You know, the endless insect plague is a major threat to the entire universe.

No lord would fear an endless plague of insects.

Even, there is a rumor is.

Their path to promotion.

The road to hunger is the result of an endless infestation of insects.

And the reason why they get this way of promotion.

It’s also to fatten them a little.

Delicious in the future.

Of course, this kind of statement is also a matter of opinion.

There is no basis at all.

But the horror of the Endless Insect Plague.

But it was deeply implanted in the minds of all the lords.

Those lords who have seen the endless plague of insects.

When you mention this name, you will be terrified.

In the sky, there is an endless rain of insects.

It was as if it were raining.

Crackling down the swarms of insects.

Moreover, these insect swarms, one by one, are very terrifying.

There are also many holy orders.

If it is harmful.

The Endless Insect Plague may not be the most powerful force.

But it must be the force that is most harmful to ordinary lords.

Other forces rarely attack other ordinary lords for no reason.

But the endless insect plague is to eat wherever you go.

No enmity is considered at all.

Nor do you think about what is not to offend the lord.

Even if it is a forbidden planet, they dare to touch it.

Of course, the final result will definitely be a dismal end.

But that’s why of it.

In general, the Forbidden Lords didn’t bother to pay attention to them.

Usually it kills hundreds of waves.

After these bugs learned their lesson, they did not dare to come.

The taboo is not played.

Very few beings will chase the source of the other party.

Of course, more importantly, there are also taboo levels in the insect swarm.

Therefore, it is simply impossible to counter-kill.

Moreover, I heard that the insect swarm also has a taboo existence.

This kind of existence, or do not provoke the good.

Therefore, in the face of endless insect plagues, the lords basically could only swallow their anger.

There is no idea of rebellion.

At most, it is also to resist the invasion of the local insect swarm.

If you can fight, you can fight.

If you can hold on, you can keep it.

There is absolutely no idea of a counter-attack.


Right now.

In the galaxy of origin.

The lords really saw a strange scene.

Flesh and blood creatures, the floaters one by one.

It’s really more and more killing.

The number is increasing.

Soon, it will be wider and longer than the strip road originally formed by the endless insect plague.

Even, in just a few hours.

This swarm of insects has almost all become a swarm of floaters.

As for the worms, they are almost completely gone.

That forbidden lord.

But it was a constant gasp.

“By …”

“What the hell is going on here?”

“Is there no time limit for this ability?”

“Why is it still converting?”

Fusion bugs, also stupid.

You know, his ability to law is actually limited.

Only for a period of time, all the creatures killed by the insect swarm can be transformed into new bugs.

This is already a very terrifying ability.

Most importantly, the transformed worm is almost as powerful as it was before it was born.

But the question is.

Why are the worms that they have transformed so weak?

That is, the insects of the ninth and tenth orders.

Not even the Holy Order of TM.

And why.

These floaters, however, are so powerful.

Ten orders and nine orders, can you tear the Most Holy with your hands?

This is a real hand tear.

Fusion bugs, seen more than once.

His own holy-level bug was directly caught by a floater with two hands.

Tear apart in an instant.

Split in half.

The scene is spectacular.

It made his whole worm freeze.

Is this TM the tenth order?

But where does he know.

The reason why he is so weak is actually because of special genes.

Only Lu Cang’s flesh-and-blood creatures can enjoy special genes.

It is not that the role of special genes has always been on flesh and blood organisms.

If they are no longer their own units.

Naturally, you will not be able to enjoy this bonus.

Moreover, the law of fusion bugs is transformed.

In fact, it is also based on the flying floater killed.

The floater he killed was not at the Sacred Order.

It is the ninth order and the tenth order.

Naturally, what is transformed is also the ninth order and the tenth order.

So, just like the paper paste.

Plus, in addition to a few taboo-level bugs.

The others simply could not have killed the Floaters.

They kill very inefficiently.

And, even if you kill it, it’s just a transformation back.

And after a while, the transformed bugs are killed again.

Backhand to a super doubling.

Three times the number.


“No, we have to retreat.”

“You have to leave immediately.”

The Fusion Bugs could no longer fight.

This time, the lost army of bugs is a large part of the legion of the endless insect plague.

Although it is said to be an endless insect plague.

But it’s also not really endless.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible to fill every corner of the universe long ago.

Nothing is left.

In this way, the whole world is not a worm territory.

So the decision was made.

He immediately turned his head and sped away.

This place can not stay for long.

Stay and go, and the ghost knows what weird things will happen.

However, it was time for him to retreat.

Surrounded by him.

One by one, the floaters.

Suddenly, there was a change.

One by one, the floaters directly turned into one meat mountain after another.

And around him, I don’t know when, it was already wrapped in a thick blood mist.

It becomes a space that cannot be connected with the outside world.

“This… When! ”

He had no idea when this had happened.

In fact, back in time when he was immersed in combat.

These arrangements have already begun.

However, these meat mountains are also imitated, and buildings can be built on the meat mountains.

Therefore, it is also natural to plant blood mist flowers.

The blood mist produced by the blood mist flower can also be mimetic.

Therefore, these blood mists did not appear.

Back in the time of the battle.

This space has been completely isolated.

No information can be revealed.

“What to go.”

“It’s all coming.”

A voice came into the mind of the fusion worm.

Lu Cang was very interested in this endless insect plague.

However, those bugs really have no brains, and even if they swallow them, they will not be able to get answers.

Or you have to devour some real elite monsters.

And in front of him, the only intelligent creature.

Ah no.

The wise worm seems to be this one.

Forbidden level, always can not be without brains.

Although it is said that the worms of the Holy Order have no brains.

Lu Cang completely blocked the other party’s retreat, leaving no room for the other party to escape.

Subsequently, it appeared in front of him.

This time, the aggregate virtual light could not be used.

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