“Yes, I’m taboo.”

“It seems that taboos are still quite rare in your universe?”

Monte had just come to the cosmic starry sky.

It’s also quite bottomless.

Although promoted to taboo.

But the ghost knows the strength of the forbidden level.

In the universe, it can rank old.

After all, he was like an earth turtle who had just come out of a novice village.

From a village, I came to the big city.

But as the understanding deepens.

After a period of understanding, I found out.

His own combat effectiveness can actually be ranked in the forefront of the universe.

This instant gave Monte a sense of confidence.

That feeling.

It’s like you’ve practiced to the full level in the novice village and then come out to hang the children.

This feeling once made Monte very suspicious of life.

Is this true?

Especially doubt.

Is this universe really that weak?

How there are few strong ones.

And now, see the face of this lord.

And the reaction he showed.

Monte was very sure.

The leader of the stars of Napurim is true.

Taboo, in this universe, is already a very terrifying existence.

It is not an exaggeration to call it the overlord of the universe.

“Well, don’t kill you.”

“Come with me.”

“I’m also a resident of this galaxy, and I’m just going to go back and get my stuff right now.”

After leaving the original planet.

The Allied Lord also became the Commander of the Light Pole, and had no one to rely on.

The name of the Lord of the Alliance.

There were very few people under him who could use them.

Although the strength is strong.

But the materials that can really be used in the starry sky.

But not much.

For example, he couldn’t build the star belt needed to travel a lot of distances.


Monte was just worried.

It’s a bit hasty to make your own decisions.

Just jump over like that.

Didn’t do anything else.

If you fly directly out of thin air, how much time it will take.

From here to where Lu Cang is.

I don’t know how many old light years it is.

Even if he flew tens of times faster than the old speed of light.

That would have to fly for dozens of days, or maybe months.

It’s also too slow.

When he flew there, Lu Cang grew up again.

Who kills whom is unknown.

Monte had always been very afraid of Lu Cang’s growth rate.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be so furious and wanted to come and kill Lu Cang.

As a person who grew up watching the landing cang.

He knew better than anyone that this was a scourge that could not be left behind.

If you let him continue to grow.

I am afraid that this flesh and blood will devour the entire universe…

“As long as you continue to pave the star path for me, I will not kill you.”

“You should know that you have no value in killing me.”

Monte let out the words lightly.

What he said, it is.

These lords are not of high value to him.

There is no good in killing either.

Paving the way for themselves all the time is their greatest use.


Lu Cang released his perception.

The day passed.

He has occupied tens of thousands of planets.

Tens of thousands of planets, gradually transformed into flesh and blood.

Feel the assimilation of planets, between planets, in the void of cosmic space.

Gradually, a faint gum texture appeared.

This is a study called “Flesh and Blood Gel”.

If entering the area of flesh and blood gel.

It will be greatly slowed down, and at the same time, the body will be covered with a film of flesh and blood.

And once a creature has a substance such as flesh and blood on its body.

The operation that Lu Cang can perform, that is very much.

The scourge of flesh and blood that can manipulate flesh and blood at will is not a vain existence.

Feel the changes that are taking place in the universe.

In Lu Cang’s heart, he also had an inexplicable feeling.

In this world, who is the villain.

It seems that he is a rising flesh and blood natural disaster.

The whole world must rise up and fight to prevent the fate of being assimilated by itself.

For a time, it seems that it has become other lords, and it is the righteous side.

And he was an evil demon king who suddenly appeared.

Therefore, in Lu Cang’s heart, he couldn’t help but feel a little funny.

But, say so.

In fact, Lu Cang would not change anything about his actions.

What is good and what is evil…

It’s all children’s thoughts.

When I grow up, I know that there is only a difference in position in the world.

What is good and bad is all criticism based on position.

If you are out of position, you are nothing.

Therefore, Lu Cang believes that as long as what he does, he is worthy of his heart.

If you don’t have any guilt or burden, then you have no shame.

If he was willing to surrender, Lu Cang was willing to transform it into a flesh-and-blood creature.

Give it peace and peace.

It is also possible to shelter them with a certain degree of security.

It’s like a lord on a flesh and blood planet right now.

The living environment is much better than before.

Moreover, as long as Lu Cang’s flesh and blood planet was there, they would definitely not be in danger.

As for being enslaved…

Seriously, if the strength is insufficient, there is no freedom at all.

Either killed or enslaved.

It’s just a different form.

These lords, enslaved by Lu Cang, would not do any harm.

Lu Cang didn’t bother to take care of them either.

After all, I don’t want to just grab a person and let him die violently for fun.

It’s a completely lazy attitude.

Those lords, of course, were not in danger.

“Ten thousand planets.”

“It’s also laid out.”

“Take a look at the new derivative buildings given by the Nairo River, what the effect is.”

Two days passed, and Lu Cang operated on multiple lines.

It actually occupied ten thousand planets around it.

Although, this compares to the vast universe.

It can only be a drop in the ocean.

But in fact, for a lord, it is a very exaggerated occupation ability.

The Most Holy Brothers that Lu Cang had devoured before were also out of time in the midst of a thousand years of conquest.

Occupied hundreds of planets.

In just one day, Lu Cang had assimilated tens of thousands of planets.

The Nairobi River, while ascending to the Ninth Order, also gave it another derivative building.

【Blood Ring Series】

Lu Cang was planning to try what kind of building this blood-linked river was.

【Precondition: 10,000 number of star objects】

【Precondition 2: Own the Nairo River】

【Precondition 3: Array Lab (Level 3), Combination Building Laboratory (Level 3)】

[Precondition 4: Lighting Research – Flesh and Blood Building Polymerization]

The star rating here is similar to the standard of the previous life.

Not every one of the planets occupied by Lu Cang was as big as the mother star.

In addition to several planets around the parent star.

In fact, the origin galaxies are scattered on other planets beyond the fog, and they are about the same size as blue stars in previous lives.

Of course……

If we look at the basis of a thousand years ago, all celestial bodies expanded at least a hundred times.

These small celestial bodies are just the level of small meteorites.

However, at current scales.

It is also a small meteorite.

“Build, Blood Ring Stars.”

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