The attractiveness is constantly improving.

Even some lords have been unable to withstand such acceleration, being squeezed by the planet, and pressed on the planet and unable to move.

It’s like a meat loaf, squeezed into a flat surface.

The universe, under the gravitational pull of flesh and blood galaxies, has undergone strange distortions.

The closer you get to the flesh and blood galaxy, the more distorted it becomes.

Some planetary things have become strips of matter, attracting to the center.

If you can observe the entire universe from outside the universe.

It will be found that everything in this whole universe is retracting towards the origin galaxy.

The universe that was originally expanding has actually appeared in a way that is constantly shrinking inward.

It seems to be a trend that is going to converge into a small dot in the end.


【Space Forbidden Zone】

Lu Cang and the owner of the space forbidden area had a brief exchange.

Presumably, I also had some enlightenment in my heart.

At the same time, the conditions for promotion have also been completed.

The Lord’s Core of the Holy Order Lords had already accumulated enough.

And the information obtained from the mouth of the owner of the space forbidden area.

Let Lu Cang meet the conditions for getting a certain harvest in the forbidden area.

Plus, a force needs to be destroyed.

After killing the Immortal Spirit, Lu Cang had already completed the conditions.

The three conditions are fully completed.

Lu Cang met all the conditions in an instant.

Territories that can be promoted to the level of the Holy Order.

Although in the middle of the space exclusion zone, there is no signal to the outside.

“Promotion to the Holy Order Territory.”

【Whether to confirm the promotion to the Holy Order Territory】

However, promotion to the territory is not subject to this restriction.

Instead, you can be promoted anytime, anywhere, anywhere.

【Promotion to the Holy Order Territory】

【Condition: None】

【After choosing promotion, you can complete the promotion immediately】


Advancement to the Holy Order Territory still does not require any promotion time.

After Lu Cang confirmed this promotion.

I felt a burst of heat all over my body.

At the same time, in this instant, in the backpack, the territorial cores of those Holy Orders were also consumed.

A large number of Holy Order Lords’ territorial cores disappeared.

Unlike the original promotion that only needs 1 to 10.

Lu Cang felt the greed of his nest.

This greed.

It is the greed of total desperation to devour everything.

Whether you lack it or not.

Whether you need it or not.

Everything in the world must be obtained by oneself.

In Lu Cang’s heart, exactly the same emotion suddenly appeared.

But soon, this emotion was suppressed.

Just in an instant, Lu Cang was also affected by the emotional negative impact of the root flesh and blood nest.

However, there is only one moment.

The side effects that the recipient had been suffering from all along, this was the first time Lu Cang had felt it.

At the same time, the breath on Lu Cang’s body was also raised one by one.

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone saw what was in front of him.

For an instant, there was silence.


Or rather, he felt fear.

“No… No, it shouldn’t. ”

“Your territorial grade, what rank?”

In his heart, he had always believed that Lu Cang’s territorial rank was probably the final level.

And he, and their grade is exactly the same.

In the end, it is already the most powerful being in this universe.

Don’t say reach the taboo.

Even if it is below the Holy Order, it can affect the galaxy level.

It is a very scary grade.

However, the feeling that Lu Cang gave him now was a difficult one to figure out.

An existence that cannot be seen through.

To be precise, in terms of momentum, it has already overwhelmed him.

Lu Cang gave him the feeling of being in a high-dimensional overlooker at this time.

Overlooking everything in the world.

“It turns out that this is so.”

[Your physical strength has been raised to the Most Holy Level, the Root Grade Biological Flesh Strength.] 】

【Your spiritual strength has been raised to the most holy level, the root grade biological spiritual strength.] 】

[Your perceptual intensity has been raised to the most holy level, the root grade biological perception intensity.] 】

Lu Cang felt all this.

These, the improvement of the basic level, are secondary.

But that’s just these improvements.

It gave Lu Cang the feeling of being able to control everything.


The Lord of the Space Forbidden Zone felt bad!

He wanted to immediately transfer Lu Cang out of this space forbidden area.

This threat is too strong!

Brush brush brush!

However, the next instant.

He unleashes space capabilities.

Lu Cang, however, was still standing firmly in front of him.


To be precise, he found that Lu Cang no longer seemed to be a target.

He seemed to have become a nothingness.

Although he could see him right in front of him.

But if you really want to feel.

I can only feel the emptiness.

As if it were just a projection of him.

It’s just an image that doesn’t exist in the world.

And the more delicate feelings.

However, he seemed to be able to feel that Lu Cang had an inexplicable connection with everything in this heaven and earth.

It was as if all flesh and blood, all air, all the elements that make up matter.

All of them are composed of Lu Cang.

“It turns out that this is what you really think.”

Lu Cang glanced at the Lord of the Space Forbidden Zone.

This time, it was no longer the deep fog of seeing.

Instead, it directly sees through the other person’s thoughts.

See through all the history and past experiences of the other party.

See through all the origins of the other party.

“Do you want to use me to help you unseal it?”

“Sealed by the roots.”

“Oh… It is sealed by the Root Flesh and Blood Mother’s Nest. ”

Lu Cang looked back at the past and saw the past.

I saw a group of Lords of the Ultimate Rank fighting against a flesh-and-blood being.

That is no longer a war that exists in the universe.

Instead, it opens up a whole new dimension.

In that world, fight.

The hundreds of Ultimate Lords were sealed by the Master of the Root Flesh and Blood Mother’s Nest.

Eventually, the owner of the Root Flesh and Blood Nest opened up the Origin Galaxy, storing them all in that location.

Sealed in one planet after another.

After that, the owner of the root flesh and blood nest fell into a long sleep.

“This mysterious territory that appeared tens of millions of years ago.”

“It was me.”

And myself, sleep in the origin star.

My own so-called past life memories.

In fact, it is the memory of the territory that was not awakened tens of millions of years ago.

A large piece of memory in the middle fault is the process of growing up after awakening the territory tens of millions of years ago.

After seeing each other’s past.

Lu Cang remembered it all.

“No wonder, I was able to awaken the Root Flesh and Blood Nest.”

This is not at all given by a soul from another world.

It’s completely innate to be your own thing.

As for the fourteen ways to advance.

It is also the fourteen ways of promotion that are scattered with the spirit after falling into a deep sleep.

At the beginning, one person mastered all the promotion methods.

“In the world, there is only one root.”

“The only source.”

“That’s me.”

As the memory is gradually awakened.

Lu Cang slowly raised his right hand.


Suddenly, in the origin galaxy, the fog of thousands of forbidden areas broke through.

Lu Cang directly ignored the conditions for the promotion taboo.

After the ascension to the Holy Order.

Lu Cang awakened a most critical special ability.

Root Revival: Ignoring all limitations, the world should be defined by you. 】

“Promotion, taboo.”

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