Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1023, the online store, the water is not!

The atmosphere suddenly became unusually hot from the dead, so that Yu Qian was completely.

He couldn't accept reality at a time, and if it didn't happen.

It has two professionals in front of him.

The two of the two little brothers were obviously mobilized. The little brother who was a little bit a little bit shouted to grab the mobile phone, while he was said: "The road! The launch of the Gull Tu Technology is really full of routines. ! "

"For different person in charge, develop different press conference strategies, I don't know if Jiang Yuan's own idea is still my mind. Or ... is a general idea?"

"Most of them are the general idea!"

"I remember that I have already opened some conferences when I have been in the original company, but the talent seems to be completely activated, and there is no good life."

"That is to say, the launch of the two mobile phones in the Gull Tu Technology, most of them have the summary, so they can play such a good effect!"

The younger brother low his head on his mobile phone: "Well, it makes sense."

"Hey! Grab!"

"This stock seems to be much more than the last stock, it is not difficult to grab, and now there is goods."

"But it may be because the number of people paying attention to this online is relatively small. After all, I just said that this is a new technology exchange meeting. Everyone doesn't know if there will be mobile phones."

"But look at this, wait for the news to pass, it should insist that only one hour."

"Hey, you said that the big darkness is in the middle of the dark? This conference is full of routines? Which way is there, why didn't I feel it?"

A slight old buddy said: "You didn't find it? This new person in charge Jiang Yuan, compared with the often, the innocent condition is too much. No mouth is not good, it is certainly unable to use the way to develop a meeting."

"But he uses his innate conditions very well, built another style!"

"Jiangyuan's feelings are a bit awkward, less confident, it is also a very influential when talking about new technologies, so that in this way, the psychological expectations of all audiences are particularly low. "

"If you often open this conference, everyone is looking forward to him to shake the bag, then the mobile phone is really a sensation."

"So, this is for different products, targeting different responsible people, in the conference, and maximizing the audience emotions!"

"Not only that, the pricing strategy of this mobile phone is also very thoughtful. If I have not guess, this mobile phone should be mainly concentrated on high storage version and" mission and choice "custom version. Normal Edition only played one The role of price anchor makes everyone feel that the high storage version and custom version are particularly cost-effective, thus pushing these two versions of sales! "

"It's just that it is just a high talent than those who sell mobile phone more than gold."

"All make money, those manufacturers feel disgusting, want to spend less money to buy low storage versions, not enough, delete things every day; want a big storage space, with low storage versions If you spend more than a few hundred pieces, you can only buy so dozens of g, and I feel very losses. "

"And Loggu Technology is directly, let consumers don't entangle, in fact, may be the same, but consumers feel very comfortable, this is too high!"

"Moreover, this mobile phone also has exclusive optimization of Tengda's mobile game, which is more attractive than one piece of mobile game, more attractive!"

"This phone ... is afraid that it is more successful than the E1 mobile phone ..."

Listening to the discussion of the two buddies before, Yan Qian fainted.

What the hell!

How can I become "Poly Proficiency"? What is the relationship with me!

Although I heard the intermittent, many statements inside let him feel inexplicably, but he can affirm that this is a concern that there is no loss, there are some unexpected problems.

Lost! Completely out of control!

But this is not finished yet.

On the stage, Jiangyuan introduced the uniqueness of the sale of mobile phones, "mission and choice" customized version of the custom version of the "Mission and Choice" and the game optimization of Tengda mobile games for G1 mobile phones, and the launch conference also entered the final stage.

"About this G1 mobile phone stock ..."

"First, I will solemnly state it, and our Logu Technology has always strictly crackd down to the yellow cattle. For this, it can be seen from the provisions of the E1 mobile phone."

"E1 mobile phone is selling at the time of sale, because we are still a small company, there is not much funds can be used for turnover, so you can only spare a batch of stocks;"

"And now our financial chain is much healthy, but because the G1 mobile phone has used many new technologies, the pressure of the supply chain is relatively large, so it is still not as large as other big plants."

"If you have sold out, don't worry, we will hurry up with the previous E1 mobile phone, and strictly limit the yellow cattle. As long as everyone is patient, I will have a mobile phone."

"In addition, we also divided some of the shares to our offline stores. You welcome everyone to go to the next store to experience the real machine, make an appointment to buy, the address and positioning of the store is on the big screen."

"So, the above is the full content of this conference, and I will express my heartfelt thanks to everyone!"

"Please check out in order, you can receive a free small gift at the entrance."

After all are finished, Jiang Yuan could not help but grow up.


Although the new mobile phone release will only once a year, only one hour each time, but for Jiang Yuan, this is obviously the most challenging link in his work.

Fortunately, there is always the general case, everything is finally spent!

Although the press conference is over, the enthusiasm of everyone has not retired.

Yan Qian was going to go, stopped and stopped looking at the big screen after hearing the last paragraph of Jiangyuan.

There is the address and positioning of the store above, it is obviously Of Tianmeri!

I always invited a sales department to open a Tenda store in the mall, which is not secret in the company.

In the store, I sent an E1 mobile phone all year round. These mobile phones were obviously the Gull Tu Technology, and Jiang Yuan knows that the location of the store is naturally very reasonable.

After the G1 mobile phone is officially released, take a part of the prototype to go to the store for customers to visit, experience, nature is also a matter of chapter.

