You know, some classes will accompany the lord for a long time.

Just like Lu Cang, the first few creepers, are still alive.

He became a senatorial character.

Many lords also have such classes.

If you can devour that class, it is almost equivalent to obtaining the intelligence of that lord.

Lu Cang thought of this.

The mind moves.

At this time, in the middle of Cangcheng.

The [fallen spirit – dark even] is still wavering.

As for his troops, they were also wandering around.

“That class should be his guard class.”

“I should have followed him for a long time.”

【Fallen Banshee】

This should be an auxiliary type unit that follows the Dark Average.

It’s like a secretary.

For this dark jun, Lu Cang did not have much pity.

In any case, they are traitors who harm the Cursed Society.

Although Lu Cang did not join the Curse Society.

But there are still some feelings about the curse.

In particular, this is an organization created by Mr. Electrolux.

There is no emotion, there is grace.

For the traitors in the Curse Society, Lu Cang naturally would not be soft-hearted.

“Mental necrosis.”

In an instant, the evil pupil stared to that side.

Seventh Order, Super Mythical Level Evil Pupil’s Spiritual Necrosis.

Under the Holy Order, no creature is immune.

Unless you have the [Star Ring Nerve]

This [Fallen Banshee] lost her mind in an instant.

At that moment, her brain was completely necrotic.

But on the outside, there is no abnormality at all.

And before Dark Jun’s attention shifted to this side.

Under the earth, immediately stretch out a pair of hands.


In an instant, the fallen banshee was pulled into the meat tube.

In just ten seconds, he dragged the body of the Fallen Banshee back to the lair.

Now the meat tube can already transport items and corpses.

“Just let me interpret what this dark jun has done.”

Granula wraps around the corpse of a fallen banshee.

Sink this ugly and withered skin into the flesh and blood.

Soon, everything that the Fallen Banshee had experienced in this life was reflected in Lu Cang’s mind.

Fallen Banshee, born in a dark pond.

After that, he followed Dark Jun in battles large and small.

However, once the darkness fell into a desperate situation.

Surrounded by alliances.

The Alliance gave the conditions for the Dark One to live.

That is to be undercover, lurking in the curse society.

Provide intelligence to the Alliance on the Curse Society.

If that’s the case, you can not kill him.

Dark only needs to complete a certain number of indicators every year.

Reveal some coordinate information about members of the Curse Society.

Make sure that the Alliance catches a few cursed people every year so that they don’t kill him.

Because of this, several members of the Curse Society are also killed every year under the intelligence of the Dark Lord.

However, Dark Capital did not disclose the information that he was going to attack the city of Bayer.

After all, his task was really only to reveal the coordinates of some of the cursed people.


If the alliance knew, he had such important intelligence and would not be revealed.

When you find him soon, it is estimated that you will directly destroy him.


“Contradictory traitor.”

He wanted to live, to survive.

But mistakes were made.

“Forget it, I don’t need to judge him.”

What to do with this traitor is a matter of curse society.

Nor was he an internal member of the Curse Society.

Lu Cang was not much nosy.

Lu Cang’s purpose was only to spy on the other party’s secrets.

Get useful intelligence.

There are too many mysteries.

Lu Cang continued to explore the history experienced by this Fallen Banshee.

Indirect access to intelligence on the Dark Order.


A word that made Lu Cang care came into his mind.

[Maine set out to copy the forbidden inscription, our side is responsible for creating chaos, but that Lu Cang seems to have created enough chaos]

[I don’t know if the master can successfully obtain the forbidden inscription…]

[It seems that in the forbidden inscription, a special building that exists only in the world can be extracted.] 】

[Moreover, there are other methods of access to the Holy Order.] 】

[If the master can obtain the content of the forbidden inscription, he may be able to become the next Holy Order Lord.] 】

The record of taboo inscriptions ends here.

“It’s time to have a contact with the Curse.”

The vice-president of the Cursed Society, the lord of the Holy Order.

Lu Cang’s “Evil Pupil” swept through a circle.

It was discovered that in the Curse Society, there were two holy orders.

According to Chriss’s description.

This is a guild of only a few hundred people.

And in these hundreds of guilds, there were two holy steps.

Moreover, it is still happening now.

Whether there was something in the dark, Lu Cang didn’t know.

You know, the Alliance only has eight Saint Order Lords.

The number of alliances is based on trillions of lords.

If Lu Cang wanted to say something, it was the lord of the Curse Society, and the proportion of the Holy Order was too high.

Among them, there must be some special reason.

Curse the secret of the lords’ access to the Holy Order.

Moreover, in Lu Cang’s observation during this time.

The members of the Curse Society seem to have a relatively easy time with the challenge of crossing the ranks.

Of course, their leapfrogging was not as outrageous as Lu Cang’s.

Capable of seven orders and ten seconds.

They are only sixth-order heroes, and in the case of a relatively small number, they can cross the level to kill the leader of the sixth order.

Or the sixth order kills the same level of the seventh order.

