Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1054 Tengda also implicit probability?

"Lao Qiao, you special ..."

After reading the last paragraph, Yu Qian almost came back.

Let's take a look, do you look at it? Is this a man?

Your scientific game lottery rules, exposes the insider insider, these I can't manage.

But don't put your black pot to my head!

Especially the sentence of Qiao Liang, "I really stand out to reveal this is the total", I am called a clean.

At that time, even if the influence of this video is great, everyone will feel that the truth is the real exposure, and Joe is just a video author that happens to interpret the video.

Isn't this a matter of doing things!

In fact, Yu Qian did not think so much, he saw the head of the company and Longyu Group's sweepstakes, but also enviable.

As for the "fitness big battle", you can refund, but just to let players refund, less spend money.

As a result, I was missed by Qiao Liang!

According to this session, according to the previous experience, it is now clear that it is not used at all, because the players have been confused by Qiao Liang, the heat of this topic is rapidly warming.

Even explaining, the players will not be believed at all!

After all, it is more reasonable and more convincing than the reason for "simple to lose money".

This is the most uncomfortable place: no matter what you do, it seems that Qiao Liang always gives a reason why the players can believe more than his original motivation ...

The heat of this video is getting higher and higher, and Yan Qian feels unique.

Because the public opinion between the two sides has changed in the subtlety.

It has been that many people think that the header and Longyu Group's sweepstakes have been very conscience, and their impression has been greatly changed, and the previous unpleasant signs have gradually misseu.

But after reading this video, many people feel a bit wrong.

It is said that it is a lottery feedback player, but according to Qiao Niki, this kind of lottery is actually making money!

Many of the might have begun to act, and they have sunned.

The probability is a very difficult thing, because only the data is large enough, the calculated probability will be infinitely close to the real probability. If the sample is not big enough, then the probability is naturally not allowed.

It is precisely because it is difficult to confirm, so many gamers have a small action in a righteousness.

But this fingerprint and Longyu Group's lottery activities are very big, and there are many local times, so when the might experiences come out of their lottery records, there will be some reference value.

The most important thing is that many people are staring at the last home of the car.

Qiao Ni wet has been judged in the video: according to the lottery rules, this car must not be drawn to ordinary players, and will definitely set the consumer threshold, and it is possible to obtain it after recharge to a certain extent.

If the final result is like Qiao's old wet prediction, then it can prove that the draw is indeed false probability, there are some rules that have not been written, hiding in the code.

Although these are many persecisions that have become hidden, they can be clamped.

This lottery is indeed conscience than a lot of lottery, and even after the video of Joe Liang, the lucky prize will continue to draw, it is impossible to meet the effect of all people.

But the key is to go online!

There were many people before, because this sweepstakes were misfortune, I felt that the header and Longyu Group's sweepstakes were more conscience than Tengda, but this video revealed a fact: this lottery only looked conscience, actually followed Tengda Sincerity, still can't be better!

So, the hotspot on the network, and then tilted it once again.

Including "Fitness Big Battle", the discussion of the automatic intelligent lifting bar and 515 games, once again occupying the upper wind.

Those who originally want to participate in the lottery, fishing a few headphones or keyboards, after reading this video, many people have canceled their thoughts.

It takes a lot of money to make a lot of money in order to be ignorant, the expected value is negative, it is better to buy a smart fitness drying rack, go to "fitness big fight", or participate in the activities of the 515 game festival.

At least there is sincerity!


Looking at the wind direction on the Internet becomes more and more uns, Yu Qian is simply sad.

Is this not a matter?

Originally, how did you suddenly come out!

It's even more unmoid that the intelligent fitness drying rack and "fitness big fight" are incomplete, players' interest seem to grow rapidly.

Qiao Liang is not the first anchor to introduce the anchor of the intelligent fitness drying rack. This stuff seems to have a tide, a lot of anchors, UP is experienced!

The sales of intelligent fitness drying hangers also have a rapid rise.

Even if I want to sell slowly, it is not good, because there is too much inventory, the anti-wind logistics is all automatically shipped, and I can't insert it at all.

This weekend has passed, and the situation is very likely to change ...

Yu Qian can't sit.

"No, you have something to do."

"Now all sectors have off work, I want to have a new burning activity, definitely, I can't come."

"Is there any place that I can do directly ..."



He immediately opened the background of the 515 game event, and then used its own highest authority to modify the value of several reward entries.

The activities of the 515 game festival are divided into many parts, such as random rewards, vents, randomly packaged gift packages, buy games random free, online for a certain time to get random red envelope rebate, etc.

And some of this reward is also a probability.

This is, for example, random free, the probability is 5%, that is, there may be a free order every 20 orders.

Yan Qie thought that I didn't double the similar probability.

The probability of original free single is 5%, it is changed to 10%, and the probability of all grades of rare props, rare skin and red envelopes are also improved.

Because as long as you change a few numbers, you don't need the staff of the relevant departments, you can do it well.

After the finish, Yan Qian is slightly practical.

