This nest has already felt the crisis.

Lu Cang is the lord of the Root Flesh Mother’s Nest.

It is also possible to feel the crisis through malice.

And for the existence above this taboo, it is natural to feel the arrival of the crisis.

“I would actually be given the idea?”

“But it’s just a small threat.”

“Bully I can’t leave.”


“The Flesh and Blood Lord, a being who has not yet ascended to the Holy Order, actually wants to threaten me.”

“I’ve really fallen to this point.”

This exists, not anything else.

It is the master of the endless insect plague.

Mother of worms.

Or rather.

【Final Worm Mother】

He is the master of all insects.

When he was in the world.

It’s not just some endless insect plague.

As long as there is a world in which everything can be called insect creatures.

will become its slaves.

will be controlled by it.

In this world, everything can be transformed into the existence of insects.

And it itself is made up of endless worms.

It can be said that it is the embodiment of immortality.

For this existence.

All the lords didn’t actually know.

However, from the endless insect plague, you can feel the horror of this existence.

Endless insect plague, there must be a master.

The lords did not know about this master.

But know that a lord who can control the existence of forbidden level power and do things willingly for himself.

Certainly not a good stubble.

Definitely a more powerful presence on top of it.

At this moment, the worm mother has already felt.

I am locked by a being.

This existence has just run through the entire universe.

A thing that strikes a terrifying blow.

“The end.”

“I haven’t felt this smell in a long time.”

“In this universe, is there an existence of the ultimate level again?”


“It’s a coincidence.”

“I’m the end of it.”

“And it’s the final thing.”

Holy Order, Taboo, Finally.

These are the three levels above the tenth order.

In the end, as the name suggests, is the ultimate rank of the lord.

“If you want to deal with other lords.”

“The power of the final transformation is indeed unmatched.”

“Unfortunately, it was me who dealt with it.”

Hum —

A ray of light, through the universe!

Ten minutes of cooldown time passed.

Gathering the virtual light, it finally fired another shot.

In this blow, the target is the worm mother.


However, this blow bombarded the body of the worm mother.

To be precise, bombardment is on top of the nest of the mother worm.

But it just ripples in a circle.

There is no damage to it.

But on this path.

Everything else exists.

It has been completely destroyed.

Completely transformed into pure energy.

Become empty.

“Didn’t it work?”

Lu Cang felt this blow.

At the same time, I also felt the level of defense of the other side.

The blow was completely transferred to other spaces.

It is not being blocked, it is a spatial means.

However, it was used for defensive purposes.

“Very strong.”

“Sure enough, with my current strength, it is still not enough to shake the ultimate existence of forces in the universe.”

However, Lu Cang did not regret hitting this one.

How much, also detected the other party’s level.

Of course……

As for the aspect of vengeance.

Leave him alone.

They have already killed each other’s Forbidden Lords.

If the other person can do it to himself.

I’ve been doing it to myself for a long time.

The inability to use the hand means that the other party has a situation where he cannot get out.

For this situation, Lu Cang has never been stingy about falling into the well.

If it is because of this blow, it interrupts others.

Lu Cang would be very happy instead.


It is estimated that there is also a real risk of being hunted down.

But since it has come to the universe.

Lu Cang did not regret his decision.


Lu Cang came to the front of the Space Forbidden Zone.

Five forbidden areas.

A forbidden area disappears completely.

The other four restricted areas have not made any movement until now.

For these several forbidden areas.

Lu Cang has always maintained a wait-and-see attitude.

I don’t want to mess with each other either.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that you don’t care at all.

In fact, after the unification of the whole world.

Most of Lu Cang’s mind was still on top of this forbidden area.

After all, this is something that you can’t control in your own home.

Ghosts know when they’re going to jump out.

Do it against yourself.

However, at this time, Lu Cang finally had the idea of entering the forbidden area.

First, it is the need for promotion.

Second, it is because of this universe.

That power cannot be extinguished for the time being.

We can only consider whether we can destroy other forces.

Although the worm mother is very strong, it does not mean that other forces are also strong.

Maybe there will be a few soft persimmons.

Lu Cang now also sent troops to let them look for the existence of the so-called immortal spirit.

Destroying the spirit that does not perish should also be regarded as destroying one of the forces.

According to Lu Cang’s understanding of this race.

This is not a perishable spirit.

Estimation is the ability to rely on constant regeneration.

There is a place in the universe.

Other words.

Normal attacks cannot kill them.

However, Lu Cang always wanted to try it with aggregated virtual light.

Look at this high-energy beam that annihilates all matter.

Can you kill them completely?

It’s a bit of a shame, though.

Up to now, there has been no news of an immortal spirit.

Some time ago, I seemed to have heard that the spirit of immortality was looking for him.

But how come I can’t find a trace again?

This matter can only be put on hold for the time being.

Lu Cang’s current choice was to explore the forbidden area of life.

Among the forbidden areas of life, Lu Cang intended to choose a more kind forbidden area.

Space exclusion zone.

In this forbidden area, some information was revealed.

Regarding the coordinates of various folding spaces, it is still relatively useful.

It seems that it should also be kinder.

Better than several other restricted areas, I don’t know how much.


Compare kindly.

If you hear this.

Beamon, a race, is afraid that it will rise up again.

Space Forbidden Zone and Kindness?

One by one, the Saint Order Lords who entered the Space Forbidden Zone were directly destroyed by the Space Forbidden Zone.

It’s their pain.

Is this also called kindness?

However, Beamon, who had already been exterminated by Lu Cang, could not speak.

Moreover, compared with Lu Cang.

It seems that this space forbidden area is indeed relatively kind.

At least the owners of the space forbidden area will not jump out and attack them.

Put them in danger of extinction.

Lu Cang chose this forbidden area for another reason.

That’s because entering this forbidden area poses the least threat to his life.

Flesh-and-blood creatures are not afraid of being cut by any attack at all.

Lu Cang took the first step into the space forbidden area.

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