Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1036, the monopoly, often professional

The audience at the scene is clearly understood.

"What is this? Is it so big?"

"Vertical air conditioner? Super refrigerator? Is wrong, it seems to have such a big place!"

"This is two meters long, it is hard to be a wardrobe?"

"Total weight 200kg! What is it so sinking?"

"It's so heavy, can you call 'smart new products? Can you touch the' smart '?"

The often smile, it seems that the suspense is a harmonious.

"Okay, then I will arrive at this new mystery, please see a propaganda film we prepare for this smart new product."

After the frequent friend came, I went down, the light was dark, and the promo was started on the big screen.

Everyone is full of breath, and watch it carefully.

Everyone wants to know what this is a big substitute!

"Strong chest muscles."

"Strong Hand Muscle ..."

On the big screen, the prominent film that Meng Chang is looking for Lin Jiaqiang before.

In the picture, Lin Jiaqiang is wearing a loose sports vest, sweating on the smart fitness clothes hanger.

However, next second, he has given up his persistence and starting clothes on a smart fitness clothes hanger.

"The function is so rich in the smart fitness drying rack, what are you waiting for? Hurry and order it!"

Finally, Lin Jiaqiang stood next to the smart fitness dryer, rushed to the lens, thumbs up, and made a "praise" action.

This is a harmonious star, and it is matched with the unique machine of this model, so that the scene of the final scene has a look of the programs.

The frequent friends came to the stage again: "This is our gull science and technological craftsmanship, smart new products: intelligent fitness drying rack!"

"It solves the biggest pain of household fitness equipment in one fell swoop: it is not convenient to dry!"

"This device can not only fitness, but also to dry up to more than ten pieces of clothing, with automatic drying function and smart reminders, so that the fitness equipment in your home is no longer a display!"

Another introduction is an introduction, let the audience will laugh again.

"Hahahaha, what ghost, I said how it is so heavy, it turned out to be a fitness equipment!"

"Is artificial intelligence combined with fitness? Which ghost product is imagined!"

"I am wrong, I should not take this conference from the beginning, I'm looking at it. Although I remind my post conference in most, I have never thought of it. The existence of the whole conference is in the world! "

"Indeed, it is recommended that it will always receive a ticket. You are alive, talking about cross talks, enhancing the audience, but launches a product that is not intended to sell, do not earn our money free of tickets. This is really not going to go too much! "

"Indeed, it is recommended to collect ticket money after the suggestion, after all, I can design such a funny product, I can't sell it, this cost is quite high, and the ticket will be taken to return to the blood."

The audience on the spot is amused by this wonderful product.

Originally, it is only looking forward to the entire life of the language, and the product is still the same as the previous E1.

As a result, I didn't expect that the ever came to everyone, even the product is living!

What existence is there in this "smart fitness drying rack"?

It seems ... I didn't see it.

The only meaning, should it be a smile?

Have to say, this flower is a big price to develop, engage in samples, and finally open a conscience manufacturer of the conference free entertainment, it is really uncomfortable.

And do it, cherish it!

As for the product itself ...

To be honest, if you are other products, such as a mobile phone, or a sweeping robot, the price is high or the product is very hard, and you will definitely vomit.

Because everyone is clear, manufacturers are planning to sell, just do it.

But this intelligent fitness drying rack is different.

The manufacturer does this urine, and it seems that I have not planned to sell it!

Manufacturer's products have a little small slot, everyone will think that this is the manufacturer's ability; but if the product is full of slots, there is too much to spit too much, everyone will think that this is the manufacturer is living with everyone, and joking with everyone. I didn't plan to sell.

Since the manufacturer is not planned to sell, everyone will also have some flaws that may exist, or the problem of the price of this product, everyone naturally doesn't care, but all are in a lively Mentality, full onlookers.

Just like the outside stall, all things that you say, this is also good, the probability is not planned to buy it; only repeated picking has been picking up the wrong disease, is really going to pay money.

Seeing the response of the audience, the frequent friends could not help but helpless.

"How everyone is laughing."

"I am very seriously introduced this product, this is the project of our Gull Science and Technology with the same level of the G1 mobile phone!"

