Lu Cang became famous in this battle.

The whole world was also discussing Lu Cang’s combat effectiveness.

【World Channel】

“Not long ago I was in the city of Beyer and was sucked up by a huge mountain of meat, and you don’t know how big it is!”

“Even the biggest giant now, in front of that mountain of meat, is as small as a baby.”

“You’re not the only one who gets sucked in.”

“, what kind of monster is this?” Called Terraria? ”

“This is also the class that a human lord can create?”

“Grass, Terraria?” Roshan is a fart, that stuff is too bulky. ”

“Did you know that there is a huge blood giant whose size has surpassed the current giant record?”

“It seems to be more than six hundred meters?”

“And, most frighteningly, the Blood Giant is extremely agile.”

“Do you know what it’s like to see a six-hundred-meter behemoth flipping and kicking around in the sky after turning three hundred and sixty degrees?”

“I just watched this monster kick the core of the territory out.”

“What… How did you all encounter such a great monster? ”

“I just feel that my place is full of creepers, densely packed with creepers, and the streets are full of houses and houses.”

“I hid, and it turned out to be in the ventilation ducts, in the toilets, in the sewers, everywhere.”

“In particular, I also saw in the sewers that several fleshy bugs burst open, and each bug was divided into three crawlers.”

“And such bugs can be born in a single oocyst every minute.”

“It’s disgusting, it’s horrible.”

“Huh? How come you all come across so many strange things? ”

“All I heard was an explosion, and then I was gone.”

“With … But I seemed to have stepped on some kind of white bug. ”

“Uh, am I the only one who was killed by the magic sound?” I felt like there were ten thousand devils roaring in my head. ”

“I feel like my brain is going to tear up.”

“Now that I’ve come back to life, I still feel terrible.”

Resurrection restores the vast majority of lords.

Restore the spirit of the Lord.

Of course, the cognitive curse cannot be lifted.

Otherwise, these lords would have already reacted to the fact that something was wrong with the vanished forbidden area in the west.

Even if the spirit is restored after the resurrection, most of the sequelae are eliminated.

But the feeling of being struck by the screams of the screamers still left a deep psychological shadow in his heart.

It was the pain of his life.

For a time, Lu Cang’s strange and unpredictable class had become the main topic of discussion among all the lords in the world.

How could a small sixth-order lord have such a powerful class?

His territorial rank, is it really a hero level?

Isn’t that a joke?

In their eyes, Lu Cang’s super-mythical troops.

All are [Hero Level]

This is also the result of Lu Cang’s use of perfect mimicry to obscure his information.

But this ultimately leads to.

All the lords of the whole world, seeing this hero-level grade, were a little confused.


The legendary classes of Lao Tzu are not so good.

You tell me this level is only heroic?

However, the means of covering the rank of the class have never appeared.

It is also difficult for players to think of such means.

After all, this information is given by the rules of the world.

There is no means in the world that can shield the rules of the world.

However, these lords can be sure of it.

Lu Cang must have a big secret in his body.


And just when all the lords were fiercely discussing Lu Cang.

World boss kill hints.

It also pops up.

A striking name that appeared in the sight of all the lords.

The name, they are all too familiar.

Familiar enough to be familiar anymore.

Lu Cang…

In a short period of time, on the major social platforms, among the posts of major communities, a name appeared 100 million times.

“Lu Cang, isn’t he inside Cangcheng?”

“At least, he was still in Cangcheng just now, right?”

“This has only just been occupied, and the teleportation array should not have been established, how did he move to the central area?”

“Speaking of which, can Lu Cang use the teleportation array in the central area?” Does he have coordinates? ”

“The ghost knows, in fact, no one knows how Lu Cang actually acted.”

“It feels like he can go anywhere in the world.”

“And that ability? Is there no limit? ”

“Oh, that’s terrible, isn’t it?” Doesn’t that mean we could be attacked by him at any time? ”

“Oh, maybe he’s staring at you right now?”

“Don’t say that, I’m afraid, I’ve just escaped from the city.”

“Haha, just kidding, how can there be such a thing?”

However, behind this lord who had just escaped from Cangcheng.

One eye, open from the wall.

Gaze at the back of this lord.

The news that Lu Cang killed the world boss shook the world again.

It also shocked the people of the Curse Society.

The battle of Beyer City had just been fought, and just now, Lu Cang was still communicating cordially with them.

Actually, after the Battle of Bayertown.

The lords of the Curse Society also had a realistic contact with Lu Cang.

More or less they also talked a few words and got to know each other.

The powerful memory of the lords allows the lords to be almost unforgettable.

