The demon baby touched his slightly swollen stomach and burped a full belch.

At the same time on his body.

There are also some insect characteristics appear.

Also as a flesh and blood type of territory.

He had some of the characteristics of flesh and blood territory.

However, its ability is absolutely incomparable to the root flesh and blood nest.

After doing it all.

Monte then looked to the other side, holding on to the lords of the huge city.

He found that the lords on this planet were actually human types.

At this moment a thought arose.

“Companions, do not be afraid, I am here to redeem your being, the Savior who will liberate you from this terrible infestation.”

“I don’t know you haven’t heard of it either, Human Alliance?”

The lords who guard the city.

Slightly confused.

When they heard the name, they looked at each other.

“Human Alliance?”

“Don’t make it.”

“Have you heard?”

“But he said he was here to save us.”

“Is this true?”

“Leave him alone, anyway, now the insect plague is gone.”

“We’re saved.”

“One man can wipe out the insect plague of the entire planet.”

After the promotion of the taboo, Monte felt that he could hear their communication with great clarity.

All their movements are under their control.

Territory, there is no need to expand.

The path he walked, the walk could be regarded as his territory.

At any time, it is equivalent to a home battle.

This is part of the magic of the Holy Order.

At this time, feel their communication.

Monte already had his own judgment in mind.

These people don’t know the Union.

Add to that the location you are in.

At the very least, know that now is not in that world.

Of course, this is something you know right away.

However, Monte wants to confirm that.

Will this group of people see the human world and know the situation in the human world?

Now it seems obvious that they don’t know.

In a short period of time, Monte also had a certain degree of judgment on the current situation of these lords.

“We have helped you survive that dangerous infestation.”

“I cordially invite you to join the Alliance I have founded.”

These lords heard each other’s invitations.

Again, I was a little stunned.

It was obvious that the being in front of him was many times more powerful than they were.

So many of his own lords were to be wiped out by this insect plague to the point of almost total annihilation.

And the other party solved the insect plague alone.

To be precise.

is a class.

This is certainly not the full strength of all the other side’s territory combined.

The world is strong for the big, the fittest survive.

And in front of this powerful being.

Invite them so peacefully.

“That… Well, we’d like to join. ”

Serving the strong is a matter of course in this world.

Not every lord can always march on high and be the first in the world.

The vast majority of lords bow their heads when it is time to bow their heads.


【Human World】

【Atonement Incinerator】

【Construction Requirements: 50,000 Flesh and Blood】

[Construction precondition: Complete the construction of the Nairo River.] 】

[Construction Precondition 2: Psychic Lab Level: 1, History Lab Level: 3]

These two preconditions.

Lu Cang was already satisfied.

[Effect: Judgment – After entering the incinerator of atonement, the history of this creature will be traced back and a judgment will be made according to its history. 】

[Effect 2: Mass Flesh and Blood Slavery – All creatures that enter the Atonement Furnace will have the opportunity to be enslaved if they survive after completing the trial.] 】

[Judgment can be cultivated by highly intelligent flesh and blood creatures for initial trial]

[The incinerator of atonement has the ability to learn, and can deepen the accuracy of the judgment through multiple trials]

A large number of parasitic eyes form a neural network.

This neural network is linked to the Atonement Incinerator.

The historical past of these lords will be judged.

Because of the ability to learn.

This observation type of class.

It is often the class that learns the most.

Therefore, it is most suitable for initial trial training.

Wait until the Atonement Incinerator has gone through these trials and continues to learn.

You can make your own judgment.

There is no longer a need to occupy the nerves of these classes.

【Ninth Order Territorial Promotion Conditions: Flesh and Blood: One Trinity (One Trillion)】

【Number of Fantasy Grade Classes:5】

【Occupied area: 300】

【You have met the promotion requirements】

“This area is occupied.”

“Do you want to be so perverted?”

Last upgrade.

It is only necessary to occupy three areas.

Because it is a lair of the highest grade.

Lu Cang only complained slightly.

But this occupies three hundred pieces.

For an instant, Lu Cang was slightly speechless.

What is the concept of these three hundred pieces?

If these territories are divided equally among the Lords of the Holy Order.

Can produce fifteen Most Holy.

And the sum of the territories of the human world.

It’s just three hundred and sixty-five areas.

This is tantamount to the total occupation of the entire human territory.

This is the requirement for the eighth order to ascend to the ninth order.

Lu Cang was unimaginable.

If you go from the ninth order to the tenth order.

What kind of requirements does that require?

The human world alone is probably not satisfied.

The demand of the previous time is a hundred times that of the latter.