Give more money, I hope that the funds of Tengda can be burn as soon as possible, thank you!

And the probability This thing is difficult to verify the players, even if it is changed, it will not be discovered, enough low-key, and the risk is naturally reduced.

In short, do your behalf!

The weekend is the active peak period of players. After these probability, the money sent out of the 515 game will definitely grow significantly.

If you are optimistic, there is still hope to put money!

Yan Qian no longer thinks more, decided to wait until the company to find the situation on Monday, do planning again.



May 21, Monday.

Yan Qian looked over the mobile phone, and he worriedly came to the company.

He is looking at the sales record of the intelligent fitness drying rack.

Obviously, in the weekend, the sales of intelligent fitness drying hangers have skyrocket!

The income of "Fitness Big Battle" is also not to be underestimated.

The intelligent fitness drying rack itself has a high topic. After matching "fitness battle", many players have already recognized its fitness effect, plus a lot of an anchor and UP master's promotion, sales can be said to be a festival Festival climb!

It was originally a large amount of money as a stock, but with the rapid sales of the intelligent fitness drying rack and the income of "fitness big battle", naturally quickly returned.

This is obviously a very bad news.

Just don't know the 515 game after the probability, can you change this part of the money?

Two employees saw that the summary came over, could not help but

"There is always the face of today's face."

"You still don't know? The online trainee news is crazy, saying that our company's cash flow may have a small problem."

"Ah? Cash flow out how it is a small problem, it is definitely a big problem! By can't get a crisis! Our company is not always working very well, the game is all making money, how can this case ? "

"Many, but the overhead is also big! You think about," mission and choice "The movie secret key has latency has not got a return, so many projects have to spend money, plus 515 games So many benefits ... "

"Which news is passed? Is it accurate?"

"This is a commercial confidential, how can it be accurate. But see the total expression, most of them are eight or nine, and have you noticed that Xin Assistant recently goes to the general office special time? Obviously there is very important thing Of course, it may not be as serious as we think, with the total face, and the fund will be not difficult, but it is estimated that it is not so easy. "

"That ... what can we do?"

"What can I do in addition to careful work?"

"If we don't reduce a little overhead, I have always been to come to the company to eat and drink, and drink coffee is also a snack. Our company's snacks are expensive, even chocolate is the highest, every day by me. It is estimated that there is a hundred dollars. I decided, I didn't eat snacks in the company in the future. I will not take a car in the future. I will take the bus! "

"Well, it's right, although these don't have much money, but there are few more, the set of shakes, it is a little bit of our mind. I will not drink coffee in the future, drink white boiling water, advocate healthy life!"

"Do people know other sectors?"

"You know, I have seen a few internal groups in discussing. The key is that this thing is quite high, Ning is untrustworthy."

"The company is like this.

After two people gave a head, they continued to work hard.

In the office, I didn't just sit down, and Xin Xi will knock on the door.

"The probability of the 515 game event ... Is it you changed?"

Yan Qian nodded: "Well, I found this probability to be low, not enough, so change. What is our funding?"

Xin, a reply: "I can't hold it, but this weekend, the sales of intelligent fitness drying hangers suddenly go up," Fitness Big Battle "rechargeable income will also arrive, this money, funds The situation has a lot of relief! "

"But ... 515 The activity of the game has changed the probability, so that our original estimated overhead has skyrocketed more than 30%."

"In this case, our current capital has strongly supported the 515 game festival, but after, I am afraid there is no longer a new activity."

"Of course, you have also reached the purpose of the probability. Now there is a player discovered the probability of change, plus the previous draw events, and the wind direction on the Internet has completely forth to our side."

Ju Qian's mood is like a roller coaster, with the reminder of Xin Assistant.

I heard the 515 game's opening has skyrocketed by more than 30%, and Yan Qian is very happy, but he heard the last paragraph, and the face of Yan Qian has collapsed.

What the hell?

Has been discovered by the players?

And the wind direction has been completely reversed us?

Do you want these players, do you want to be so keen! The probability of reforming on the weekend, this is only discovered one or two days?

Yu Qian originally thought that these players did not necessarily discover until the end of the 515 game.

He sighed slightly.

Forget it, I found it, anyging money is already spent out, the heat and reputation manufactured and the word of mouth is harmful to yourself in the long run, but it is not so much.

In short, the fund is finally spent, and can I sell the building now?

I bought so many buildings before, I actually made helplessness for quick spending money. Although the Buy Building can spend fast, it will also account for the amount of system capital, affect the amount of the last loss.

Solding a building will continue to burn money, and the obstacles when the settlement will also be less.

Yan Qian said: "You go a little about a little wind, find the buyer, see which building is suitable."

"The 515 game, we may continue to burn money, we must ensure that the hand is sufficient."

"The villa of the unknown restaurant is definitely not sold. It is best to sell the lazy apartment that has not been sold in the near future. Of course, the lazy apartment that has already been occupied, without affecting the benefits of tenant Overall transfer can also be considered. "

"How to arrange it, do you look at it."

Xinyi nodded: "Good, I will always report to you."

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