Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1021 The launch will not often always?

May 3, Thursday.

5 o'clock in the afternoon.

It is still the largest five-star hotel in Jingzhou, the four seasons of Oasis, the last Ottoe1 mobile phone, is also held at the banquet hall of this hotel.

The same location, the almost product, only time change.

The time the E1 mobile phone conference was at three pm on Sunday, and the time of this G1 mobile phone conference was changed to 5 pm on Thursday, and the May 1 holiday was just the first working day after the end.

This time, it is clear that it is also specified.

The time of the previous conference is always, and Yan Qian has not asked. Now it is a big question: Sunday is a holiday, the online traffic is too much, and the release will be immediately on the Aidi website. Incident, extensive attention.

Therefore, Yan Qian deliberately puts the release of the G1 mobile phone in this very embarrassing time.

First of all, this is the first working day after May Day holiday. Everyone is on the first day. The emotions are estimated to be very low, and the work of holidays makes most people's focus, should not be concerned about the conference; secondly, 5 o'clock this time is not over, one more, 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the office workers have just wesed the news to brush some newspapers; at night, at 7 o'clock in the evening, everyone will get home, You can also take a time to see a conference while eating.

It is within 5 o'clock, everyone is in an angry arrow, and begins to think about what to eat this evening, absolutely can minimize the impact of this conference!

The audience at this conference is still mainly a loyal customer of science and technology media colleagues and the local local loyal customers. All are a ticket, from other cities, the scientific media still cover the time of accommodation and round-trip.

It is still not saved anyway.

Yan Qian still followed the last time, some time in advance arrived at the venue, and then found a position to sit down.

On the scene, there is sooth, elegant music, and the audience has admitted to each other. It is possible to see that many of the tacit media are shooting with cameras, and popularity seems to be much higher than the previous E1 mobile phone.

Yan Qian adhered to the principle of playing a shot, the last release meeting he sat in the conference hall, this time, it is sitting in the middle, about the fifth row, the front sporadic sitting is all home Technological media reporters also have a technology area video UP main and so on.

Unlike the last E1 mobile phone, this big screen is not officially started, but it has already lit it in advance, and there are several lines in addition to the opening countdown.

"Gull Tu Technology 'embraces the future' exchange sharing".

Among them, the four words of "Gull Tu Technology" took the Logo of Tenda Group and Gulls, and four words "embrace the future" were a special art font, the most eye-catching.

The whole picture looks simple, generous, and a little bit of technology is also included.

Yan Qian is not too much, the conference, what is the name, it doesn't matter. Many mobile phone manufacturers like to engage in flowers at the press conference. Some inexplicable names are highlighted, like what "multidimensional liquid cooling ice cream cooling system", it is not much more plus à la carte heat, blowing well, but things still That thing, things are similar.

Anyway, this conference is to send G1 mobile phone, what is the name does not affect the content at the conference.

The two of the two rows of Sitting in Qian should be the same technology media. A little bigger is a little bigger, always guiding another young little brother to shoot, it should be more common "old with new", with At the company's newcomers, visit the launch.

The launch will not officially start, two of them call the equipment, just patted the scene, there is no way, start chatting.

"I don't know what kind of fire will bring to everyone today. I look forward to it."

"Indeed, last year's consolidation is really amazing to me, I saw such a mobile phone launch in the first time, I don't say, the effect is pulled."

"That is a bit awkward this time, others are all holidays, the evening development conference, how to get a working day at 5 o'clock in the afternoon of the day, will not delay dinner."

"Will not, often develop a lot of vesors, I will talk about an hour, and most of the time is talking about the shortcomings of mobile phones. This estimate is similar, definitely extremely concentrated, seven o'clock It will definitely be complete, even 6 o'clock or so. "

"Wait, I suddenly thought of a question. I saw that the news said that I often seem to be responsible for the mobile phone business of Gull Science and Technology. The last conference ... should I change people?"

"Can't it? It is essential to this conference. It is always an indispensable! If you change someone else!"

"Yeah, every year's constant conference is simply my happiness, don't change people!"

Listening to the discussion of these two people in front, Yan Qian couldn't help but laugh.

Still rest this, often?

Your usual is not!

