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Chapter 996 The Great Overlord (33)

"Tu Yan, you have almost lost your beast form."

Li Xie commented like this.

Tu Yan glanced at him and said nothing.

"Hey, are you serious about not coming?"

Tu Yan exhaled and looked at the market at the foot of the mountain: "She transferred the curse to her body."

Li Xie was stunned.

It took me a while to think this through.

Li Xie looked to the other side and saw a girl in a crimson dress sitting on a dead tree, leaning against the trunk of the tree in a casual posture, quite arrogant.

Li Xie had prepared a manuscript before he came, but he couldn't speak out at this time.

People have gone to this extent for Tu Yan, what else can he say?

"I'm here to tell you that there is something strange happening at the end of the wilderness. I heard that the fog is dissipating." Li Xie said: "But the speed is very slow. At this speed, it is estimated that it will take a few years to completely dissipate."

"Is this related to your previous trip to the end of the wilderness?"

Tu Yan shook his head: "I don't know."

However, Li Xie had a good relationship with him, so Tu Yan still told him some things about the end of the world.

As for what to do in the future, that's all Li Xie's business.

After chatting with Li Xie, Li Xie left as quietly as when he came.

Tu Yan walked to the dead tree and opened his hand: "Little Phoenix, come down."

Chuzheng jumped down from the tree, and Tu Yan caught her: "What do you want to eat tonight?"


Chu Zheng said it was casual, but Tu Yan was not so casual and brought back a lot of things.

Chuzheng didn't eat much, and the rest was eaten by Tunxiang.

Tu Yan was a little displeased with Tunxiang at first, but now he doesn't feel anything at all and just treats it as a pet.


The second attack of Chuzheng occurred on a snowy day.

There is very little snow time in the wilderness, but it is not impossible.

But as long as it snows, it will last for a while, and it can cover the entire world in one night.

When Tu Yan woke up in the morning, he felt something was wrong with Chu Zheng and his face looked particularly bad.

"Little Phoenix, is it..."

"Don't make any noise."

Tu Yan suddenly stopped talking.

He's been there, so he knows what it's like.

He hugged Chu Zheng and sat in the wooden house. Occasionally, a cold wind blew in from outside the wooden house.

As a phoenix, he should be hot and hot, but now his whole body is cold.

Tu Yan returned to his true form, completely encircling her in his arms and using his fur to keep her warm.


That time in the forest, I lay on top of her.

Chuzheng didn't know whether it was unconsciousness or because she felt uncomfortable, but she still had to touch it twice.

Tu Yan didn't know whether to feel helpless or funny.

"Little Phoenix, please stop touching me. When you get better, I'll touch you enough, okay?"

Tu Yan's voice was very low, and there was a hint of coaxing in every word.

Chuzheng seemed to hear it and slowly loosened her fingers.

When the curse occurs, you will definitely feel uncomfortable.

But if Chu Zheng had to describe it, she only wanted to use one word to describe it: Fuck!

The dull pain that comes one after another is much worse than a knife attack.

This episode was slightly shorter than last time.

Chuzheng quickly regained her energy.

Tu Yan felt even more uncomfortable when he saw Chu Zheng's indifferent expression.

When Chuzheng went down the mountain, it was still snowing, and Tu Yan supported her, fearing that she would fall.

So when we entered the market, a group of beasts started discussing in low voices.

"Hey, is she pregnant?"

"What will the child born from this mythical beast and the ferocious beast be like?"

"Can this baby be born?"

Chuzheng got pregnant out of nowhere: "..."

Chuzheng retracted her hand and walked forward.

Chuzheng and the beast at the market bought a bunch of random things, and Tu Yan didn't know where she got so many dragon crystals.

There are a lot of dragon crystals circulating in the ancient world, and there is a tendency to develop into a unified currency in the ancient world.

Chuzheng had no idea about this, since there was no inflation in this world anyway.

Dragon crystal is a one-time consumable, and if you consume one, you will lose one.

The beasts in the market were discussing whether to move the market because Chu Zheng and Tu Yan were here.

Later, after discovering that Chuzheng and Tuyan didn't want to do anything at all, Chuzheng could always bring out dragon crystals, so the beasts gave up the idea.

Not only did they not leave, the market also expanded.

Some wall-like buildings began to appear on the periphery, faintly developing towards the city.

However, from time to time there are still beasts that are unwilling to give up and run to the mountains to cause trouble.

In the end, of course, even the water splash couldn't be stirred up.

The way Tu Yan faced Chu Zheng shocked the beasts even more.

Is this the ferocious beast they know?

This must be crazy!


Tu Yan is always worried about the curse in Chu Zheng's body.

However, except for the first few times, Chuzheng appeared a little uncomfortable and weak.

Later, Tu Yan didn't notice several times that the curse on her body was acting up.

She acted too calm and cold.

But the more Chuzheng behaved like this, the more guilty and uncomfortable Tu Yan felt.

It's all because of him...

What makes him even more desperate is that he still has no solution.

Never before have I felt so useless.

A few years later.

The fog at the end of the wilderness completely dispersed, revealing the abyss.

Unlike when Chu Zheng and the others went there, there was an iron chain in the sky above the abyss.

But it's not easy to get through this chain.

The appearance of the end of the wilderness attracts most beasts to explore.

As a result, most of the beasts returned in despair, and some of them died.

There is no way to cross that abyss.

Later, I heard that a beast had passed away, and when he came back, he was much stronger and had a very awesome weapon.

The beast took this as an excuse to quickly expand its team.

Since then, the official struggle for power has begun.

But no matter how hard they fought or fought for territory, these beasts did not dare to run wild where Chu Zheng was.



Chuzheng was the richest place in the whole world, and it was also the first place to build a city.

The key is that they can't win even if they fight.

When Chu Zheng started, there wasn't even any dregs left.

If Tu Yan did it, the dregs would be left, but even if he died miserably, it would be better not to leave any dregs at all.

These two scourges in ancient times, whoever caused the other would be in trouble.

As a mythical beast, Chuzheng is their main target of criticism.

"What's this?"

Chuzheng looked at the sapling planted by Tu Yan on the mountain and couldn't tell what it was.


Fengqi Wutong.


Are there phoenix trees in the wilderness?

Chuzheng has never seen it before.

"I don't know how long it will take for it to grow up." Chuzheng kicked the sapling with her foot.

Tu Yan quickly stopped her: "Don't kick it, it's alive."

"What else are you going to do if you die?"

"No, I mean, it can transform."

"..." Can you transform? Are you wise?

The sapling shook its tender leaves, as if responding to what Tu Yan said.

Tu Yan said: "As long as you raise it well, it will grow up quickly."

Chuzheng: "Why did you get this for me?"

Tu Yan thought for a moment: "I don't know, I just thought it would suit you very well when I saw it."

Chu Zheng plucked the leaves of the sapling and asked, "Where is suitable for me? Is it green?"

Tu Yan: "..."

I always feel that this is not a good thing to say.

"I just caught a pheasant and I will roast it for you today." Tu Yan walked towards the cabin with Chu Zheng in his arms.

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