Once you know each other, it’s hard to forget.

And Lu Cang was indeed, just a few tens of minutes ago, still in Cangcheng.

This short time.

He ran to the distant central area, surrounded by seven Holy Order Lords, and snatched the boss?

And it wasn’t until they were relieved from the shock of the world announcement.

“Community! Look at the community! ”

In the community, a new news appeared in the eyes of many lords.

Loot Looted? Seven Holy Order Lords Bamboo Basket Empty? 》

“Mysterious Missing, Earth Turtle Disappears, Daughter of Reverse Death Disappears!” 》

Holy Steps! Threatening to kill Lu Cang! 》

“I lean on?”

“Lu Cangpa, you’re playing really big.”

“Is there any mistake, after robbing the boss in front of the Holy Order, you also directly robbed other people’s booty?”

They believe that Lu Cang’s participation in the killing of the world boss is already very good.

Although do not know what the purpose is.

But being able to kill the boss in the middle of the Holy Order is already a very remarkable act.

That alone is commendable.

But what they didn’t expect was…

Lu Cang actually snatched the booty of the world boss TM.

So many bosses, four days of fighting bosses.

From before Lu Cang was promoted to the Fifth Order Lord, he began to fight.

Until now, Lu Cang was about to be promoted to the Seventh Order Lord.

There were four days in between.

They actually robbed it.

The lords of these holy orders were afraid to die of anger.

Come to think of it.

The crowd of the Curse Society couldn’t help but laugh.

“Awesome! Lu Cang’s old brother is awesome! ”

“Worthy of Lu Cang, he easily did what we couldn’t do.”

“I don’t know how it was done, but it’s right.”

“I don’t know when Big Man Lu Cang will take us to another first-hand alliance.”

The members of the Curse Society felt that since Lu Cang came to this world.

The alliance has repeatedly suffered.

From the original prosperity, in just a few days, it has gone into continuous decline.

That so-called Age of Purification.

It was also taken as a joke by the lords.

The era of purification is synonymous with the age of the clown.



“I’ll let you go and support the west and take the city of Beamon!”

“Fuck you, Lao Tzu doesn’t beat that Lu Cang to death, Lao Tzu is not a holy order, and it doesn’t matter if you are more than Meng or not Bimong.”

“That race called Beamon has captured the city in the west and is building a teleportation array.”

“In the near future, it is likely that Beamon’s army will come.”

“That can be said later, this Lu Cang, must die.”


At this point, within the league…

The dying admonition to these Holy Order Lords not to be impulsive, not to act in a hurry, and to put the overall situation first.

However, these lords of the Holy Order all have their own tempers.

In front of everyone, the boss was robbed, and the booty was seized, who can bear it?

In the face of the support requirements of the west.

These Holy Order Lords didn’t pay much attention.

Lu Cang really them off.

However, the alliance is still a league after all.

After persuasion to calm down.

These Holy Order Lords also understood the seriousness of Beamon.

The severity of the west was no weaker than that of Lu Cang’s side.

From a threatening point of view, the western side is much more serious.

“Beamon, Holy Order Lord, right?”

“Three Holy Steps, is it enough to beat a Beamon?”

“Meteorite, Lao Tzu and you go, and the countercurrent, we are also together.”

“Our three mythical level Holy Order Lords don’t believe that they can’t beat a Beamon.”

“Then you will go and kill Lu Cang.”

“Lu Cang’s territorial core, don’t break it all up, leave one for me to fight.”

“, otherwise you can’t get rid of the hate.”

“A sixth-order lord has gotten on our heads.”

For the Holy Order Lord, Lu Cang’s behavior could be said to be a pheasant, pulling on the top of a dragon’s head.

Blatantly provocative, very rampant.

Even, rampant to the point of that, it’s like asking when are you going to come and hit me.

“Hit me?”

“Fight or not?”

The face was all stretched out to his own face, so.

Who can bear this.

Although the lords of the Holy Order clashed and fought with each other, they all pit each other and hurt each other.

But in fact, there is still the dignity of the Holy Order.

It’s like a couple of business giants calculating each other, but suddenly a street vendor came, directly tore their contract, snatched the money and ran.

This is tantamount to directly touching their reverse scales.

In battles between peers, they can accept being calculated, thinking that even if they are calculated, it is understandable.

But the ants calculated…


For a time, the Lords of the Great Holy Order were unified.

The four legendary level lords walked towards the teleportation array to the east.

The three mythical lords were heading towards the teleportation array to the west.

The alliance saw the situation, which was a relief.

If all these lords were to go and fight Lu Cang.

That’s the end of the west.

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