Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 991 tells Qiao Lao Wet Truth in seeking truth from facts.

These perspectives are .

If you have trouble, he can let the water army will go free to play, but he does not trust the professionalism of these water troops.

If you do it too obvious, it is found, isn't it to be an anti?

Fortunately, after learning such a long system, Yu Qian has a certain expertise in the game field, so it can write these content as a guideline for the water military action.

This should be able to play with the true effects, so that most people can't see the traces of the water army activities.

Hu Xiao also didn't ask. After this thing, the water army did something more convenient, he was happy.

"Okay, that's it, I will give them a task, let them go to work!"

Hu Shaogang is planning to arrange life, just seeing another information.

"Wait a minute, can cooperate so many times, can you give some discount?"

Hu Xiao lived.


It seems that this big acting style is it?

In the past, the feeling of this big gang was a big fortune, never bargaining, but how did this take the initiative to ask the offer?

Do you say that the people behind this account have been changed?

It is not impossible, like this official account may have several people at the same time, before the person in charge may leave, after changing the person, it is more refined, which can be understood.

Hu Xiao also didn't think too much: "Well, it is the old master, this time you have a 20% off!"

: "Okay, thank you."

Hu Xiao stunned, the heart said that this big is so polite today, is it true?

Hurry and replied: "You don't have to be polite, this is what!"

Seeing the words "20% off", there is much more comfortable.

No way, this time I invite the Water Army, there is no way to find the system reimburse, only self-paying, and save a penny is a penny.

Well, can you pay attention to it?

This battlefield focuses on Qiao's wet video comments, so the time of the water army should be faster.

Yu Qian was waiting.


Dinner time, Joe is sleeping.

Before the liver video staying too late, it is a bit sleeping, and now it is, it is finally restored.

Touching the fish is sent to the door on time, Joe Liang opens the exquisite food box, takes out the various restaurants inside, and then open its own video on the phone to view the reaction of the audience.

Look at the video while eating, you will get better.

However, Johliang couldn't help but stopped, and the hand holding chopsticks and wanted to stop.

"what's the situation?"

Qiao Liang fog water.

The video has just been released for more than ten minutes. He has also seen some comments a little. The audience is quite satisfied with this video.

How many hours have passed, the commentary of the commentary changes have changed so tonition change?

The entire comment area is full of voices, and the two dials are noisy.

Part of the audience is the side of Joe Liang. It is basically the view in maintaining the video, and the other part of the audience seems to be in the fancy.

Many people say that "mission and choice" will not talk about "mission", and there is no relationship with "heavy industry model". This is what Qiao Liang has created in order to exaggerate the meaning of "mission and choice". Concept, no truth from facts, very unsuitable.

The number of pictures of these comments is not low, and it has developed into a force that cannot be ignored.

In fact, these remarks are not only a water army, and there are some real audiences and players mixed, they are affected by these watermasters, and they are wrapped by the Water Army.

This is normal because people are a very susceptible creature. Comments and balances, many times are like a "amplifier", which will greatly affect the judgment of the individual.

For example, someone felt that a movie was not bad, but when all people said that it was rotten, he would unconsciously reduce the evaluation of this movie, even change the idea, and think this The film is rotten and will continue to spread this concept to the perimeter.

In many people in the heart of the people, the people around them emphasize more, and they will slowly become a true problem.

It is also the same thing in this video. It is the case that many viewers don't think that Qiao's wet says, but many of the water troops will promote the rumors in the commentary area, brush each other, after the bit is praised, this It turns into a "most people's opinions", which have an impact on those who have nothing to do.

Of course, there are many people still insist on their own point of view, so the two sides have a fierce dispute, and they are noisy.

No one persuades who, because the topic of the two sides debates is difficult to confirm.

Is it "milestone", it is not a "heavy industry mode". This is actually a matter of benevolence, the wise thing to see, no matter which party can find a lot of arguments, and in the process of online debate, often It turned into a self-respecting, attacked each other, so the comment area is noisy, no one can convince anyone.

For the water army, this is of course like it, because their work is to mix the water, misleading more viewers.

Therefore, the more there is such a situation, the more it shows that their work is very good, these people will naturally increase their strength.

Qiao Liang did not help but frown.

"These people have doubt my professional literacy?"

"It's really this!"

"I learned the history of domestic game development, and I learned so much game design concept, this time the interpretation of" mission and choice "is very objective, responsible."

"How did these people say it seems like I am in the blush?"

Qiao Liang eats two mouth, there is no appetite, full of air!

