Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1041 Movie Secret Key Two months!

After the exercise, Qiao Liang took a while and took some water to supplement the water, and eat two chocolates.

The physical strength is fast, but it is fast.

Because he played the basic version of "Fitness Big Battle", the above movements are some in the yoga mat, relatively simple movements, and the amount of exercise arranged in the game is not big.

If you use strength training, you can do our best, there may be no more than a matter today, and even in the next three days will be painful.

But just these basic training, physical recovery is still faster.

If you follow the character of Qiao Liang usa, today's confusion, you will definitely, don't worry if you practice, as long as you practice, you will have a lot of time, basically give up, or even in the next few days I don't want to practice again.

In fact, this amount of exercise is completely insufficient, and it is not enough to lose weight and shaping.

But today, Qiao Liang is a bit awesome.

Mainly "Fitness Battle" game combines how a wonderful chemical reaction is combined with intelligent fitness drying racks? He is very curious.

In the brain, I feel that the experience is definitely more than one grade higher than this basis.

This curious psychology makes the heart of Joe seem to have ants to climb, completely pressing this impulse.

So he made a move that made himself shocked.

He decided to go out immediately, went to a nearby hosted gym, and experience what it feels in the intelligent fitness drying rack!

If it is really effective, he does not mind ordering one, putting it at home at home.

"I haven't opened a lot for a long time, I have already pigeons for a week."

"Do you want to broadcast it today?"

As a senior pigeon essence, Joe Liang's stability is like a big aunt, but the shame is not allowed to appear.

Just this is also a good live theme, so Qiao Liang is ready to go out, open the live broadcast of the rabbit, ready to live this experience to the fans this experience smart fitness clothes hanger!


At the same time, Yu Qian has just come to the company, ready to start a day, oh, it is a long time.

It is already 3 o'clock in the afternoon, more strictly, and today's remaining working hours are more than two hours.

No way, I am too busy.

There are so many things in life, and it is more important than to come to the company.

At the first thing to go to work, first open the sales page of the smart fitness drying hanger to see the sales.

Well, although the number has changed, but it is more bumless, and the stocks of the backlog in the warehouse still don't know the Monkey Moon.

The situation is good!

It seems that the intelligent fitness drying rack can be rest assured in the short term.

After a little put down, He Qian branched a cup of tea, while drinking tea, there is a situation in other industries.

Nowadays, the industry's industry is a bit too much. In the eyes of the outside, the total will be clarified, and the situation of all industries is clear, but only the balance knows, he often leaked some industries, but also The architectural map of the company can remember clearly.

Suddenly, Yu Qian thought of a thing.

"Mission and Choice" movie ... Is it already referred to? "

The release date of the "Mission and Choice" movie is on April 14, the first round of the general film is one month, that is, on May 14, the movie will be reflected.

And now, it has been May 16.

From May 1, the "Rage Marine Battle War", which was hoped by Zi, was encountered after the box office Waterloo, and Yan Qian did not pay attention to the "mission and choice" movie.

He directly shielded the dog's eye app and the push news of various movie app, and the entertainment and film and television sectors of various news clients. In short, we want to do every way to receive any news about "mission and choice" movies.

Although the plan to lose money through "mission and choice" is completely failed, but life is still going to continue.

After all, there is still a period of time, and then struggle to struggle, or save it.

His practice has also actually played a good effect.

Modern society seems to be very developed, but it actually has a strong "information " effect.

That is, the information on the Internet is much, but it is because there are too many information, the channels of obtaining information are too many yuan, so people tend to only pay only some part of their own, and the information acquired between different people has a huge difference. Many people think that their messages are, but they can actually become isolated with the world.

In this environment, just spend a little more effort, don't understand some information, then these things are equivalent to the same.

Now, Yu Qian feels almost the "information ", take a little, and recognize the reality.

Since the movie box office of "mission and choice" has been settled, it has not been used, and it is still not used earlier, and it is necessary to make a reality and prepare for hard work.

Yan Qian opened the dog's eye app, and I plan to see how much the final box office of "mission and choice".

