【Beamon City】

It takes three days to build the teleportation array.

Hinulu no longer continued to advance eastward.

His task has been accomplished.

Now all it takes is to hold on to this city and wait until the support comes.

After all, there are other Holy Order Lords in this world.

The eight Holy Order Lords are not completely without Holy Order Lords.

Eight besieged him one.

He’s still quite dangerous.

Therefore, we must take advantage of the convenience of the city to guard here.

Than Nulu can think of.

Wait until the humans react.

It is expected that there will be a fierce battle with him.

Although Binulu despised humans very much.

But it is also a rare number of holy orders that despise human beings.

Overall weakness.

But it is not to despise the existence of the Holy Order of the same rank as oneself.

Between the Holy Ranks, as long as they reached the same level, the difference in strength was not very large.

In the human world, perhaps the lords of the Holy Order were stronger than them.

After all, the Beamon race had hundreds of holy orders.

It also means that the territory has been divided into hundreds.

The vast majority of Saint Order Lords were First Saint Rank Lords.

In the human world, the eight holy orders are divided into one territory.

The eight holy steps are all the most holy, and not necessarily.

If he had met the Holy Order Lord of the Human Race, in fact, Bi Nulu himself would not have a bottom in his heart.

I don’t know if I can win the war.

His own territory, just legendary level.

The corresponding class strength is legendary level.

Above the imperial steps, below the myths.

Human Lords, I heard that there are three mythical level holy orders.

Four, are legendary.

As for the alliance lord, there are rumors that it is super mythical.

There are also rumors that are mythical level.

None of them are accurate.

But from these news, it seems.

Definitely not lower than him.

It will only be higher than him.

If the support came late, he was likely to be unable to hold the city and fall.

“But… It should be able to be kept. ”

Binulu looked at a seed in his hand.

To capture Simon City.

He had sacrificed his territory.

Exchange for this neutral city.

In exchange, though.

King Beamon remotely passed it on to a special building.

The Beamon race, which has hundreds of Holy Order Lords, has mastered the ability to pass items remotely.

The lords of the human world will not allow other creatures to spread freely into their territory.

This kind of transmission is very unstable.

It is not possible to know if it is some dangerous goods that cannot be put in.

Beamon, however, is different.

For a long time, Beamon has achieved true harmony and unity.

And the rule of law was established between the lords.

Form a legal system of management.

If anyone provokes a dispute, Beamon’s officials will directly sanction them.

The human world, on the other hand, tacitly allows for the snatching of resources between lords.

And hurt each other.

There is no regulatory system to govern.

Of course, the most important point of remote material exchange is still.

Beamon actually mastered the technology of pure material transfer.

As for the human lords, all the teleportation arrays are passed through the lord’s arms together.

Regardless of each other, there is no limit.

As a result, the lord had no idea whether the supplies he wanted were being transmitted from the opposite side or whether he was an army ready to go.


【Endless Sea】

At this time, near the Secret Steel Stone Mountain, a bright red river was slowly forming.

This river is located, not anything else.

It is within the sea of the Endless Sea.

The sea surface near the Secret Steel Stone Mountain turned a bright red.

Lu Cang was trying to do something about the Endless Sea.

Previously, the assimilation of the Endless Sea was not unsuccessful.

It should be said that it was exceptionally smooth.

The Endless Sea can indeed be transformed into flesh and blood.

But flesh and blood will always sink, sinking deeper into the depths.

As it sinks, the water pressure and corrosivity also become stronger and stronger, and eventually, the flesh of the secret steel tissue will crack and corrode, and crack.

On the secret steel stone mountain, extending this road outward, it is also difficult to get through.

Just within the waters of the Endless Sea.

There will be an infinite sinking trend.

Even if it is stuck to the secret steel stone mountain, it can be dragged down.

Lu Cang had no way to build land on the surface of the Endless Sea.

But now the Nairo River has been obtained.

Lu Cang felt that he was more or less trying again.

If only it were possible to conquer the Endless Sea.

Then you will become more secure.

While surrounded and attacked by the Lords of the Holy Order, he risked death.

On one side, outside the fortified lair of the Secret Steel Stone Mountain, looking for a safer way to go.

Risk-taking and reckless are not the same.

[Earth Turtle] is obviously unable to support it.

And the major lords, the attack accelerated a lot.

At the same time, they are also ready to sprint, no matter what, at least to grab the BOSS’s body first.

In this way, we have the greatest right to speak.

After that, the lords of these holy ranks insisted on sharing the profits.

There is also plenty of room for maneuvering.

Anyway, I got the stuff.

If you agree with my distribution, you can get a piece of the pie.

If you don’t agree, then resign.

Direct human affection is not given.

Leave the other lords unwilling.

At most, it is to start fighting.

And the start of the fight…

No one wanted to waste their Holy Order combat power like this.

