After listening to Chen Yufeng's report, he nodded satisfied.

Sure enough, this effect is immediate, even other live platforms are recognized!

As the saying goes, I know that you will always be your enemies.

Other live broadcast platforms have seen, and the live broadcast of rabbits has not been threatened, which is an agreement for the judgment of Yan Qian.

This means that it is even more than the rabbit, and it is more enough to have no worries!

"It's very good, I am very satisfied."

"In addition to daily overhead, I will give the rabbit tail to the rabbit tail, you will take a flower, let's take some activity."

Yan Qian did not limit, but the use of this money was limited to "do something activity."

Because he felt that if you dug anchor, maybe you can dig some potential anchors, and the anchor sign is basically long-term, and a sign will sign a year, and there is a certain hidden danger.

Instead, it is to engage in activities, and the lives of rabbits are now very low, most of them can't afford to get on.

Chen Yufeng stunned: "Hey ... , there is of course good, but now engage in activities ..."

"It doesn't seem to be very cost-effective."

"Because our website is currently just a sudden drop, it is best to recover slowly, and the lower hand is not necessarily a good effect, but will cause some viewers' disgusting."


"As long as you have a better way, you can't play the promotion."

"I believe you, absolutely no problem!"

Chen Yufeng: "..."

He just want to say "I am too lifted at me", but I always stand up and take the ass to prepare for it.

"Okay, then this is so fixed."

"Do you hurry to think about what activities, don't be too complicated, it's almost."

Yu Qian didn't want to give Chen Yufeng too much pressure. I hope that he will make this money to spend out.

Chen Yufeng: "Good , I do our best to ..."


After sending, Chen Yufeng sat down in front of the desk, frowned, hard thinking.

The general is still so memorable.

To say that ;; ; Function, let the heat of the rabbit tail are hit hard, and it is not necessary to change the intention to change until now.

According to the total efficiency, this tens of millions of funds should be available soon, but what activities do they have, Chen Yufeng is unpredual.

His brow is locked, turned over for a long time on the computer, never thought of any suitable event.

I am worried, someone in the office pushed the door.

Looking up, it is a horse Yang.

"Horse! How come you come? He has just been here." Chen Yufeng said.

Ma Yang has a look: "Ah? Qian Ge is coming? How can no one tell me!"

Chen Yufeng quickly explained: "Yes, I don't have to notify it. He just has a task, then go, there is no other thing."

The expression of Ma Yang is a serious thing: "Well? Arrange a mission? What mission? Qian Ge's mission will definitely complete!"

Chen Yufeng introduced the demands of the Poly.

The big face of Ma Yang showed a slight confusion of expression: "Qian Ge said, there is no saying, what is the requirements? Even the direction is not given."

Chen Yufeng nodded: "Yes, I am also worried."

"Hey, do you want one?"

"You have always been the left right arm, the minister of the arm, and the intentions of the heart, there are many points you think, have been adopted by the summary, you want a point, definitely reliable!"

Ma Yang is shaking on the sofa on the sofa: "No problem, I want one."


"Do you have an electric competition?"

Chen Yufeng nodded, this answer is within his expectation.

Sure enough, in the life of the horse, the electrical competition is one of him a lot of hobbies. When it comes to acting, the Master thinks is the electric competition.

But the problem is ... this seems not a good choice.

Chen Yufeng said: "The TV competition is indeed a good choice. After all, our website is currently the highest viscoese group is the audience of the electric competition. When other types of visitors are lost, there are still many electrical competitions to insist on Our website looks at the game. "


"We already have two games in ICL and GPL. These two competitions are very intensive, and we have to do some queues, Samaries, and the attention of these two regular leagues. What? "

This question gave Ma Yang, and his long face revealed his thoughts, and there was no response.

I want to think, it seems to be so much.

But the old horse is obviously not a person who will give up very easily, he tried to think about: "So where is the problem?"

Chen Yufeng silently: "Two problems, one is not professional enough, the second is that the game is difficult to distinguish between two leagues."

Ma Yang wants to think: "Then we have a professional competition with other two leagues, can you make a difference?"

Chen Yufeng opened his mouth, a sprint.

He felt that Mada said that the two have a professional league, which is the top player. Why do we do a more professional game than them?

But Chen Yufeng thoughtfully, it seems to have a way.

"If you have to do it ..."

"We can organize the original DGE two teams, and organize the FV teams and SUG teams to organize a game!"

"The four teams definitely represent the highest level of the two games between GOG and IOI."

"But ... Each game has only two teams, can't get up. You can't let DGE two teams to play Bo10?"

Ma Yang wants to think: "Tell a Bo10 is not not, anyway, the game is wonderful. But there is no coach on both sides, who comes to BP?"

"Hey, I suddenly thought of a good way."

"How do we let the audience vote for BP?"

Chen Yufeng stunned, immediately shake his head: "How do you travel? If you vote, you will definitely be able to build into entertainment games. The gap between the two sides may be great, it will not be very exciting."

Ma Yang said: "Of course not all heroes vote, we can choose a few lineups to show!"

"Every time I look at the game, I don't have a barcings. I said the BP garbage of this coach. But someone will spray back, saying that BP is no problem, it is a player to play garbage."

"This becomes an unsolved mystery. Is it bp? Is it still not good? I have always wondered!"

"We have a 'BP certificate", answer this confusion! "

Chen Yufeng lit once in front of him: "I understand, the horse is always!"

"You said, we have a match, only to participate in the original DGE team and the second team, and members of the FV team and the Sug team, divided into the GOG group and the IOI group."

"Then we go online to find a few sets of controversial BP programs."

"These programs are characterized by: coaches and players feel that they can be hit, and they will be selected in the race, but the label audience can't play."

"We invite two teams to fight each other, verify that it is a lineup, or the players can't!"

"If you do this, the audience should want to see it!"

Chen Yufeng even thought about this game, the barrage will be a kind of grand event.

If the bargain coach believes that "cerebral palsy BP" won, then there will be a large number of people to brush "brain is rumored BP, that is, the player is not the strength, coach does not have a pot"; If you lose, then there will be a big batch of people to brush ", then this BP is garbage, change the five top players, I will say that this coach is a waste!"

At the time, the wonderful level of the game can not exceed the ICL and GPL two league, but the intenseness of the barrage is definitely not empty, the topic of the game is absolutely not low!

Moreover, the general activities or competitions, they will be tired of running a visitors, but this game can be done for a long time.

Because each team will change, there will always be new "brain-strain BP", which will never produce this "BP certificate" to verify.

Although the original DGE's team members have been scattered into each team, they all have the main force in their respective locations, but the relationship between each other is good, and the tacit understanding is also. If you can reorganize the DGE two teams, you can use the time to play without the game. This "BP certificate".

The propaganda funds given by is very sufficient, and the relationship between the teams and Tengda's electrical sector is also very good. Some of these teams, everyone will definitely cooperate.

If you do it, if you have a good thing, the coach of each team will pay attention to this game. Look at some of the strength of some BPs in the top team, see what details will be in the top team when playing this lineup. The improvement of the entire competition level is also a good thing.

The most important thing is that this game is only a live broadcast of rabbit, because there is no other live broadcast platform to request a team member of the DGE club!

Chen Yufeng immediately became a spirit, it was a bit sluggish before, and now I suddenly found a new direction.

"Horse, you are really great! You really have peace!"

"This activity is absolutely in line with the total requirements!"

"I will contact it, according to the time of the GPL and ICl two leagues, I will arrange it as soon as possible!"

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