This seems to be common on the battlefield.

However, this strictly divides the hierarchy of the Lords world in grades and ranks.

But it seems so incongruous.

“No wonder, the Alliance is afraid of the cursed.”

“If the number of people under the curse is large, even if it is only tens of thousands, it may threaten the status of the alliance.”

A few hundred people were able to come out of the two Holy Steps.

Tens of thousands of people that?

“It’s time to contact the vice president of the Curse Society.”

Lu Cang’s mind moved.

In the middle of Cangcheng, pools of blood were built.

In Cangcheng, the construction speed is fifty times that of the foundation.

Five times the spawn, plus ten times the foundation of Cangcheng.

The vast majority of buildings are built instantaneously.

Lu Cang intends to communicate with the vice president.

Before that, a pool of blood must be built.

Stay in a pool of blood and come into contact with members of the Cursed Society.

I’ve already hit a trick before.

The Cognitive Curse That Covers the World

Although the curse will be so far, except for the person of Dark Jun, the overall feeling is not bad.

But the ghost knows that there is no one else who will make a conspiracy trick behind his back.

There is absolutely no harm in being able to prevent one hand from the other.

After building a good pool of blood.

On the ground, a fleshy worm exploded.

Lu Cang came to the lord of the Cursed Society through the flesh worm and the flesh and blood of the same origin.

Lu Cang, on the other hand, stood in the pool of blood and continued to clear the abnormal state.

“Lu Cang!”

Seeing Lu Cang suddenly appear.

The people of the Curse Society all shook their heads.

Lu Cang’s appearance was also too sudden.

Even, because Lu Cang maintains a mimetic gradient.

None of these lords immediately noticed how Lu Cang had appeared.

When they come back to God.

Lu Cang had already arrived in front of them.

“Lu Cang.”


But the vice president was obviously much calmer than the other collarsmen.

Lu Cang reported after the name.

The vice president also immediately reported his name.

Although the names are visible to each other.

But it’s a courtesy.

The number of ceremonies between lords symbolizes peace.

“Brother Lu Cang, are you now considering joining our Curse Society?”

Lu Cang shook his head.

“No, don’t think about it for now.”

“Brother Lu Cang, what’s so hard to say?”

Lu Cang did not affirm or deny.

Instead, it shifts the subject.

“As you can see, Bayer City has been taken down by me.”

“It was also my first meeting with the Curse Society.”

“Regarding the curse meeting, I would like to ask the vice president a few questions.”

However, this sentence has just been said.

Suddenly, there is another world announcement that pops up all over the world!

【World Announcement – Neutral City in the Western Central District – Simon City Authority has been seized, the current city status: vacant】

And this announcement has not appeared for a few seconds.

Suddenly, another announcement popped up.

[World Announcement – Lord: Binulu has occupied the neutral city in the eastern central area! 】

【Name of the current neutral city: Beamon City】


Human players throughout the world, see this pop-up world announcement.

The direct people are stupid.

ThisTM, what the hell is going on in the world?

How the capital of the east had just been lost.

The capital of the west, also lost?

What’s going on here?

“I lean on? Has the end of the world arrived? ”

“How did the West fall?”

“No, why is it so clever, isn’t that premeditated?”

“By the way, in just one day, we have fallen two capitals, is there any mistake?”

“What is the Alliance doing?” Does the alliance eat dry food? ”

“Lu Cang, a sixth-order lord, the alliance can’t be decided, and let others occupy the capital?” Are you also worthy of ruling billions of lords? ”

In the world channel, one lord after another cursed and grinned.

And the alliance, even the water meter can not be checked.

Sixth-order lord, occupy the capital.

This TM is no longer just about punching in the face.

This is holding a meat grinder and cutting their faces.

This also made the Holy Order Lords who were besieging the two Holy Order bosses not calm in their hearts.

In fact, they had just not taken the news of Lu Cang’s attack on Bayer City to heart at all.

Bayer City, what is that place?

The capital of the East!

So many lords are in town.

Moreover, those territorial cores were also the strength of the Holy Order.

Even if you want to fight down, it is not so simple.

At least a few days will be delayed.

And wait until this time.

Now that they have collected the boss of the Holy Order, they can immediately rush to support.

Save Beyer and, at the same time, destroy Lu Cang.

By the way, give the cursed people a painful blow.

Therefore, they did not pay any attention to the support requirements of the alliance.

But what they couldn’t imagine was that.

The front foot had just scolded the league.

On the back foot, the city of Beyer had already fallen.

It was captured by Lu Cang and renamed Cangcheng.

And even more unexpected is that.

In the western region where nothing came out.

I have only heard of an unknown race that is wreaking havoc in the west.

On the side of the “Extreme of the West”, it was seriously hit.

I haven’t waited to get specifics.

The news came directly from the occupation of the western capital, Simon.

They are concentrating on attacking the boss.

The result is just a few hours in time.

Five capitals, stealing two for someone else?

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