Lose All Wealth At The Start

Chapter 39 Do You Really Not Want To Think About It?

"Mom, can you speak properly?"

Ye Jiajia is so angry. If you don't describe it like this, what does it mean that cabbage has been taken away? "

"Ahem...Mom didn't mean that."

Su Ziyan coughed awkwardly, why did she say what was on her mind?

"I've known about this for a long time. Your uncle called me this afternoon."

Ye Xuanhao looked unsurprised.

He already knew it anyway, and his eldest brother's call just stopped him from pretending.

"Did Poker Face call? No, could it be that my baby daughter's boyfriend has committed something wrong?"

When it comes to Ye Xuanhao's eldest brother, Su Ziyan can only describe him as a poker face.

Every time he smiles every day, he has a serious and cold expression on everyone he sees.

This makes the fun-loving Su Ziyan and Uncle Ye Jiajia seem to be incompatible with each other.

The two of them were constantly at odds with each other.

"It's nothing. A guy who runs a milk tea shop pestered our daughter. Later, he was beaten by her boyfriend. Finally, he was mediated at the police station."

Ye Xuanhao was helpless. The conflict between his eldest brother and his wife was really too big.

When two people meet, they start fighting.

One said that the other party was so old and everyone was right.

One says that the other person is impersonal and is like a big ice cube.

"I see, you are a man. If you can't protect your girlfriend, then don't come into our house."

Su Ziyan nodded with satisfaction, now she looked like a man.

"He will come to our house for dinner tomorrow. Mom, you can't be so rude anymore."

Ye Jiajia's only worry is her unreliable mother.

"Okay, okay, your mother, am I such an unreliable person?"

Su Ziyan waved her hands very nonchalantly.

Have you done too few unreliable things?

Ye Jiajia complained crazily in her heart.

Hum, but my husband is so smart, he should be able to handle it.

Early the next morning, Lin Ze got up for a morning run as usual.

Then he unexpectedly discovered that he met the uncle who often ran with him again.

"Young man, do you really not consider uncle's opinion? Let me tell you, my daughter is absolutely beautiful."

Ye Xuanhao glanced at Lin Ze strangely, wondering if this kid would be surprised if they met at night.

"Uncle, I told you that I have a girlfriend and I will meet the parents tonight. Your daughter should wait for the right person. It's really not suitable for me."

Lin Ze is so helpless, and this uncle is really, why does he always promote his daughter every time they meet.

This girl is so ugly that her worried father needs to be busy selling her every day.

"That's not necessarily the case. If you say it's not suitable, then it's not suitable. You have to see it to know whether it's suitable or not."

Ye Xuanhao was so happy in his heart.

I asked you to hump my cabbage. The more you shirk it now, I’ll see what you do in the evening.

Ye Jiajia didn't know at all. She originally thought that her mother was very unreliable.

As a result, the father in the article usually didn’t know what he was thinking, but he actually acted like this.

"Haha, let's talk about it. Uncle, I have something to do today, so I ran here first."

Unable to bear it, Lin Ze had to run away.

He had no idea that Ye Xuanhao was standing there with a weird smile on his face.

During the day, Lin Ze began to prepare gifts.

The first is tea, which is prepared for Ye Jiajia's father.

He bought some West Lake Longjing, then packaged it himself, and then used the tenfold increase to strengthen it.

However, Lin Ze did not dare to increase the amount tenfold at once.

Anyway, the system said that the maximum increase can only be ten times, and you can control the rest at will.

No need to say, just increase it by 5 times, I believe it will be about the same.

Next are skin care products and skin care products.

Supplements such as bird's nest can directly increase the effect by ten times, and there is no need to worry about whether the deficiency is sufficient or not.

Those skin care products have also increased tenfold, and it is impossible to find out that he did it anyway.

After all, the packaging has not been opened.

It takes a long time to find out whether these things are effective or not.

Unlike tea, you can tell what grade of tea it is as soon as you drink it.

So of course you need to package it yourself and you cannot use the manufacturer's trademark.

In this way, Lin Ze, who was fully prepared, returned to the villa and was waiting for Ye Jiajia to lead him to the door.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Jiajia walked into the villa ghostly.

She has the key to the villa anyway.

"Are you ready?"

Looking at the pile of gifts, Ye Jiajia said in surprise that she originally wanted to buy them with Lin Ze.

"Yeah, I have nothing to do in the afternoon, so I just got ready in advance."

Lin Ze chuckled.

This is something for the prospective father-in-law and mother-in-law, so of course it should be of the highest quality.

I believe they will be very satisfied with the five-fold and ten-fold increase.

"Now that we've finished shopping, let's go to my house. My parents are resting at home just for you today."

Ye Jiajia happily pulled Lin Ze towards her home.

I was hooked after only three days of knowing each other, and I met my parents after more than half a month of dating. It felt so fast, so fantasy.

If it were me a month ago, I wouldn't have believed that my first relationship would go so fast.


Second update! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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