Yan Qian couldn't help but feel a self-satisfied with his own wise decisions. Fortunately, through the first elimination system, he was arranged by the first elimination system. Otherwise, every time a new mobile phone was developed, the common friends did not open it yet, the attention is already full. Isn't it a big problem?

Obviously, this launch will be so embarrassed, and the attention is still so high, often don't work.

Many people are actually not rushing to the product of this conference, but rushing to the talks of the common friends.

Most people's ideas should be the same as these two bones, although they have heard the news that often is responsible for the mobile phone sector, but still look forward to the common friends will open this conference.

They think that since the frequent friends are still in the Gull, it is not going, that is a promotion, which is originally only responsible for the mobile phone business to hand over the mobile phone business to the person, and to be responsible for higher levels.

Since this, such an important conference, still have a common friend personally?

After all, many people have already linked the Gull Tu Technology to the frequent friends. If there is no common friend, the effect of this conference must be a big discount.

It can be imagined that today, Jiang Yuan is on the stage. The audience at the scene will definitely look at it, and it is shudder, and this conference is stable.

Soon, time is here.

This time did not arrange a warm field video, but the female voice that originally turned to all the science precautions became the voice of aeeis, reminding everyone to release only one hour, please mute, try not to disassemble, After the end, go to the small gift, and so on.

At the same time, it also introduces this posting meeting will live a full range of live platforms in a number of live broadcasts, and there is also a special live broadcast in the live broadcast of rabbit.

Although the warmth video is gone, but the voice of aeeis is also a small surprise.

When the 5 o'clock, the light was turned off, and the audience immediately sounded warm applause and cheers.

"Chang! Meet often! Always always!"


Many people are already in the mouth, and the atmosphere is not like a conference, and it is more like a compassionate theater.

Obviously, most of the audiences have been identified in their hearts, the protagonist at the Gull Tu Technology Conference is very common.

However, waiting for the main lecturers really getting up, but the audience is a face.

"Ah? Who this?"

"What about Chang people?"

"Will n't really change people, we must always always!"

The audience that arrived is a quality person. It will not call "RNM retreat" directly, but it is obvious that you can see from everyone. Everyone is quite disappointed.

Said that it is not a lie, it is not, after all, the publicity will never say that the main lecture is a common friend, which is a wishful wish.

However, often didn't come, what else is there?

I can't hear it, the wonderful extent of this conference directly wants to come!

Jiang Yuan is also a little bit a little, but he has already expected the present situation in advance, so it is still in an orderly manuscript to finish his own opening.

"Sorry, let everyone be a little disappointed, today is not always always."

"Hello everyone, I am a new person in charge of Gull Tu Technology, Jiangyuan."

"First, I would like to thank everyone to come to Gull Tu Technology this time 'embrace the future' exchange sharing. On behalf of all the colleagues of the general, often always the gull science and technology, I would like to express warm welcome to everyone; At the same time, the Gull Tu Technology has also passed the whole year since its establishment. I also want to represent all the colleagues of the general, often summons and gulls, express my heartfelt thanks to all support, favorite gulls. " "

The on-site remittance is thundering.

After all, the people who come this time are the faithful fans of the Gull, and the new person in charge expressed his gratitude to the fans on the stage. Everyone is still holding, giving some responses.

But the discussion of these two buddies in front of Qian, but exposed a lot of real ideas in the middle of the audience.

"It seems that this new person in charge is not bad, but there is no feeling that I always feel!"

"Indeed, he speaks like a bit conservative, it feels a bit inward, a bit of a bit of a feeling, it is not too moving atmosphere."

"This eloquence is always a bit far better than usual."

"First, look at it, the segment is estimated to be hoped, I hope the content of the conference can be interesting."

Although the opening of the beginning of the opening is three stable, there is no problem, but Jiang Yuan opened, the audience immediately heard the gap between his and his frequent friends.

Although this person is also the technical origin of the Positive Er, it is very grounded. On the next stop, it is a bit like the feeling of the intercourse actor to give people, and the atmosphere is on the scene.

And the sense of humor is inherent, it is very infectious.

However, Jiang Yuan did not have this kind of temperament, and even feeling that he is a bit awkward. It makes people feel a bit less confident. If you don't say a lot, you will be a bit hard to do it.

Those who are expected to live in a total living will naturally hope.

But the old saying is good, come, the speaker does not give strength, and can only look forward to the content of this conference.

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