Lu Cang carefully observed the tree in his territory, and Lu Cang could clearly feel that this tree was absorbing the energy between the universes.

Obviously, when I was in that space, I didn’t feel like this.

It is impossible to say that there is no cosmic energy in that place.

So what is the cause of it?

If this continues, his territory will probably be in danger.

At the same time, the creatures in Lu Cang’s territory also noticed the existence of this tree.

They can also clearly feel the loss of power in their place.

However, since this thing was taken back by Lu Cang, they did not dare to go over and check it out.

Just as Lu Cang was thinking, he suddenly noticed an aura that was both strange and familiar.

He looked up into the distance as if someone was coming.

He could be sure that he didn’t know the man at all, but he had a familiar feeling about that person.

The only possibility is that the person was someone he had known before he fell asleep.

But he’s been here for so long, that man hasn’t even come looking for him?

Do you feel your strength back now?

Lu Cang walked in that direction with such doubts.

Soon he saw a man dressed in white appear in the air.

The man slowly landed from the air to the ground, stood firm, and quickly came to Lu Cang.

Before Lu Cang could speak, the other party knelt down.

“Master, you have finally returned, and I have been waiting for this day for a long time.”

“You are…”

Lu Cang found that his thoughts were wrong, and he did not have this person in his memory.

If it was really someone he had known before, then there was no reason not to know him now.

“What are you?”

Lu Cang asked softly.

He was very curious about this person, and since the other party could come here, it proved that the other party could sense his own power.

His current level is already very high, and being able to feel his strength proves that the strength of the person in front of him is not bad.

What made Lu Cang wonder was that now he couldn’t even see the depth of the other party.

“Master, don’t you remember me?”

The other party showed a very confused expression.

Then he smiled bitterly: “It has been so many years, even if you recover your strength, you will not be able to remember.” ”

“I’ve actually recovered most of my memories, but I really don’t have any impression on you.”

“I don’t know what’s wrong, I’m sorry.”

Lu Cang saw that this person was still very familiar with himself.

When the other party saw Lu Cang say this, he seemed to be a little flustered.

“No, no, no! The hosts are so polite as long as you can come back. ”

“During the time you were away, I had been in a deep sleep, and I had just felt your strength revived, so I rushed over at the first time and hoped that I would not come too late.”

“You haven’t answered yet, what are you, and since you say I’m your master, you should know something about me, right?” Can you tell us about it? ”

Lu Cang did not have such a subordinate in his impression, and he was not the master of anyone.

So he was thinking about whether the other person was lying, or if he really forgot something.

He was a man who had no hostility toward himself, and he was also very familiar with his power.

Therefore, although Lu Cang asked this question, he still believed him in his heart.

“Of course.” The other person stood up as he spoke.

Then he told Lu Cang a story.

That is, before Lu Cang fell asleep, he had visited a planet.

That planet was already in ruins when it was in the Lu Cang District.

It was not difficult to imagine that there had been a great war in that place, and he had thought that there was nothing on that planet and wanted to leave.

As a result, just as he was leaving, he heard the child’s crying, so he went to take a look.

As a result, I saw a small child under a charred tree.

Everything around had been destroyed, and only the child had survived.

At that time, Lu Cang was very surprised, because under such circumstances, it was impossible for a child to survive.

Even if he had really survived that environment, he would have been choked to death by the smoke around him by now.

So there must have been a reason why the child had survived, so he went over and checked it out.

It turned out that the tree was no ordinary tree.

He seems to have a connection with the child.

When the whole planet was destroyed, the tree protected the child.

Because of this, his power gradually dissipated and became a dead wood.

Lu Cang knew that this tree would not actually be destroyed in the first place, all because of protecting this child.

At this time, the child has gained the full power of the tree and will not die easily.

So he took the child with him.

Otherwise, when the child wakes up, there is no way to survive in this world.

To be left behind proves that everything is providence, and he helps.

So from that day on, Lu Cang had been following a child by his side.

It wasn’t until the child had his own consciousness that he knew that Lu Cang had saved him.

Originally, he wanted to recognize Lu Cang as his father, but because the other party’s identity was too high, he felt that it was not appropriate, and finally recognized him as the master.

Lu Cang was not very accustomed to it at first, but then he went.

“That’s probably the case, I don’t know if you’re still impressed, but what I said is true, I hope you can believe me.”

“I would never betray my master, and I wanted to sleep with my master before he fell asleep.”

“But master, you told me that it was your own business, and you hoped that I would not meddle.”

“So I had to find a place for myself to wait for you to come back.”

Lu Cang listened to the story told by the other party, but he was not at all impressed, and now he was not quite sure whether what the other party said was true or false.

However, with the familiarity of the other party’s strength, it should be that you really know it before.

It seems that the memories he has recovered are only part of the way, and there are still many memories that are still asleep.

If you want to recover these memories, I am afraid that you will have to wait until his strength is improved.

Lu Cang pondered whether to raise his territory to the end now.

After reaching the end, he will not improve for the time being, but will slowly restore his original strength.

The process could be very long, and he was already mentally prepared.

“Is there anything wrong with the master?” The other party saw that Lu Cang seemed to have some worried looks, so he went over and asked.

Lu Cang shook his head.

“It’s not a big deal, it’s just that I have some tangles myself, and you don’t have to worry about it.”

“If it’s something the master wants to do, then just do it, the master has never hesitated before.”

“And I can probably tell that the master should be worried about whether to improve his own strength?”

“In fact, I think it is better to improve, because now the master’s strength is already very strong, and it may be difficult to deal with any enemy I will encounter.”

“Because while your master is rising, your enemies are also getting stronger, and if you want to avoid such a situation, you can only become stronger yourself.”

Listening to the other party’s words, Lu Cang nodded gently, these words he had indeed heard in one place.

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