"Even this project is co-fuel, followed by the whole process of the project."

"This time we have prepared high-reaching 4,000 sets of stocks to the intelligent fitness drying rack. We are full of all the warehouses in Jingzhou!"

It is to know that the first batch of stocks in the E1 mobile phone will be 1,000, so that the press will be grabbed yet.

The intelligent fitness drying rack is a fitness equipment, accounting for the place, and the number of people buying, and the stocks of 10,000 are already a high-cost payment, enough to see attention.

However, always is not explained, and his explanation, the audience is more dependent on him.

"Hahaha often always keeps a laughter?"

"Still, have you seen the joked actor in the laughter? This is the basic skill, often professional."

"The items with G1? Do you participate in the whole process? Hahahahaha is good, I believe!"

"There is no ten years of brain overflow to design this kind of thing?"

"It is also possible that it is true. Is the automatic lift bar machine not still designated in accordance with the general idea? It also contains the philosophical idea of ​​the Poly."

"Lifting bar machine contains philosophical thinking is not fake, but what philosophical thinking is this drying rack? Remind us that our clothes will be dried?"

"Good guy, this stock There is a picture? What should I be p? This is more than one thousand Taiwan is afraid to sell a whole year, if the real stock is 10,000, I highly suspected that Ottoe8 mobile phone Can you sell ... "

The scene has been filled in a joyful ocean, and the evergaining friends can not continue to carry out the next link.

He introduced the basic function of the intelligent fitness drying hanger, including the training mode it can do, and how easy it is to dry clothes.

In addition, it also introduces it to be equipped with aeeis. It will be calmfullyronized by Aeeis when it is not fit; referring to the anti-wind logistics will provide delivery on-site service, warranty service, and a year's bag moving service.

But this seems to be more comfortable, this is a "living product", the more content, everyone feels the fake.

Finally, often introduce: "In addition, the Ocean game also created a mobile game for the intelligent fitness drying rack, this game is still in the final stage of research, the fastest next week can be used next week. meet!"

PPT is turned to the last page.

"Next Tuesday, that is, on May 15th, we will usher in Tengda's '515 Game Festival', massive discounts and benefits feedback waiting for you! Detailed rules, please announce on May 15th, so stay tuned! "

"Okay, the above is the whole content of this conference, once again expressed your heartfelt thanks!"

"Please check out in order, you can receive a free small gift at the entrance."

"If you are interested in the intelligent fitness clothes hangers, you can log in to the Gulli Technology official website or Tenda official mall, and the staff of the anti-wind logistics will be delivered to you in the first time!"

When you look at the watch, the time is still just right, it is very perfect.

Although the press conference has been spread, everyone's discussion is not over.

Most people's discussions are concentrated on the "smart fitness drying rack" this wonderful product, and some people's discussion is to focus on the two points mentioned in the last mentioned meeting.

"It is often said that the Ocean game also developed a game for this equipment? Really fake? Is this a spoofing, or there is a matter?"

"I think it is a joke. This is designed and has been lost. How much loss is produced, if you give it a game, it is not a loss? Who will do this stupid?"

"But today is not April Fool's Day, and I am always always like people who deceive the audience."

"Said to do it, maybe you just create a folder? Some vendors will take this to do the head, the conference saying it is good, and the result will only be seen after a few months."

"It may also be a particularly simple little game, and it is not worth not worth mentioning at the conference. If it is a large game, it must spend a lot of space introduction. Now just don't mention, even Zhang map is not, Isn't it enough to explain the problem? "

"This '515 game" is quite interesting, is there any relationship with' 1024 digital sections? "

"It is just to change your computer recently, can you come to a ROF installed upgrade?"

"I don't know, wait until the morning will pay attention to it, with my experience, all by the summary is called 'XX Festival', the general preferential strength is very large, I can look forward to it!"


At the same time, Yan Qian also finished the conference on TV in the TV, and it was slightly nervous to pay attention to sales data of the intelligent fitness drying rack product details page.

Ten minutes have passed.

Half an hour passed.

Over the past!

, ................. 10

Yu Qian couldn't help but get great, I grew up.


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