“Boss, in this way, you are the existence of the origin galaxy?”

“Big guy!”

“Boss, tell me more about the origin galaxy.”

“Tell me about your heroic fight against the cursed.”

“It turns out that there is still such an evil existence in the world.”

“But boss, aren’t you really a cursed person?”

Around Monte, there was also a steady stream of lords gathering.

Originally, they were just a Weaver King.

However, the star paths are connected in the direction of the parent star.

Monte is on this road.

And captured a lot of little brothers.

In just a few hours.

The forces gathered around Monte.

It was already thousands of times more than his life’s work.

After all.

On that planet.

The number of Holy Order Lords was only eight.

And counting him, it’s eight.

And now, the number of lords around him.

The Holy Order alone is hundreds of thousands.

Moreover, this number is still rising.

As one of the few taboos in the universe.

In a short time, Monte had absorbed a large number of Saint Order Lords to follow.

“It turns out that Lu Cang is such an abominable thing.”

“No, we must get rid of him.”

“For the peace and stability of this universe.”

“Well, yes, it’s definitely not a way to get promoted.”

“Yes, it’s about justice.”

Monte instilled in these lords the story of the landing cang.

Lu Cang is portrayed as extremely vicious.

But in fact, just by seeing the appearance of Lu Cang’s troops, you could probably feel it.

Lu Cang was a bad one.

Extremely vicious existence.

“However, if Lu Cang is really as powerful as you said.”

“Then, how can we defeat Lu Cang?”

“Are you stupid?”

“Lord Allied Lord has personally gone out on horseback.”

“Taboo shot, can there be something that can’t be solved?”

“We just have to wait for the soup to be divided.”

Monte absorbed these lords.

It is also to gain a foothold in the galaxy of origin.

In this world, no other person knows the origin galaxy better than he does.

He was born and raised here.

Once you kill Lu Cang.

He could simply take control of the galaxy of origin.

Thus becoming the hegemon of this side.

He has always been a very ambitious and ambitious lord.

Always thinking of being able to get the highest rights.

When you know the size of this universe.

After a period of mental process, after an over-the-top of your own thoughts.

He was already thinking.

How can we rule this whole universe?

Obviously, all the lords of the origin galaxy did not dare to move.

It also means that the origin galaxy has countless opportunities.

Then you should start from this place.

So I made up my mind.

Monte went straight to action.

“Your Honor.”

“On our side, we have encountered Lu Cang’s flesh-and-blood creatures.”

“Would you like to come and have a look?”

“This flesh-and-blood creature is a bit strong.”


“How come?”

“According to what you said, we should still be three days away from Lu Cang.”

“Why do you encounter flesh and blood creatures in this place?”

“Could it be that Lu Cang has also mastered the ability to compress space?”

Monte knew that war was now raging everywhere in the galaxy of origin.

Lu Cang had already followed countless star paths.

In the direction of these lords when they came.

Unleash flesh-and-blood creatures.

“Die! Bugger! ”

Boom boom!

A creature floating with countless wheel spikes on its back.

A roar.

At the same time, countless bone spurs were fired from his back.

Bone spurs track, directly penetrating a large number of warships, or those creatures of the Holy Order.

Even the most defensive level [Shield Guardian]

Its strong shield was also directly penetrated under this blow.

There is no resistance at all.

Just a flesh-and-blood creature.

Directly in the Lords of the Holy Order, as if entering the realm of no man.

“Run! Run! ”

“This stuff is too strong!”

“Escape with the core of the territory!”

“Absolutely can’t beat it!”

Boom boom!

Magic Bombardment!

Forbidden Spell: Infinite Light Falls!

Space cutting cannon!

A large number of Saint Order creatures were also pouring fire at the [Thorn Wheel Launcher].

However, their efforts are doomed to be in vain.

The defense strength of the stinger launcher is also extremely high.

These attacks hit him and left only a white mark.

Not even a single white mark could be left behind.

It can be said that it is the existence of a perfect creature.

And just as this legion was preparing to scatter and flee.

Monte, appeared in the middle of the battlefield.


Flesh and Blood Demon Babies also appeared.

Where this appears.

Directly behind the stinger launcher.

Extremely abrupt.

There are no premonitions.

After appearing.

This flesh-and-blood demon baby, with its mouth wide open, directly wrapped around the Thorn Wheel Launcher.


I ate it in one bite.


At this moment, the whole world was clean.

All the Holy Order Lords also swallowed a mouthful.

“That’s it, it’s solved?”

“So simple?”

“Is this the strength of the Forbidden Lord?”

This existence that countless holy orders cannot solve.

It was so easily solved.

Monte saw the sight.

Also slightly frowned.

What kind of class is this?

How could just one of them make so many Saint Order Lords invincible?

Could this be Lu Cang’s supreme class?

“It should be a few elites.”

“It seems that Lu Cang’s growth is faster than I thought.”

“If it weren’t for the promotion to the taboo, I really couldn’t match him.”

“However, even if he is a member of this elite class, I should be very distressed.”

“But, heartache, I’m going to devour you soon.”

Through this class, Monte also had an estimate of Lu Cang’s combat effectiveness in his heart.

It seems that he can indeed still pinch Lu Cang at will.


In the universe that he could not see.

Strips of flesh worms, breaking through the flesh and blood.

One by one, [Thorn Wheel Launcher]

Stand up from the ground.

Speeding away into space.

This, where is the elite class, this is just the most ordinary class of Lu Cang.

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