However, just open the app, you will see a notification message on the home page.

"The mission and choice" schedule prolonged 2 months! "

This news directly gave Yan Qian, without any mental preparation, and slowly drifting three question marks on his head.


I did something wrong, I didn't log in to the dog's eye app for more than half month. I gave me such a news that flashed the dog!

Yan Qian is shocked and looks at.

"According to the news of the issuer, the recent popular movie" mission and choice "has extended the geographic period, which is extended from the original May 14 to July 14, will extend the introduction of 2 months, while the film is for all types of movies. The fare has also been adjusted. "

Here is a screenshot of an announcement.

The title of the announcement is the "Digital Video" Mission and Choice "Secret Key Extension and Notice of Adjusting the Minimum.

The content of the notice is very simple: "Mission and Choice" is prolonged for 2 months, and adjusts the minimum fare of the film, according to the difference between the city's different and the vast room, the fare has declined by 5 to 10 yuan.

The introduction to the basic situation of the movie is also behind.

"Mission and Choice" for the original sci-fi movie of the Human Studio of Tengda Group, telling the future of human beings and the insects of the insects and the amphibial war. The film has caused a warm response, and some people say that it is "Open the domestic science fiction movie" Gate ',' Opening the Heavy Industrialization Movie First River ', has a historical meaning of a milestone. "

"As of 16:10 on May 14, the" Mission and Choice "film was released for a month, and the box office has exceeded 1.5 billion major off, breaking the 110 million box office record for two years before the domestic film, and it is far ahead of this year. All movies that have been released, even more than a few Hollywood blockbusters in China. "

"The" Mission and Choice "is prolonged, obviously in line with the film, audience, hospital and industry, how many box rooms will be won by the end of this domestic excellent film? Welcome everyone to watch with the dog eye app!"

"On the dog eye app professional version, look at the movie box office in real time!"

At the end of this news, I don't forget to give my own app to make a propaganda.

But these contents, Qian is already caught up.

Now there is only two numbers left in his brain.

Delayed two months!

Book office is 1.5 billion!

When the "mission and choice" just released, Yu Qian also looked at the estimated box office every day. At the beginning, the dog's eye APP was previvable very conservative and 350 million, 400 million this number.

According to this estimate, this movie is properly lost, so that Yu Qian is still excited.

The results of the results are getting more and more important.

In the early stage of the movie, it was not good because there was no propaganda, but as a series of publicity strategies were hot and movie heat, the film box office of the film began to rise against the trend, and the dog's eye app also adjusted the estimate of the box office, all the way up 5 Billion is 800 million!

Many film reviews believe that the 800 million box office is already the level of this year's domestic film box office championship, even if there is a stronger black horse, "mission and choice" will also be a strong competitor of the domestic film championship champion.

This is enough to let Yan Qian are surprised.

Because the size of the domestic film market is so big, the 4 billion yuan of the box office champion is already a big explosion under the day, and it is still a long time for a long time.

After the domestic film, even if you get the annual box office champion, the top is more than about 6-8 billion, and many boxes that Hollywood can get more than 1 billion.

Result "Mission and Choice" directly from 1.5 billion boxes directly? !

Not only broke the domestic film box office record, but also crushed a lot of Hollywood blockbusters, but also postpone the secret key for two months?

The 1.5 billion box office, according to the three% of the division, the income of the flying yellow studio is at least 500 million.

The game and movies of "mission and choice" have been added together, and it takes less than 600 million.

As early as the first week, the sales volume of "mission and choice" has reached 800,000 sets, and the pure income is more than 80 million ...

These two numbers have been added, and the cost is all received back, and each of the following money is pure!

More terrible is that in the analysis of "mission and choice" in the dog eye app information channel, Yu Qian saw an analysis of the final booking income.

It is obviously an industry in the article. He analyzed through all kinds of clues and finally got a terrible conclusion.

The proportion of the flying yellow studio obtained in the final booking box office is very likely to be significantly higher than the other movie producers!

Because "mission and choice" are different from other movies, the cost of declaration can basically ignore!

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