Then this request is also too fierce.

Of course each rank also increases the intensity.

It seems to be more than a hundred times.

Only the eighth-order territory was almost the strength of the world hegemon, replaced by the general eighth-order lord.

Let him increase his strength by a thousand times, and he may not dare to think like this.

Other people’s lords are small promotions.

First order to tenth order.

Each order may be a three- or four-fold increase in intensity.

Until the tenth order ascended to the Holy Order.

It is a big leap forward.

But here in Lu Cang.

One level per upgrade.

They are all similar to the Ten Ascended Holy Steps.

The span is enormous.

That’s eight to nine.

It’s really not a condition that ordinary lords can accomplish.

But Lu Cang didn’t think so either.

The condition for the promotion of this lair is to see it as an ordinary lord.

“Fortunately, three hundred pieces of area should not be difficult to complete.”

Lu Cang thought in his heart.

If only the other lords had heard the idea.

I’m afraid I’ll have to call out the pervert.

Is this what people say?

And in Lu Cang’s heart.

I’m really thinking about how long it will take me to get there.

As for, can it be achieved?

This is not at all within his consideration.

Because it must be done.

The biggest limit now should be the speed of action.

I have a few classes, and the speed is indeed very fast.

However, if you say let them clear more than three hundred areas.

That would have to take a while.

After all, there is a lot of distance between areas and areas.

Even if it’s full speed ahead.

Ten minutes to run through an area.

Divide yourself into four directions, each team of supreme troops, only need to walk seventy-five areas.

In the end, it will take more than seven hundred and fifty minutes.

Not to mention.

These areas are not a straight line.

There is also a round trip.

This takes more time.

Not every one of them is a class that is good at moving.

Take Terraria, for example.

His movement speed.

It’s not very fast.

“But according to this trend, maybe in two days, I can complete the promotion.”

Lu Cang believed that the Ninth Order was promoted to the Tenth Order.

Faintly, Lu Cang had a speculation.

Ninth order to tenth order… I’m afraid I’m going to attack the planet.

This is a crucial step.

The vast majority of their abilities, classes.

Their rank is one step higher than the nest.

At the time of the ninth order, his troops, their own strength, should all reach the tenth order.

That is to say, when he is promoted to the tenth order.

His class rank.

His own strength.

It is very likely that in all aspects, it will be increased to the strength of the Holy Order.

This will be another qualitative change.


Picasso wrapped the evil pupil.

【Shock type – evil pupil】

[Description: A form that sacrifices a lot of reconnaissance ability to greatly increase the intensity of spiritual attacks, and has an extremely perverted group spiritual attack ability. 】

The spiritual attack power of the evil pupil itself was not strong.

Even if it is promoted to a dream.

It is also impossible to really kill pieces of creatures in groups.

So he had to turn to Picasso’s help.

Strengthen your ability to kill in groups.



Picasso strapped on the body of the evil pupil.

Communicated with the evil pupil.

Between these supreme classes, there has not always been silence.

“It seems that most creatures in the world excrete.”

“If you wrap me up for excretion, is it you or am I?”


“If you want to pull you, go out and pull, don’t pull me.”

“No, I’m asking a serious question.”

“We flesh and blood creatures don’t excrete, I just want to know what kind of behavior this is.”


Picasso fell silent again.

“Or shall I try to simulate excretion?”


“I suddenly don’t want to be with you.”


【Beamon World North】

Terraria’s perception covers this piece of land.

From his point of view.

Everything on the ground.

Whether it’s a class or a lord.

Whether it’s architecture or biology.

It all seems to be exactly the same.

In front of a large enough volume.

It seems that whatever type it is, it is no longer meaningful.

“These creatures look so small.”

“I don’t know if I’ll ever encounter a creature bigger than me in the future.”

“Speaking of…”

“It seems that ordinary creatures will reproduce.”

Under the influence of the mother tree of desire.

In the territory of Lu Cang, the reproduction of life is very rapid.

This is for Terraria, who is learning and constantly thirsting for new knowledge.

Very novelty.

“What does it feel like for organisms to mate with each other to achieve reproduction?”

In its body, from the flesh and blood, there is still a steady stream of new species.

These species are all flesh and blood creatures.

Terraria itself has the ability to reproduce flesh and blood creatures.

It’s like an automatic class production machine.

In addition to its own size, it also generates a new class of troops.

But…… Curiosity still arose in its heart.

Lu Cang was in the nest, feeling Terraria’s thoughts.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

For other species, mating is also counted.

You mountain of meat… Go mating.

If this planet is conscious, it will be afraid when it hears it.

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