Lose All Wealth At The Start

Chapter 203 Interstellar Missile—Launch!

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"It's so awesome. Is this a laser? Why do I feel like it's a dynamic light wave?"

"What a fucking dynamic light wave. Have you seen too much of Crayon Shin-chan upstairs?"

"By the way, wouldn't it be more fun to hit Fuso's F-35 fighter jets with dynamic light waves?"

"Emm...what you said seems to make sense."

When the laser shot down three F-35 fighter jets, the barrage on the entire network suddenly increased.

But it's no surprise that 99.999% of the people were extremely excited.

There are only a handful of people who say something cruel, and such people should be arrested or something.

As a result, she was sprayed by everyone and almost couldn't take care of herself.

Fuso, on the military base.

"Damn it, the three F-35 fighter jets can't just disappear. Fire me ten Sidewinders. If they dare to destroy our fighter jets, we will destroy his cruise ship. Four EE"

The general at the base was extremely angry. Although the laser just now frightened him, he had no intention of giving up so simply.

So after the cruise ship approached the design range, the base immediately fired ten Sidewinders.


The people below started operating immediately after receiving the order.

Subsequently, ten Sidewinders were launched from the base and fired towards the Eclipse.

"Hey, after scanning ten incoming missiles, the anti-missile system will be automatically activated.

Xiao Yin's voice sounded immediately the moment the ten rattlesnakes took off.

And this time there is no need for Lin Ze to give orders.

For attacks, you need to ask for instructions, but for defense, it goes without saying that you don't need to ask for instructions at all.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Ten tiny lasers shot into the sky, aiming at ten rattlesnakes accurately.

One second later...

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Continuous explosions continued to explode in the sky.

Not long after the ten Rattlesnakes were launched, they were stopped by the laser.

"It's not polite to come back without reciprocating. Xiaoyin activates our missile system and shoots the opponent."

Lin Ze glanced coldly at Fuso Military Base.

Then the order was given.

"Ding, the interstellar missile is very powerful, Xiao Yin asked again whether to launch it."

However, after Lin Ze gave the order, Xiao Yin did not launch it immediately, but confirmed it again and said that it was very powerful.

"How powerful is it?"

Lin Ze frowned, Xiao Yin needed to confirm again how powerful it was.

"Hey, not a single blade of grass grows within a 20-kilometer radius of the center of the explosion."

Lin Ze gasped after hearing this. Two issues, with a radius of 20 kilometers, this is so strong that it explodes, okay?

My dear, this is equivalent to the power of a big bullet.

"Is there any way to shrink it?"

Lin Ze frowned, he didn't want to hurt too many innocent people.

"Hey, there is no way, but you can just miss it a little, set the coordinates on the sea, and then detonate it in advance to cover the military base."

Xiao Yin came up with a compromise.

"Okay, then just miss it a little bit and try not to hurt Wu Yao.

However, after this interstellar missile, if Fuso still refuses to let people go, then tell them that the next interstellar missile will be launched in an hour.

And the target will be any area within 20 kilometers except East Meridian City. "

Lin Ze's cold light flashed, and he didn't want to cause innocent harm if he could.

But if Fuso still refuses to let him go, then don't blame him for being ruthless.

For Ye Jiajia, he didn't mind being a national sacrifice.

"Hey, the missile system is activated, and the coordinates are in the Fuso Sea area."

Soon Xiao Yin locked a coordinate and prepared to launch.

"Xiao Yin, will you be intercepted by the other party?"

Suddenly, Lin Ze asked, it would be too embarrassing if this missile was shot down just after it was launched.

"Hey, with the current technology of Aqua Blue Star, no force can intercept interstellar missiles, so it's a perfect shot.

Xiao Yin's voice reassured Lin Ze.

The next step is to wait for the launch of this interstellar missile.

At the same time, all the Chinese people were just staring at the screen, wanting to see how terrifying the power of this interstellar missile was.

Mushrooms are grown within a radius of 20 kilometers, which many people have never seen in their lives.


A few seconds later, an international missile was launched from Lin Ze's Eclipse.

"Quick, intercept it for me."

In the Fuso military base, the general immediately prepared to intercept the interstellar missile.

He didn't believe what Xiao Yin said.

He thought Xiao Yin said this deliberately to make them give up.

But soon, the general panicked.

"Report to General Sato that we cannot detect the opponent's interstellar missiles."

The soldier responsible for operating the interceptor missile was crying.

"Asshole, how could it not be discovered? Didn't you see that the other party's missiles have entered our Fuso waters?"

General Sato ran over crazily, then grabbed the soldier's clothes and asked questions on his face.

"But General, there is no trace of this interstellar missile on the radar...

So it's very possible that what the other person's artificial intelligence said is true.

On Aquamarine, no force can detect and intercept this interstellar missile.

The soldier's face was full of despair, because he looked at the big screen and saw that the interstellar missile was getting closer and closer.

If what the other party said is true, there is no grass growing within 20 kilometers, then their lives have entered a countdown.

"Impossible. We Dafuso are the strongest nation. How can we not intercept a small missile? I order you to intercept it immediately."

General Sato doesn't want to die, so he is going crazy now.

However, the soldier closed his eyes in despair because he saw on the video that the interstellar missile had detonated.


An earth-shaking loud noise exploded at that moment.

Even everyone in the military base can hear it.

Maybe it was a second, maybe it was a few seconds, everyone saw a dazzling light flash, and then the entire military base was directly flattened by powerful energy.

Everyone in the military base was deprived of their lives in an instant.

"Is this the power of interstellar missiles?"

Standing in the cockpit, Lin Ze fell into silence looking at the fire rising like a huge mushroom in front of him.

This kind of power is really too strong.

The scariest thing is that this interstellar missile cannot be intercepted.

Once launched, it will definitely detonate.

Lin Ze felt that he might be able to walk sideways in the future.

If anyone feels uncomfortable, just give him a Star Missile 4.4 to teach him how to behave.

"Oh, this missile makes my scalp numb."

"He is indeed a hero with artificial intelligence. This power is awesome."

"I want to say whether the hero has obtained alien technology, otherwise why would he be so stupid?"

"Needless to say, he must have obtained alien technology and then exploded into heaven. It is an absolutely perfect model for the protagonist of a novel."

"Speaking of which, the hero is really a person from an ordinary family. It seems that he has indeed encountered an adventure."

"Wow, why don't I have such an adventure? I want to be the protagonist."

"Want to be the protagonist +1. 11

"Quite the protagonist +10086."

On the Internet, after quietly admiring the giant mushroom, everyone began to post frantically to relieve their excitement.

First update!!!!!!!!!.

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