The Holy Order Lord’s attack range was wide and intense.

It has become a watershed with ordinary lords.

Otherwise, this should be called the eleventh order, not the holy order.

This realm is transcendent and holy.

Lu Cang browsed the community and looked at the world map.

Items dropped through these lords.

Lu Cang used the map crystals on their bodies to piece together a relatively complete map.

“To the west of the Far East is Dongling, and Dongling is bordered by five other regions.”

“If you want to expand directly, this is the only direction.”

“However, I can also expand directly from Bayer City.”

“Expansion from Beyer to the east can form a road.”

Lu Cang looked at the map and planned expansion in his heart.

Lu Cang was not content with annexing only one area.

Especially after their own forces have become stronger.

Lu Cang planned to expand his territory farther away.

Between the lords of the Holy Order, there is mutual restraint.

But Lu Cang did not have such a reluctance.

Lu Cang didn’t need to worry about being punished after he killed the lord.

“It is true, however, that there may be pure innocents.”

“It cannot be denied that there may be some ordinary lords who help the cursed.”

Although this possibility is extremely low.

But Lu Cang didn’t want these people to be pushed by himself.

“Hmm… There is no better way for the time being. ”

“Maybe you can try it with flesh and blood slavery and just leave it alone.”

“But I had to be there in person to enslave, and it was too much trouble.”

If it is a large-scale attack.

Tens of millions, hundreds of millions of lords.

Lu Cang certainly couldn’t have come to them one by one and asked if he wanted to surrender himself.

A lord takes a second.

The trillions of lords in this world cannot be asked for hundreds of years.

“Forget it, let’s keep pushing west.”

After Lu Cang ruled the Far East.

Divide up a part of the troops and advance towards the Dongling area.

However, this part of the force is not so much a push as a reconnaissance and exploration.

After leaving the Far East, it will gradually become rich.

The lords of the territory that are unfolding here will also become more numerous.

There are only five thousand people in the Far East.

It can be directly and accurately hit.

One by one, they came to the door.

But in the Dongling area, although still remote.

But it seems that the good guys have gone from desert to suburb, and there are already hundreds of millions of lords.

Lu Cang was now only a million nerve capacity at its maximum.

Even if all of them go to attack Dongling.

An average creeper also had to fight more than a hundred lords.

I can’t eat anything.

So, compared to aggressive attack.

Lu Cang still focused more on exploration.

Let the troops open up the Dongling area for themselves.

Then Lu Cang looked at the map, the eastern part of the human territory, an area marked with brown.

This area is the territory of the Celestial Giant-Okuyama.


【East – Okuyama Domain】

This territory is the territory of Okuyama.

He occupied eleven areas in succession.

He is the Holy Order Lord of the Holy Level.

After returning to its own territory from the west.

He breathed a long sigh of relief.

Although the physique has reached the point where it can not eat, drink or sleep for a year, it can still be a hundred times more energetic.

But Okuyama felt that this short period of four days had made his spirit extremely tired.

“Manufacturing, sky giant.”

[What you need to make a giant in the sky: the blood of a giant, the heavy wood, the strong man…]

“Heavy heavy yin wood, I am almost out of stock.”

“Maybe I can sell a little bit of architecture.”

“I’ve saved up so many resources, are I going to run out again?”

“Such excessive manufacturing, I don’t know if my production can afford it, it is estimated that it is not possible.”


In the process of waiting.

Yin Luan was also constantly sending messages to Lu Cang.

Several documents on the secrets of the alliance were also transmitted.

At this time, she sent a message to Lu Cang again.

“Lu Cang, regarding the forbidden area, I don’t know if you know anything about it.”

“Forbidden zone? What forbidden area? ”

Lu Cang was now more sensitive to the word forbidden area.

After all, the Crash Forbidden Zone was very much of a concern to Lu Cang.

“Space Forbidden Zone.”

“That’s it.”

I thought that the other party was going to say something about breaking the forbidden area.

Lu Cang also thought that Yin Luan had also discovered the abnormality of the Collapse Forbidden Zone.

Unexpectedly, what the other party proposed was a forbidden area that did not move at all.

This forbidden zone existed in the world from the beginning.

I don’t know when it began to exist.

But as long as there is a historical record.

He already exists in this world.

“What happened to the space exclusion zone?”

Accompanied by Lu Cang’s question.

Yin Luan sent several messages in a row.

“We had a partnership, and I think I should tell you these things too.”

“You also know that every year, there will be lords who enter the forbidden area from the outside.”

