Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 998 Chapter 998 Guidelines for Sales Departments

silent for a moment.

Sure enough, this so-called sales work, there is a great gap with a great demanded sales work.

Yu Qian sorted out his thoughts and said: "Well, you can forget the previous one."

"These things can be useful in other companies, but I can tell you very clearly, in Tengda, these things are not only useless, but it will be reversed, there will be anti-effect."

"So, completely forget."

"Next, I said that several provisions in the Tengda sales department, you must firmly remember, there are several of them, which is absolutely can't be violated, must be strictly implemented, anyone else must be exception. "

Hearing here, Tian Mu quickly took out a small book from his arms and prepared to record.

I was criticized twice because I was in the intermediary store, I was criticized twice because of the meeting, after that, he kept the habit of carrying paper with a paper.

Yan Qian continued: "The first, all sales are strictly prohibited to contact customers to sell business, call, send pass, etc., it is absolutely prohibited by visitors."

"Only when the customer takes the initiative to ask for the door to ask, they can answer the customer's question, and can only ask what customers have an answer, absolutely can't pay attention to him, deliberately sell the sales content."

"Article 2, do not need to deliberately practice the ability to communicate with people, don't learn, train anything, how to talk, how to talk to customers."

"Of course, the most basic politeness must be there."

"Article 3, don't maintain the relationship with our customers, don't have a greece message greetings, don't share some inexplicable content in your friends, don't move, don't work, people are not familiar with you."

"Article 4, there is no competitive relationship between employees of the sales department, not to climb, not to use the 'sales crown' and 'performance' and other factors affect employee mentality, whether it is daily or departmental work summary, no evaluation. "

Article 5, customer relationship is not a private relationship. It is strictly forbidden to distinguish between your customers' and 'my customers'. All people share customers and serve customers. "

Article 6, the department only has fixed salary, no commission, how many people's performance is not directly hooked directly, and the specific salary standard will be given later. "

"Article 7, when introducing customers, we must focus on the shortcomings and problems of the product, there is no giant, there is no omission ..."

Tian Musi was seriously recorded, but the more I heard it, the more I didn't look at it, and I used it frequently, I was afraid that I have heard it wrong.

This is wrong?

All are completely laid with your shallow sales knowledge?

In fact, it is a point that the guiding ideology changes completely.

The traditional concept of the traditional concept is to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees through various means, let them contact customers more frequently, build a relatively close sales network through calling, pull relationship, etc., so that all sales are crazy Run performance.

Whether the so-called "expansion customer relationship" is still "maintenance customer relationship", including meetings within the sales department, built, public commendation and high bonuses for sales crown employees, are to mobilize the enthusiasm of sales staff as much as possible Let them strengthen competition and get more business.

The more sales staff sell, the more people naturally earn.

The summary of the summary of this, obviously taking the way with this kind of thinking, summarizing in a sentence, is "eating big pot."

The salary is not completed by fixed salary. The employee took the sale of the city. It was an additional bonus. Even the daily work did not make a comparison, and did not commend.

Moreover, not only does not need to expand customers, do not need to actively contact customers, even even when customers take the initiative to find the order, the content of the business is not available, can not sell!

These points are written down, and the Tianmimo is fascinated.

On the one hand, I feel that my own cognition is subversive, and on the other hand, it is also because of these cognitive being subversive, he feels deeply confused: this can not do it, then you can't do it, then I am selling Can you dry?

After I was finished, Tian Miu asked: "Hey ... , you said, I have written it, but I have a problem."

"In my understanding, the daily work of sales is to find customers through the way, sending the form, and then maintain the relationship between customers."

"Now you said that you can't actively call, and it is not necessary to maintain the relationship with our customers. How come ... How come the customer? I can't expect the customer to call me?"

"If this is true, I think this department should not call the sales department and should call the customer service department ..."

Yan Qian was silent, and Tian Miao really tried him.

Indeed, only when the customer is looking for the door, it will reply two sentences. It seems that it is really a customer service ...

Yan Qian intends to engage in a sales department, I hope to pay the money by reverse sales, but if you raise the customer service department, it seems to be a bit wrong.

I have to think that this sales department is talented to the customer service department.

