In the afternoon, Liang Li sail came to the Poly Office, and gently knocked on the door.

Recently, he has been busy with the design work of food sets, supervising the construction of the scene.

The previous design work has been completed, and in accordance with the recommendations of Baoxu, there are many games similar elements, so the work of Liang Liangfan is basically an end, as long as the supervision of the scene is not problematic, it can be perfectly retrofitable The design can be possible.

This time, Liang San just listened to the design work of a store, but the specific store, never said.

Liang Guangfan feels that this is a relatively simple little life, the store, the top of the top, the level of fish net, just designed, OK.

" ." Liang Guangfan entered the office, just saw the total brows, the expression is dignified, is looking at the computer screen, I don't know why I worry.

Yan Qian saw Liang Guangfan, turned off on the computer about "mission and choice", then said: "Come on? Just sit."

Two people simply talked about the current situation of the sur Lazy Apartment quickly entered the topic.

Yan Qian took a little thoughts, then said: "I intend to open a Tenda store in Beijing, a little showing Tenda's products, and by the way, it also provides customers with a channel of sales."

Liang light sail nodded: "Understand, is similar to the store of 'Tenda House'". "

"That's all your estimates, how big is this store? Where is the location?"

: "Thousands of squares, tens of thousands of squares? Don't be more, go bigger design."

Liang Guangfan: "..."

He originally thought that the store like Shenhua Group or pineapple mobile phone in the mall, there are hundreds of squares, but if you always say, thousands of flat, go to 10,000 products, then with many home markets Similarly, there may be several layers of a whole building are all kinds of products in their own, and it is much larger.

Liang Liang sail thought, it seems more reasonable, after all, the stores of mobile phone manufacturers in the mall only need to show mobile phones and various smart supplies, and the current planned shop is obviously to show all products of Tengda Group. .

There are not only digital products such as mobile phones, which may also include their own game trials, furniture in the lazy apartment, the food to take the fish, the smart home products of the Gull Tu Technology, etc., the area occupied is definitely more big.

Liang Liangfan said: "I understand, in short, the experience store is similar to all the products of the entire Tenda Group?"

"He has always said that it is necessary to provide customers with a channel with sales exchange. Is there any sales in the store?"

Yan Qian nodded: "Yes, there will be a number of sales. However, they are different from sales in the traditional sense."

"Other brands of sales are all in the store, always prepare to introduce the product to customers, but the sales of our sales are enjoying and experience the product in the store, only when the customer is asking. Introduced to customers. "

Liang Guangfan stunned: "Ah? Is this sales?"

: "Yes, this is Tenda's sales. Tenda's sales will not use the mouth to fight for customers, but to use the actual action to make customers feel how fun, how easy!"

"Or you can see them as ... Experience? It is a customer experience product."

"So you will use this store as a 'sales home', to ensure that sales are comfortable in this store, don't save all kinds of space, how much can you give, be sure to be spacious, bright, high-end, atmosphere!"

. .

After this store opened, Yu Qian will observe a little bit, determine that the sales of the store have already made a fighting spirit, and after the sales volume, they will have more stores, and they will burn the money.

As for the customer's door shop, what should I do, I feel that this kind of thing should be unavoidable, as long as Tian Mo and his sales team can always keep in mind the content written above the small note, then sell this Pieces are absolutely unable to make up for the huge daily overhead of the store.

Liang light sail nodded: "Good , I understand."

"Then I will make a simple plan to arrange the Tenda industry in this store."

"First of all, it is definitely Tengda's game and film department, including Tengda game, Ocean game, flying yellow studio."

"You can use a dedicated game experience area in the store, and you can always experience the latest game at any time."

"Second, it is to take the fish takeaway, we can engage in a dining area like Yijia Mall, allowing customers to travel to the dining area to experience the fish takeaway and 'food and' diet."

"Then it is the home life area, here you can also refer to the design of the Yijia Mall, show our decoration style in the lazy apartment, arrange a variety of cooperative furniture, and then with some smart home developed by the Gull Tu Technology. "

"As for other physical stores, such as taking fish net coffee, hosted gym, etc., since there are already physical stores, there is no need to put it in the store, there is a bit more."

Yu Qian immediately shook his head: "That is not! How can it be more?"

"If you want to think of this situation, if you have any customers, I have never been to the fish netfish or hosted the gym. The first time I came to our store?"

"Isn't that lost the opportunity to introduce him to our entity?"

"Plus, you must add it! Give the fish net coffee and hosted gym, even against the wind logistics, all are all in the area."

"Of course, there is no need to make the kind of business, or you have to experience the experience."

"This way, even if you have not experienced our physical store, you can see how good our entity industry is in our physical industry!"

Yan Qian didn't plan to make another baby in this store, engage in branches of fish net coffee, because it is very likely to make money.

Just through the chance of opening the store, engage in fish net coffee, but don't charge, can this not burn more money?

Liang Guangfan could not help but attach it to it.

Sure enough, the perspective of always thinking is always different.

But the problem is that the whole of the whole bond has never been to the fish netfa, and the fish is touched by these Tenda's stores?

Well ... should still have, then I always say it is very reasonable.

He quickly thoughtfully, then summed up: "I understand, I have to open this store now, it is more close to the experience store, but also a place, selling goods, is also a direction All customers show the window of our products. "

"In this case, this experience store can have such a few partitions:"

"The first is the game experience area, including the fish net coffee, ROF installed, and all games can be placed in this area."

"Second is the viewing area, you can play some film and television works in flying yellow studio, including movies, documentaries, and more."

"Then it is the home life area, which can be renovated in the style of the lazy apartment, whether it is the sofa, the cabinet is arranged in a minimalist style, and the full set of smart homes can also be arranged."

"Then it is the digital area, this is different from the place where the home life area is that the home living area can only put our latest smart home products, including TV, audio, etc., only a few models can be placed. And the digital zone Will put our mobile phones, computers, and other digital products, like many mobile phone manufacturers' stores. "

"Then then the surrounding commodity area, some of the surrounding products related to Tengda, such as the game-related hand, pillow, and horror that all the bangs sold at the hostel, you can get here to sell."

"Finally, it is a dining area. It can be found on the food, and the customers can eat here. Including the food in the future, can also arrange some to this."

"A total of six major partitions, these six regions must be very spacious, covering the area is relatively large, doing life."

"Moreover, the layout of these six districts should also plan, so that customers are not easy to get lost, and they can quickly find the partition you want."

"Tarium, is this meant?"

Yan Qian nodded: "Well, very close."

"But I added it again. When you design, don't take it as an experience store in your mind, but to be a normal living space. If you don't have any customers, sales are also Can you have a self-satisfaction, understand? "

Liang Liang immediately nodded: "understand, it means to be close to the breath of daily life, don't give customers a feeling of separation, especially don't let them feel the drop of 'buyers' show' and 'seller show' "

"Our sales is strict, not 'sales' but 'show', we must naturally show the most beautiful side of us to the player, rather than use the sound of the spring, to deceive the players."

: "... it's almost."

Although Yu Qian's original meaning is very obvious, Yu Qian is too lazy to correct.

Liang Guangfan silently recorded all the requirements, and then said: "Ok, then I will go to the site, the whole set may cover the area of ​​a few thousand squares, the place is not open, will appear Compare small family, no effect. "

"Waiting for the right place, I will hurry out the specific design plan, and I will report to you after the plan!"

Yan Qian nodded: "Well, go!"

"When the site is selection, try to choose, don't consider the problem of funds!"

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