Whoever does it is the one who will suffer.

Really want to fight, the final ending, can only be the BOSS did not catch, they are still seriously injured.

The classes of the Holy Order are much more troublesome to cultivate than the ordinary classes.

Therefore, grabbing the boss is the first priority.

“It’s not even close!”

“Come on, everyone!”

“The vital signs of the turtle are going to disappear!”

“The last point is still near!”

Several Holy Order Lords, fake encouragement to teammates.

But in fact, it is secretly exerting force, waiting for the BOSS to die, and directly charging himself.

Even they are ready to launch space capabilities.

As soon as the boss dies, it can be put into the backpack in the first time.

The turtle has been seriously injured.

And Lu Cang, at this time, also came to the tail of the turtle.

The Daughter of Reversal Death is here.

Lu Cang was also quite grateful to these two bosses.

If it weren’t for these two bosses, I wouldn’t have gotten so many chances.

It is unlikely that it will go so smoothly.

Still, gratitude goes to gratitude.

Around Lu Cang’s body, countless silk threads stretched out, moving closer to the daughter who reversed death.

To kill, you still have to kill.

Lu Cang didn’t really have any compassion for these bosses.

“Sorry, make it my nourishment.”

That’s when it happened!



A thick light fell from the sky!

The light covers the entire back of the Earth Turtle!

The Meteor Lord, finally sent out his Celestial Archer.

One hit falls, and the boss is suddenly ended!

Soon, this turtle shell melted in an instant!

The Earth Turtle has lost its last defensive ability!

And in that moment.

Lu Cang released all the silk threads! Instant tightening!


Just a moment’s time.

The Daughter of Reverse Death without any protection is cut into small pieces.

Instant death.

There was no delay.

Lu Cang also directly put the remains of the Earth Genkai and the Daughter of Reverse Death directly into the backpack.

The whole action, within a few tenths of a second, is done in one go.

Income such a huge corpse, must be in full physical contact.

This also means that the other lords are definitely not as fast as they have already contacted.

Even if they are fast, there is a delay of a few tenths of a second.

After you complete these operations.

Lu Cang immediately activated the flesh and blood homology.

In the next instant, he returned to the nest.


Lu Cang breathed a long sigh of relief in the secret steel stone cave.

That scene was really spectacular.

The earth and stones cracked.

The wind blows up!

The tyrannical attack landed on the back of the Earth Turtle.

For the first time, Lu Cang felt such a great threat.

These attacks are all as powerful as the Tianji Tower.

The hardness of the Secret Steel Stone is described in the textbook as the Sky Giant of the Imperial Level, and a stick can only knock off the skin.

But it can’t be destroyed.

But that’s a normal attack.

And ordinary attacks are often not the basic attack methods of the Holy Order.

【Violent Blow】

【Death Detonation】

【Serial Shock】

Only when facing the Sky Giant’s attack.

Lu Cang knew that the rumored sky giant was not as weak as imagined.

In the textbook, there is more or less exaggerated components of the secret steel stone.

Those attacks, if they hit the Secret Steel Stone Mountain.

At least a huge hole can be punched.

At least it can sink into a depth of five meters.

It’s definitely not as simple as scraping a little skin.

If Lu Cang’s flesh hits it.

Not to death though.

But it is estimated that the body must also be reorganized immediately.

“It’s really exciting.”

“Holy Order, the original power is so powerful.”

“And the tenth order is not a rank at all.”

In the battle of Baier City this time, Lu Cang had more or less killed many Tenth Order troops.

If you say how high the strength of the tenth order class is.

Lu Cang didn’t feel anything at all.

It’s like cutting tofu.

The tenth order is only two or three times stronger than the ninth order.

Not to mention the qualitative change.

Of course, for the average lord, the difference in strength of two or three times was already a heavenly graben.

But if you compare the Holy Order with the Tenth Order.

That is the gap in combat strength of tens of times, or even nearly a hundred times.

It was simply impossible for the Tenth Order to cause thousands of kilometers of damage with every attack.

At most, the aftermath of the battle within tens of kilometers.

And the Holy Order…

[Celestial Shooter] When a meteorite falls.

The tenth order in front of the holy order can only be cannon fodder.

The first time he faced the Holy Steps, Lu Cang was still a little excited in his heart.

Not fear, though.

It’s an excitement.

In the future, if I can rise to that level, I don’t know how powerful I will be.

Is it possible to completely unify the world?

Now, just by being in the sixth order, he was already able to reach the level of the Holy Order.

When you wait for the Holy Order, can you compete with that taboo?

If it is calculated according to the strength of the Holy Order, which is nearly a hundred times that of the tenth order.

How strong must you be in your own holy rank?

Lu Cang withdrew his mind from his imagination.

Look at the loot.

This time the harvest was extremely rich.

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