He is not angry with himself, he is always angry!

As a normal video author, Qiao Liang pays attention to the video playback and coin number, two dial people argue, although there is a controversy representing his video, but will also increase the heat.

So, standing on a video author's position, Qiao Liang is unnecessary.

But standing on the premium of the total, this is very unacceptable!

The total investment of huge investment "mission and choice", this is to stand how much pressure, how much ambition!

As a successful game producer, never lack the money is not a priority, you can choose some more and more successful games to make money more stable.

But the summary is still a righteousness to invest in huge money to wash this "national tour shame", this is a fearless heroism spirit!

As a domestic game player, even if you don't like Tengda, should you maintain the most basic respect?

However, the total behavior is not understood by these people, how sad this is!

Joe Liang feels that as a video author, he can do not speak for himself, but must have a summary!

Never let the hero bleeding and crying!

So ... what to do?

Qiao Liang is very clear, now you can clarify it, it is meaningless to go to the debate, which is equivalent to repeating yourself.

He needs more convincing evidence, such as ... some of the views of some industry people, and even the views of Tenda's internal people!

"If you can always come out, it is better, but ..."

"I will definitely not promise."

"Because the summates always are the character of the" I am ", I am a laughter 'personality, he is not in the accidental world to attack him and destroyed, definitely impossible for this kind of thing."

"Then you can only return it, and find the head of this project."

"Well, I am inquiry."

Qiao Liang is now unclear, "Mission and Choice" This game is responsible for developing. It is reasonable to say that it should be Hu Xianbin, but invested such a large project, it is likely to have some other people.

It doesn't matter if it is uncertain. Qiao Liang is a good friend with a lot of Tengda employees. I can know it slightly.



April 17, Tuesday.

Ju Qian just took the mobile phone and viewed the case of the new "Feng Shen's work" comment area.

Then, his face showed a smile.

"Well, very good, money is not white!"

Although I have already played eight fold, I bought a high-quality water army, and Yu Qian's small gold library has a blood, spent tens of thousands of pieces, but the effect is really immediate.

The video of the video comment area, has been obviously reversed!

Questioning "Mission and Choice" is unable to match the "milestone" and "heavy industry model", although it is not to be the mainstream, but at least you can fight with the touted voice.

It is impossible to completely master the right to speak, after all, Qiao Liang has a lot of fans. There are more powerful people, and the water troops bought by these million yuan will try to put these voices. That is a dream.

But you can do this level, but also make Yu Qian more satisfied.

The key is to mislead those who don't know the truth.

Many people watching the video actually not particularly clear main seeing. After reading Qiao Liang, I feel particularly reasonable, and I feel particularly reasonable.

Just let the people swing between the two views, there is a reservation, then this video is impossible to come out of the ring, and Yan Qian can minimize his loss.

Yan Qian is turning over the video, and suddenly I received a call, it is called Huang Sibo.


"What is Huang Sibo called?"

"Is it difficult to have any good news?"

"Not right, the release is less than a week, I have seen the box office in the first two days, not very high, I don't have to report?"

These two days, Yu Qian has been paying attention to the "mission and choice" box office, although the box office data is also good, but it is far away from "big profit".

Because this film is less propaganda before the release, the drainage rate is not high, although the upper rate is very high, but it is not enough to explode in just two or three days.

With some doubts, Qian picked up the phone.

"Some, there is something to ask you."

"Qiao Liang said, I want to ask me a few questions about" mission and choice ", saying that it is related to his new video."

"Is there any problem?"

Yan Qian couldn't help but got.


Qiao Liang wants to interview Huang Sibo?

Qian Qian is very wit, immediately understands the intention of Joe Liang.

Obviously, Qiao Liang wants to pull Huang Sibo to give his video book! I want to borrow the mouth of Huang Sibo, find the basis for the "heavy industry model", prove that it is correct!

Yan Qian was originally consciously wanted to refuse, but it turned again, and his mouth suddenly rose slightly.

Qiao Liang, Qiao Liang, isn't you hit the muzzle?

You should not think that "mission and choice" will be released from the project to the development, without anyone mention the so-called "heavy industry mode"?

This interview is obviously the official face!

Yu Qian immediately said: "No problem, you can accept it."


"When answering questions, I must seek truth from facts, what is it saying, understand?"

As long as the truth is true, Qiao Liang should understand that "mission and choice" simply with the so-called "heavy industrialization model", the development process of all games has never changed.

What is the hammer of hammer?

Huang Sibo: "Good, I understand!"

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