“Every year there is a large-scale exploration.”

“Well, I know this.”

Regarding the exploration of the forbidden area, Lu Cang still knew.

This is also the world’s public information.

But each time it was declared to be inconclusive.

And the loss is returned.

“In fact, since the birth of the forbidden area, we have explored the forbidden area, and it is not completely without gains.”

“Of course, the death forbidden zone is absolutely impossible to explore, then as long as you take a step is death, and you have not found a way to crack it for the time being.”

“But in time, space, and the confusing forbidden zone, in fact, we have made a lot of discoveries.”

“In the forbidden area of time, the forbidden area explored the most by the elderly, the lives of these lords have come to an end, and they are dying of old age.”

“It’s about to be a big limit, and they will all try to explore the time exclusion zone in the hope of being able to rejuvenate.”

“But for a hundred years, the old people who went in have not come out.”

“It wasn’t until fifty years ago that a young man walked out of the forbidden zone, but unfortunately, in a short period of time, he immediately aged and turned into a pile of white bones in the outside world.”

“As for the Confused Forbidden Zone, there is a class that can come out again after entering, but he says that he has forgotten everything that happened in it.”

“After testing, his spirit is normal.”

“But within a few days, he destroyed the territorial core of his lord and subsequently committed suicide.”

“As for the space exclusion zone, that’s what I want to tell you this time.”

“Not long ago, in the space forbidden zone, some people came back, but unlike those people, this time the people who left the space forbidden area brought something out of the forbidden area.”

“This is the first lord to bring something out of the box.”

“It’s a broken map.”

“Records the coordinates of a part of the folded space in our world.”


The other party said so much, Lu Cang didn’t quite understand, what she wanted to let herself do.

“I got this map, and I believe it’s going to be valuable.”

“If I can, I want to use it as a bargaining chip for our cooperation.”

“Maybe I’ll be of no value to you soon.”

“I can feel your potential, far from our level.”

“So, I hope I can use this as part of the chip to increase my value.”

“Hmm, got it.”

Lu Cang was not polite, and what the other party said was indeed so.

Moreover, the other party is also very wise and knows his own positioning.

Not with combat power value, but with intelligence and item value.

This makes her more value-preserving.

Lu Cang didn’t want to cooperate with stupid people.

The other party is more or less a smart person.

It’s always a pleasure to work with smart people.

“Also, Lu Cang, although I know that you are very strong, I really don’t recommend that you contact the forbidden area of life at this stage and explore.”

“The horror in the forbidden zone of life is far beyond your expectations.”

“The fog of the forbidden area of life is a bit like your blood curtain, outside the forbidden area, unable to communicate with the inside of the forbidden area.”

“And more importantly, if the lord himself enters the forbidden area, he will be directly cut off from the territorial core, and the lord inside will not be able to resurrect in the territory if he is killed.”

“It’s like a lord below the fifth order.”

“So be careful.”

“Well, I see.”

Lu Cang got Yin Luan’s suggestion, and he also had a fuller understanding of the forbidden area of life.

However, Lu Cang had not planned to explore at this stage.

According to the description of the taboo inscription.

Reach the forbidden stage and have the ability to explore the forbidden zone of life.

Now, I am still far from taboo.

Of course……

In the third way, the Holy Order is taboo.

The condition is that the Holy Order needs to explore the forbidden area of life and obtain certain results.

It’s a lot of fans.


All parties in the world have entered a busy state.

Some lords are busy preparing for war, and some lords are busy fleeing for their lives.

The weak have no room for survival in this world.

Only the strong have the ability to act arbitrarily.

The Cursed Society’s Porto also established territory during this time.

The establishment of the territory was carried out under the guidance of Hengyuan.

Another Curse Society’s Holy Order Strongman.

The Female Emperor of Charm was inside Cangcheng.

Looking far away in the direction of the city lord’s mansion.

“Lu Cang.”

“Will the collapse of the forbidden area have something to do with him?”


【Desolate wilderness】

“Brother Lu Cang, you are so strong!”

“I’m so good! Good to adore you! ”

“Brother Lu Cang, can you tell me the story of your great battle against the Four Holy Orders, I want to hear the detailed version!”

“I just want to hear you talk to me!”

See the “good news” coming from the world

Those bad news for ordinary lords became Chris’s spiritual food.

Chrissy tweeted a message to Lu Cang.

The worship was almost overflowing.

Sure enough, the man you like is the greatest.

Chrissy is super proud.

If it had a tail, it would have been high up now.

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