It is mainly to give the sales department a way to contact the customer, can't be completely blocked, and then, it turns into the customer service department.

Of course, this way must not be a way to call and send a single sentence, this method is too dangerous because the cost is very low.

Now online personal information is so serious, just spend some money, you can buy a lot of target customers, you can play a harassment, plus the way, and sell it, it is an almost no cost thing, as long as the heap is human, play There is a lot of calls, always pulling a few customers.

The way to push the form is similar to the way, as long as the number of salespersons are piled up, they will always play a certain effect.

Of course, if the entire sales department has been maintained in a few people, such as a total of more than a dozen people, how to call, send a flyer, and the effect is minimal.

The problem is that the purpose of engaged in this sales department is to spend more, if only a dozen people, even if the benefits are all full, how much can I spend?

So, I have to find a safe coefficient, much spending more, and the difference is poor. In this way, I can make a lot of money to make more people.

After I thought about it, I quickly thought of a good way to have a lot of money.

"I have already thought about this."

"After you finish the preparation of the previous period, I will give you a store to open a store. When you have all the sales work in the store. You don't have to call customers, send a single contact customer, just in the store , Waiting for the customer to go door. "

"As for the office area of ​​Shenhua Haojing, as your headquarters office, the core backbone is here, and other sales staff are working in the store."

This is what I think of, I don't have to do things, and I have a physical store!

There is no doubt that in the form of a physical store is one of many ways, the best burning money.

Because there is a physical store means there will be a variety of overheads such as rent, water and electricity.

Like a general telephone sales, the cost required is very low, find a remote office area, put the intensive station, one phone, one computer, then send some basic salary to make them cheer.

But if there is a physical store, it means that there will be rent, water and electricity, and it has to be unified to the staff for the company's image, which is mostly sold.

Of course, in this regard in the form of a physical store, Yan Qian is a little bit uncomfortable.

For example, touch fish nets, touched fish takeaway, host the gym.

However, from the whole, if you make money, you can continue to spend money out by opening more shops, and the risk is relatively controllable.

What's more, the lazy apartment and the anti-wind logistics have always been lost, what are you afraid?

Therefore, Yan Qian felt that he was detailed, and he was equipped with the person in charge of Tian Mi to do the entire sales department. It should be ten tenth.

Tian Mile heard that he had to open the store, nodded slightly, and the heart would finally be normal.

It is true that all the people in the sales department are all squeezed here, and they don't call or send flyers. Who can I find the office building?

If there is a store, the customer can find a place, relatively reasonable.

Moreover, the store is also a symbol of strength.

Like the home group of home, the store is all over the city, and each store covers the surrounding area, which is more likely to touch the entire area, for each city, different sites in various regions. Develop different strategies.

I didn't say what kind of store, I didn't think much, and I thought it might be the same as the store of the home group.

Yan Qian is a little bit a little, and if you really need to engage in a store, it seems to be prepared for a while, the location of the store, the decoration, the specific structural map, and sales staff, training, all I have to prepare it slightly.

And these preparations let Tian Mo are responsible for it, they have to arrange some professionals.

It is not to say that these preparations are particularly perfect, mainly afraid that Tian Mia didn't understand, ready to be too slow, and then settle this sales department, there is no formation, too misunderstood.

Thinking of this, Yan Qian said to Tian Mu: "Okay, you will come here today."

"I have already told you some of the basic rules of the sales department. After you go back, this time this time is to remember these rules, and the word is not bad, and then the moment is remembered, and it can't be violated."

"I will arrange other people to prepare for the preparation. After you are ready, I will notify you."

Tian Mi stunned: "Hey ... Is there any other job?"

"Other work? No." Yan Qian shakes his head, "Within the short term, you will remember these contents. When you look good next time, I have to check it out, but I can't do it."

Tian Mo took the head: "You can rest assured, I will take it down in the wrong word!"

After confirming that there is no other task, Tian Mia took the little book to be carefully concluded, and then left the general office.

Although I don't know what kind of plan, I have the same plan, but I feel unknown to Tian Mu, it seems that just complete the demand of , everything will naturally solve!

Tian Mi went out of the total office, suddenly felt confident, life is full of hope!

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