The parasitism of the parasitic eye is completely unhindered.

These lords didn’t notice that one of their bodies had an eye drilled into.

In a short period of time, tens of thousands of parasitic eyes have found their new owners.

Lu Cang’s current nerve capacity is one million.

And the number of parasitic eyes that Lu Cang now controlled was also one million.

10 parasitic eyes occupy only 1 nerve capacity.

A million parasitic eyes only take up 100,000 points of capacity.

One million nerve volumes, five times the fifth-order period.

It was already comparable to the capacity of the Ninth Order Lord’s class.

“These lords, you can’t kill them.”

“You have to keep them back to your territory.”

If not.

These parasitic eyes are when they are killed.

It will also fall off naturally.

Therefore, in the end, these lords had to be released back to their own territory.

Let your territory also spread out.

Lu Cang felt that these parasitic eyes were almost like his introduction to spreading flesh and blood.

Every time the territory spreads over long distances.

The cause is always that other lords bring out the parasitic eye.

Spread like a dandelion.

It’s no wonder, though.

The Parasitic Eye is one of the few classes of Lu Cang with parasitic abilities.

At the same time, mimesis also determines its strong concealment.

And its special observational properties are also doomed to be not the same status as the face-hugging worm.

Although the face-hugging insect also has parasitic properties, it is certainly far less convenient than the parasitic eye.

The nerve capacity consumed by the face-hugging worm is also too much.

A face-hugging worm is equivalent to the nerve volume consumption of fifty parasitic eyes.

And, as long as there is [flesh and blood homology]

This means that Lu Cang can reach any territory where the Parasitic Eye exists.

In the territory of the other side, branches and leaves are scattered.

The lords of the great lords took their seats one after another.

Soon, the field was full.

Except for a few individual positions, which are vacant.


These lords are all waiting for the upcoming execution.


They were also on the lookout, in the shadows of a curse.

If the estimate is good.

The curse will this time, should be out to rescue Bodo.

“Huh? Why is the seat next to me empty? ”

“Didn’t someone buy this seat?”

“Thirty thousand gold coins a position, after buying it, actually not present?”

“That’s a luxury.”

“I heard that the person who bought it also sold 20 units of secret steel stone.”

“It was sold for thirty thousand.”

“Which man is a foolish lord with a lot of money?” What wrongdoer? ”

“But this luck is really good, I was able to pick up 20 units of secret steel stone.”

“He probably didn’t dare to come, his strength was insufficient, he carried so many gold coins, if he showed up again, he was afraid of being remembered.”

“Also, no wonder this seat is wasted.”


Over time.

On the execution table, a human lord in a black dress appeared.

“There are still ten minutes to go before the execution begins.”

“Everyone, you must be eager to see the prisoner’s face, right?”

“Come, man, pull up the cursed!” Let’s see the ugly faces of the prisoners! ”

“Let everyone see what a vicious cursed person is!”

The execution table, and a dedicated host.

This execution is not a tragedy.

It’s a carnival comedy.

The alliance should carry the concept of purification day through to the end.

At this time, the host appeared, inciting the atmosphere of the audience.

With this order from the host.

The prisoners, too, were brought out.


Be brought out.

The host looked triumphant and looked at the audience below.

Under the effect of their own hosting, the audience all opened their mouths.

He even felt that his atmosphere was rendered very successfully.

Very in place.

But soon, his look became strange.

The reaction of these audiences is inevitably too excessive, right?


What about spitting?

How, all the eyes were frightened…

Look behind your back.

Back, back?

The host turned back.

What he saw, however, was a strange face.

Wear a prison uniform.

In his hands, however, he held two chains.

These two chains, connected to each other, are guards.

The guards crawled on the ground like dogs.

Crawl towards your side.

But this prisoner was strolling idly.

It’s like walking a dog in your own back garden.


Where in the world are there such prisoners?

“You guys, what are you doing?”

“As a caretaker, where is your dignity?”

“No… This man is not Porto, where is Porto? ”

“What I want is for you to bring Bodo up!”

“Who’s you bringing up?”

The host glanced at the name of the prisoner in front of him.

Lords, you can see each other’s names directly.

“It’s Lu Cang!”

“Yes… Lu Cang? ”

The moderator was stunned, and then, looking at the prisoner’s message.

At this time, Lu Cang was not hiding anything.

Instead, he revealed his real name.

Watch the host gradually become frightened.

Lu Cang showed a kind smile.

“Yes, correct it.”

“It’s not a prisoner, it’s Lu Cang.”


In an instant, from Lu Cang’s back, countless tentacles sprang out, and these tentacles instantly penetrated the host’s body.

Subsequently, Lu Cang lightly picked up the host’s speaker.

“Hey, can you hear me?” I am Lu Cang. ”

“Now inform the whole city.”

“Lords of Beyer City.”

“You are surrounded by me now.”

“The city of Beyer, from today onwards, is my land of Lucang.”

“That’s it, that’s it.”

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