Everything seems to have no problem, but Yu Qian is like a sunny day.

"Do not!!"

"Tian Black Dog, you must give me the top!"

Yan Qian also calmly, and immediately left the scene of the conference, and rushed to the store where Tian Mo is located!


At the same time, two people in Tianmo and Zhuang Dong are playing games in the store.

Tian Mi is outside the sofa, Zhuang Dong's experience zone, playing different games, but the expression is the same, focus.

The key is that in addition to playing the play, it is really nothing.

Want to take a flies, catch a mosquito, this mall is not at all.

In fact, the store has just opened, people are still good, many people are mistaken, but basically not selling something.

Or the reason: Interested young people, basically have bought the corresponding products online; those who are not interested, basically have no purchases in the nature of the purchase.

Of course, there are also special, I have heard that the automatic intelligent lifting bar is too late. Now I feel good after I see the real thing, I have to buy one, Tian Mo persuaded half a day, I didn't listen, I had to sell him.

But this kind of person is still a few.

Although the store has broken a record of sales, it is necessary to sell a few things so spatical, and there is really no need to report to the total report.

Customers have come once, found that there is nothing to buy, and will not come in next time.

Plus today is the first working day after the holiday, the flow of people throughout the mall is not much, it seems to be a cold, and there is no customer here.

Therefore, Tian Mo and Zhuang Dong did not do anything else. You can only play games like Yan Zi, strive to make all the games in the store in the morning.

Suddenly, a footsteps came outside.

Tian Mi put the handle and looked up. I saw the two big boxes with the cart with a cart, and came to the door of the store.

"This is ...?" Tian Mi has some intakes.

Xiao Ge said: "Oh, this is a new mobile phone on the Logu Technology. We just passed from the warehouse, saying that some prototypes in the store gave the customer experience, of course, some are spot, you can sell it directly."

Tian Meiti nodded, helped the little brother to unload, then picked several mobile phones as the prototype, put the remaining unopened mobile phones in the storage area inside.

There were some protots on the counter, but all E1 mobile phones, Tian Mia only retained a small part, putting all other prototypes into new mobile phones, then change the price sign.

"Hey, this phone looks quite good, this screen is so big."

"But expensive is really expensive!"

"This is even more than 10,000, it is simplicity ..."

"It is estimated that most people can't afford it, they have to wait."

Tian Mi took it in his hand, but it didn't care too much.

After all, the E1 mobile phone has been put in the store for so long, and I didn't sell it. The traffic in the store recently was so cold, and Tian Mi felt that even how many people would see if there is, the price is so? High, I don't know when I can sell it.

Tian Mi sat back and went back to play the play.

After a while, the footsteps were introduced.

However, this footage seems to have a lot of speech.

Tian Mo has some accidents, turning around, I only saw two buddies, I came to the door in three steps. After the end of the LOGO, I immediately said: "Boss! There is a boss! OTTO's new phone? Give me a! "

Ok? Come to the guest!

Tian Mia quickly stood up: "The display machine is on the counter, you can experience it again."

The two buddies saw the display machine, but did not play the idea, but urged: "No, now pay now! Scan code or swipe?"

Tian Mi is shocked, so urgent?

But no, this is not in line with our job!

Tian Mo's smile: "Please allow me to introduce you to this mobile phone ..."

The two buddies finally couldn't help: "You don't talk nonsense! Let's take it, one of us, the shortcomings, we all know very clear at the press conference, give us mobile phone! To customize the version!"

Tian Mi didn't know what to say, although I always talked about the shortcomings of the customer's products, but the customer has said this, what can I say as a sales?

Tian Mo had to take two unopened mobile phones, all are the custom version of "mission and choice", handed over.

"Mission and Choice" customized version of the package is better than the ordinary version of the package, the appearance is completely different, very identified.

The two buddies are simply like, and immediately swipe their cards, then leave the sky, it is just like the treasure.

Tian Mo was going to see the shortcomings of this phone, and the result was hard to find the opportunity.

He shook his head and just planned to sit down, and he sent a rush of footsteps.

"Is there a boss, Is there anyone in the G1 mobile phone?"

"To customize the version, the custom version doesn't have, the high storage version is also!"

Tian Mi was fascinated.

At the beginning, he worked hard to walk the process, but these customers were obviously a fire, and they couldn't wait for all the processes. I can't wait to take the PO machine directly.

And it is a pair of hostile expressions.

what? Do you make me think twice?

I think twice, the mobile phone is not sold, is this responsibility to pay? !

This group of people who have started to customize their version and high storage versions. Although the number is much more than ordinary versions, they will be sold quickly.

The customers who come behind can only have ordinary versions, but very fast, ordinary versions are also sold!

Tian Miao did not have time to talk too much, and the customers have already fired the mobile phone to buy the mobile phone!

Every customer who got the new mobile phone is expected, there is not much to stay too much, turn around.

There are still a few days later, the customers who have not bought are angry with the chest, not to buy a display machine on the table, Tian Mo is saying, promises to give them a new mobile phone, they will give them to help them. Living.

The customer will queue in queue after one by one, I hope to get it in the first time after the goods.

There are also customers who know that they are not shipped, this is reluctant to go to the counter on the counter, but the more you often regret, how can you not have a few minutes?

Tian Miao did a record and was very confused.

Before the door, the door, how did it suddenly be surrounded by water?

what's the situation?

I haven't done anything?

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