Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1015 is late to be caught by the summons.

On April 29th, Sunday morning.

Tian Mi and Zhuang Dong silently silently drinking coffee in the café in the mall.

Tian Miu was yawned and saw a watch, and it was already until 10 o'clock.

Zhuang Dong tons tonnately drink three coffee, then asked: "Dog brother, how, what did you come here last night?"

Tianmer turned a white eye: "Don't ask."

Zhuang Dong did not ask.

Yesterday, Tian Mia was at get off work. After returning to the residence, he seriously reflected it, and wanted to figure out where the turnover on Saturday was zero to the end.

As a result, hard thinking, always thought of two in the morning, hard, I didn't want to come.

He reflects his own role to the customer. I feel that the customer does not buy it is normal, I bought it is not normal.

Sales have said that these goods are cost-effective, people are stupid, still? Who also bought it?

But these guidelines are all settled, and they will definitely not be wrong.

What is it?

Tian Mi really didn't think about this problem, so I didn't sleep well yesterday. I went to the store today. I should come to the store for 9 o'clock. I have been 9 o'clock when getting up.

Anyway, it is already late, Tian Mu decided to simply did not do it, with Zhuang Dong to drink coffee, let go.

Anyway, late is late, there is no difference between it for a while, I will not sell things.

The two silently finished the coffee, which came to the door to the store.

Tian Mi just planned to open the door and suddenly stopped.

Because the door has been opened!

I saw that I am sitting on the sofa sitting in the store, playing a play.

Tianmer is immediately "".


It was late for the next day, and I was arrested by Baishi!

He didn't expect that today is Sunday, and he has always come over early, and he is not there, this is too embarrassing!

Tian Mia has been stale, but Zhuang Dong did not realize the seriousness of the problem. Seeing that there is someone in the store. His first reaction is directly questioned: "Hey? Who are you? How come in!"

Tianmer is a mouthful of old blood spurt.

He rushed to Zhuang Zhuang: "Don't talk! This is the boss!"

Zhuang Dong was : "Ah? Boss? Ah, boss is sorry!"

Tian Mia quickly apologized: "Sorry, I don't know you before this brother. He is straightforward, you don't put it in your heart."

Yan Qian put his handle and stood up, and his face was with a smile: "It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter. Young people, character is a good thing. I like this kind of personality, good!"

"You are Zhuang Dong? I have seen your resume before, I feel that you have a potential, very optimistic! Today, I have determined my judgment."

"You will do it well with Tian Mo, the sales department, you will rely on you to support me!"

Zhuang Dong is a bit that is a little thrown: "Really? Thank you boss! Thank you boss!"

Tian Siman has an angry, and he carefully observed, and found that the total expression is not as fake, it seems to be not angry.

This is a good phenomenon, indicating that the always has a good mood today, and you have to explain the late things.

"Some, last night, I didn't sleep well because I have been thinking about work, so you can rest assured that this is the last time, I will never commit again in the future!"

Although this passage sounds very fake, Tian Mia knows that he is truthful, so the tone is quite firm.

: "Didn't sleep last night? How can I do it!"

"The body is the capital, there is no good body, how can you do your work? Be sure to pay attention to sleep, a lot of rest!"

"Moreover, the sales department is different from other departments, and work hard is not to be reflected by get off work on time. This way, you can follow the flexible working hours, just ensure the lowest working time, late or early Take a little, it doesn't matter. "

Tian Mu was touched: "Good Pai, Thank you, Mr. Poly, Mr. Yan!"

He looked to Zhuang Dong: "Why is it still stupid? Let's go to the glass of water."

"Oh, ok!" Zhuang Dong was originally in the side of the station, and he wanted to the water drinker next to him with a cup of hot water.

Yan Qian reached out: "In fact, I have no other thing today, just want to see what the situation is, the store is in accordance with my planning."

"What is the business yesterday?"

Tian Miao couldn't help but sink, I wanted to break, I always asked!

Zhuang Dong did not know that he was not aware of the total, he was late, these were small things, and the total wider macro, which can be completely unsatisfactory.

But a whole day, the turnover is zero, but it can't say it!

After all, this store is located inside the mall. Although the location is not very good but it is not particularly poor, yesterday is still on Saturday, the result is busy all day, there is no sale, this is too shame.

If you tell me in truth, I will definitely want to doubt the ability of my brother!

However, Tian Mu did not dare to lie. He is very clear in his heart.

After the day of the day, this was very shy: "Sorry, the bails, so far from the turnover of the store, there is nothing to sell."

"But you can rest assured, I will try my efforts to open up soon!"

, ? ?

Tian Miu said: "A?"

Yu Qian realized that he was a bit proud to have been forgotten, hurriedly hit: "I mean, this result is very in line with my expectations."

"This shows that you have no self-proposition, but strictly follow the guidelines I have given you."

Tian Mia is a bit awkward: "It is fully compliant? You expect ... no sales?"

Yan Qian smiled slightly, and his eyes revealed a philosophical ray: "Yes, not."

"In fact, how much sales is not important, it is important that customers will pay now after knowing the shortcomings of our products."

"The location of this store is not bad, the flow of people every day is not very small, and there is nothing to sell, indicating that you will introduce the shortcomings of these products in detail according to my requirements, and advise them. "

"With it, let customers bought our products. After going back, complaining, it is better to tell the customer's product, let him take the roots."

"In this way, the customer is not pit, less trouble, we will not leave a bad impression on the customer, isn't it two?

"This is a win-win situation."

Tian Mi felt that he was a bit dizzy: "But the quarter, when can you sell these things? If you have been bought, then ..."

Yu Qian immediately said: "If no one is bought, it is not your problem."

"That can only explain, our products do not have good enough, not enough to excel, can not meet customer requirements."

"It should be done again, it is the product manager and designers."

"In short, you will keep the current state continue to stick to it. The less selling things, indicating that you introduce the defects of the product to the product, the more successful, your work is more successful! And, this can also play the product manager You are a great effort! "

Tian Mia has been completely dizzy. He is the first time I heard that something to sell will not sell it. It is a great effort.

Originally Tian Miao, he was almost criticized by the hit, and he did not expect it to be pravily praised, and it was a bit embarrassing.

"That ..., do you think there is any place in our work that needs to be improved?" Fitian asked.

: "Well, there is a need to improve the place ..."

"I think that your work mode is too single."

Tian Mi stunned: "Ah? , we should not have been waiting for customers in the store, should we go out to send orders, attract customers?"

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